Error Message Appendix
- Last updated
- Nov 9, 2023
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- Getting Started
- Installation Primer
- Quick Start Guide
- Key Concepts
- Step 1: Connect to Your Repository
- Step 2: Create or Reuse a Model
- Step 3: Create Your Collection(s)
- Step 4: Configure your Integration
- Step 5: Expand or Modify your Integration
- Configure your Hub to Hub Integration
- Troubleshooting
- Settings
- FAQs
- General
- Tasktop Joins Planview FAQ
- Deprecation of NTLM FAQ
- Does Hub need to be restarted when configuration changes are made?
- Does Hub support artifact deletion across repositories?
- Does Hub support the use of port forwarding/reverse proxies?
- How are users counted in Hub?
- How can I find User Guides for previous versions of Planview Hub?
- How can I learn what transforms are available?
- How does Hub's built-in person reconciliation algorithm work?
- How does Hub change detection work?
- How does Hub determine that a field in project 1 is the same field as in project 2?
- How does Hub handle field values with the same label?
- How does Hub scale to meet Enterprise needs?
- How does Planview ensure security of customer information?
- How do I automate internal workflows using Hub's public API?
- How do I ensure business continuity?
- If a conflict occurs on one mapped field on an artifact, do we synchronize the remaining fields that aren’t in conflict or does that one conflict block the rest of the fields from synchronizing?
- If Comment Flow (or Attachment Flow) is enabled, will only newly added comments (or attachments) sync over?
- If I click 'Process All Artifacts,' what exactly will process?
- What's Different in User Management Workflow with Keycloak Since Hub Version 24.4?
- What's the difference between Continuous Delivery and Long Term Support?
- What are Smart Fields?
- What are the differences between Time Interval and Cron Expression?
- What can I do to lessen the performance impact on my external repositories?
- What does "allow unmapped values to flow" mean for a single select or multi select field?
- What does 'back synchronization' mean?
- What does making a model field "required" mean?
- What does the Hub deployment process look like?
- What do the "special features" mean?
- What is a Concurrency Limit? How does it differ from the Integration Maximum Concurrency Limit?
- What is Planview Hub's underlying architecture?
- What is the difference between 'Process All Artifacts' and 'Initiate Synchronization'?
- When will Planview add or remove support for a repository version?
- Where can I learn about specific connectors like Jira, Jama, etc?
- Why shouldn't I change artifact type in my repository after an artifact has synchronized?
- Installation and Maintenance
- After upgrade, will my integrations automatically resume running?
- Does Planview Hub support Docker? (need to update)
- How can I improve REST API traffic to a repository by using a load balancer?
- How can I increase Hub's session time-out?
- How can I override the default socket timeout for my operational database?
- How can I run Hub on port 443 (the standard SSL port) when I don’t have super user (root) permissions?
- How do I configure Entra managed accounts with Azure SQL in Hub?
- How do I configure Hub to Hub client access?
- How do I configure Hub to use HTTPS?
- How do I configure the max days I'd like to keep Hub log files?
- How do I configure the PlanviewLinkBridgeUser role?
- How do I configure which port Hub uses?
- How do I import my license key into Hub?
- How do I migrate my Hub configuration between databases?
- How do I migrate my operational database from MySQL to PostgreSQL?
- How do I move my Hub Instance to a new server?
- How do I only keep the last two weeks of Tomcat logs?
- How do I prevent vulnerabilities in Windows OS?
- How do I set up Hub to run as a service on Linux?
- How do I upgrade Hub?
- If I forget my master password, how can I remove or change it?
- I’ve forgotten my password to the User Administration Console (Keycloak). How do I get back in?
- What is the Secure Password Storage Security Level and Master Password?
- What practices can I take to reduce "open redirect" security vulnerabilities?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.2?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.3?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.4?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 21.1?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 23.4?
- Where are the program files, configuration files, and logs for Hub located?
- Where is the context stored for Hub and Keycloak? How can I setup a “persistent volume claim” so that I don’t lose that context when either the Keycloak container or Hub container are restarted?
- Why am I unable to access Hub after bookmarking the login page?
- Troubleshooting
- How can I resolve a "too many files open" error?
- How can I resolve a 'certificate error' in my browser?
- How can I resolve a 'GC overhead limit exceeded (CCRRTT-30000E)' error?
- How do I change Hub's logging configuration?
- How do I troubleshoot in Hub?
- How often and in which interval does Hub retry errors?
- If I delete a previously synchronized artifact in one of my repositories and do not want it to be recreated, is there any way to 'blacklist' it in Hub?
- Log reads “Failed to acquire database lease. The database is in use by another instance of Hub.” What has happened?
- My log files are too big! How can I compress them to save space?
- Where can I find details on errors in Hub?
- Where can I find Hub logs?
- Why am I seeing errors for artifacts that don't even meet my artifact filtering criteria?
- Why do I get a timezone error when creating a database connection?
- Enterprise Data Stream
- Gateway
- Hub on Cloud
- How can I connect Hub Cloud to an On-prem repository?
- How can I resolve certificate validation errors?
- How do I import a CA certificate into my Hub Cloud instance?
- I'm getting a 403 error when I try to log in to my Cloud instance. What should I do?
- Planview Hub Cloud Migration FAQ
- Planview Hub Cloud Security FAQ
- What are the feature differences between Hub Cloud and Hub On-prem?
- What is Hub Cloud's underlying architecture?
- When is my Cloud instance upgraded?
- Connectors
- Can I write information to the Jira sprint field?
- Do I need to perform additional steps for TFS upon upgrading?
- How can I reduce the number of projects shown for Clarity in Hub?
- How can I resolve an error stating, 'Received fatal alert: handshake_failure'?
- How do I create a repository connection to Atlassian Jira On Demand with SSO enabled?
- How do I resolve the 'Too many persons found' error upon integrating with a Jira cloud instance?
- If the PTC Windchill RVS server is localized (i.e., installed on a non-English locale OS), will related objects also need to be localized?
- I received the exception 'PKIX path building failed ... unable to find valid certification path to requested target' when connecting to Team Foundation Server. How do I fix it?
- Jira Epic/Parent Link FAQ
- Jira GDPR Changes
- What happens if the Timesheet Hours per Day field does not match the timesheet configuration?
- Why are there so many files in my temp directory when I use the connector?
- Why do I get authentication errors for ALM/QC when I've correctly entered my credentials?
- Why do I get the error message 'Error while parsing file … expecting Index' while integrating with IBM DOORS?
- Why do I see an error stating 'This method is no longer supported by the catalog service' when querying Visual Studio Online (VSO) or Azure DevOps Services?
- General
- Planview Hub Product Releases
- 25.2 Release Notes
- 25.1 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.2
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.3
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.4
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.5
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.6
- 24.4 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.9
- 24.3 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.9
- 24.2 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.11
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.12
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.13
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.14
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.9
- 24.1 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.1
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.11
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.12
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.13
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.14
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.15
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.16
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.9
- 23.4 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.10
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.11
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.14
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.15
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.16
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.17
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.18
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.19
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.2
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.20
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.21
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.3
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.4
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.5
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.6
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.7
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.8
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.9
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.1
- Tasktop Sync Product Releases
- Planview Hub Editions
- Supported Repository Versions
- Connector Documentation
- Aha!
- Apptio Targetprocess
- Aras Innovator
- Asana
- Atlassian Jira
- Atlassian Jira Align
- Blueprint
- BMC Helix ITSM
- Broadcom Clarity
- Broadcom Rally
- Cherwell Service Management
- codebeamer
- Agility
- Release
- Git
- GitHub Issues
- GitLab Issues
- IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Family
- IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next
- IBM Engineering Workflow Management
- IBM Rational ClearQuest
- Jama Connect
- Microsoft Azure DevOps Server
- Microsoft Project Server
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Micro Focus ALM Octane
- Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center
- Micro Focus Dimensions RM
- Micro Focus PPM
- Micro Focus Solutions Business Manager
- Mozilla Bugzilla
- Pivotal Tracker
- Planview AdaptiveWork
- Planview AgilePlace
- Planview Enterprise Architecture
- Planview Portfolios
- Planview PPM Pro
- Planview Universal Connector
- Polarion ALM
- PTC Windchill
- PTC Windchill RVS
- Salesforce
- ServiceNow
- SmartBear QAComplete
- Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server
- TestRail
- Trello
- Tricentis qTest
- Tricentis Tosca
- UiPath Test Manager
- WhiteHat Sentinel
- Zendesk
- Knowledge Resources
- Hub Videos
- Tasktop Customer Portal
The following is a complete list of error messages. Error messages are displayed on the Activity screen. More details on specific errors can be found under Troubleshooting and in our FAQ.
CCRRTT-0001E – An unexpected error occurred.
An unexpected error has occurred.
User Action
Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message.
CCRRTT-0002E – The maximum number of allowable errors has been reached.
The maximum number of allowable errors has been reached. Any errors encountered after the maximum number will be discarded.
User Action
- Open the errors page and resolve the listed errors
CCRRTT-0003E – The system has run out of memory.
The system has run out of memory. Services have been stopped.
User Action
- Increase the amount of memory available (see help docs).
- Restart Tasktop Hub.
CCRRTT-0005E – There is a conflicting artifact association.
The artifact association could not be imported as an existing artifact association conflicts with it.
User Action
Contact support for assistance.
CCRRTT-0006W – Upgrade data migration cancelled.
Data migration required to run an updated version of Tasktop Hub was cancelled due to a configuration change or because Tasktop Hub was shut down.
User Action
None, data migration will be resumed automatically.
CCRRTT-0006E – Migration cannot be completed as there are errors related to disabled repositories.
Migration cannot be completed as there are errors related to disabled repositories.
User Action
- Open the Activity page and delete all errors related to the specified repository, or
- Navigate to the Repositories page and enable the specified repository
CCRRTT-1000E – Unable to communicate with repository.
There was a network error when attempting to communicate with a repository.
User Action
- Check the network connection between Tasktop Hub and the repository.
- Try connecting again later.
If the problem persists, contact your network administrator.
CCRRTT-1002E – An unexpected connector error occurred.
An unexpected connector exception has occurred.
User Action
Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message.
CCRRTT-1003E – An error occurred while executing an operation.
An exception has occurred during the execution of a connector operation.
User Action
Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message.
CCRRTT-1004E – Connection to LDAP directory failed.
An unexpected error has occurred while attempting to establish a connection with an LDAP directory.
User Action
Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message.
CCRRTT-1005E – An unexpected error occurred while communicating with an LDAP directory.
An unexpected error has occurred while communicating with an LDAP directory.
User Action
Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message.
CCRRTT-1104W – Authentication state for repository connection has expired.
The authentication state for a repository connection has expired.
User Action
Typically, the authentication state for a repository connection expires on a periodic basis and authentication will be retried automatically. If the error persists, verify that the repository credentials for the associated repository are correct.
CCRRTT-1105E – The project configuration is invalid.
The project configuration is not valid. This problem is usually caused by a project and/or type being deleted or renamed in the repository, but can also be caused by other problems, such as a change in user permissions within the repository.
User Action
- Determine the cause of the problem from the specific error message
- Navigate to the referenced repository collection or artifact union
- Correct the problem on the repository and then click Refresh Projects, or
- Remove the referenced project from the repository collection or artifact union
- If a project has been renamed add the renamed project back
- Ensure all related routing, filtering, and mapping configurations are valid and up to date
CCRRTT-1107E – Connection could not be established with a repository due to a failure during authentication.
There was an unexpected error while attempting to authenticate with a repository.
User Action
Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message.
CCRRTT-1109E – Project configuration is outdated.
The project configuration is outdated.
User Action
- Identify the outdated project configured from the specific error message
- Remove the outdated project from the associated Repository Collection or Artifact Union
- Select Manage Projects and press the Refresh button
- Add the project back
CCRRTT-1110E – Repository collection project cannot be found.
The repository collection configuration is not valid. This problem is usually caused by a project and/or type being deleted or renamed in the repository, but can also be caused by other problems, such as a change in user permissions within the repository.
User Action
- Go to the affected repository collection configuration page
- If the project has been deleted, remove the referenced project from the repository collection
- If the project has been moved, click Manage Invalid Projects and select the projects replacement
- Ensure all related routing, filtering, and mapping configurations are valid and up to date
CCRRTT-1111E – Repository collection contains duplicate projects.
The high-level container (i.e. the type of container chosen when clicking Manage Projects on the Collections screen) has changed.
User Action
Before resolving this issue, please:
- Review and write down the current artifact routing configuration for any integrations utilizing this collection as these must be reconfigured once the issue is resolved.
- To ensure you understand the changes made to your collection, please navigate to the collection and review what is now selected under Manage Projects. No changes will need to be made on this screen.
Once this issue is resolved, your artifact routing will be removed from any relevant integrations, and need to be manually reconfigured.
CCRRTT-1112E – Artifact is locked.
The artifact is locked by another user or process.
User Action
See the specific error message for details on what artifact is locked. Ensure that no other user or process is currently using the artifact, and retry the operation.
CCRRTT-1113E – Connection could not be established with a repository due to an insecure connection.
The repository connection could not be established due to an insecure connection.
User Action
- Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message, or
- Navigate to the specific Repository and enable the setting for allowing insecure connections
CCRRTT-1114E – The artifact union configuration is invalid.
The artifact union configuration is invalid.
User Action
- Navigate to the artifact union configuration screen,
- Correct the invalid configuration according to the specific error message
CCRRTT-1115I – This message is to notify you that events processing for this repository may be delayed due to the repositorys event rate limit.
The events processing for this repository may be delayed because the repositorys event rate limit is set too low.
User Action
- Navigate to each integration utilizing this repository and update the change detection interval, or
- Navigate to the repository connection screen and update the event rate limit.
CCRRTT-1116E – Unable to create repository query.
The repository query could not be created.
User Action
- Verify that the query has not been renamed or deleted on the repository
- Ensure that the repository user has sufficient permissions to access the query
CCRRTT-1401E – Integration must specify at least one route.
An integration must contain at least one route.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration routing page
- Add at least one route
CCRRTT-1402E – Integration must satisfy style constraints.
An integration must satisfy the constraints of its style. This type of error should not happen when an integration is built using the UI.
See the detailed message for more details about the parts of the integration that are invalid.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration page
- Adjust the configuration to be valid (according to the messages)
- If this integration was created via the web UI, consider contacting support
CCRRTT-1403E – Integration must have all collections attached to the same model.
Collections used in an integration must all be attached to the same model.
User Action
- Determine which model the integration should be using
- Navigate to the integration and determine which collections are not using this model
- Either remove the identified collections from the integration, or
- For each identified collection, set the mapping to the correct model
CCRRTT-1404E – Collection must have a mapping to a model.
Repository Collections used in an integration must have a mapping to a model.
User Action
- Navigate to the collection
- Select a Model to create a mapping
CCRRTT-1405E – Integration must have a source Collection.
An integration must have a source collection.
User Action
- Navigate to the Integration
- Add a collection to be used as a source
CCRRTT-1406E – Integration must have a target Collection.
An integration must have a target collection.
User Action
- Navigate to the Integration
- Add a collection to be used as a source
CCRRTT-1408E – Integration failed to lookup artifact.
An integration failed to locate the artifact to be modified. This can be caused by:
- a missing formatted ID value on the source artifact,
- an invalid formatted ID value on the source artifact, or
- the absence of a target collection which contains an artifact matched by the formatted ID.
See the detailed message for more details about the parts of the lookup that failed.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration page
- Ensure the key field is configured correctly on the field flow page
- Ensure the data on the source artifact is correct
- Ensure a matching artifact is contained in a target collection
CCRRTT-1409E – Integration has invalid filter.
The filter used in the integration has become invalid.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration filter in error.
- Resolve each error that appears in the filter.
CCRRTT-1410E – Integration must specify a key identifier.
An integration must specify a key identifier for the given collections. Key identifiers are used to determine how to locate artifacts in a target collection. They do this by specifying the field on the source model that contains the target artifact formatted id.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration page
- Select the two collections missing a key identifier
- Navigate to the field flow page and configure a key identifier
CCRRTT-1411E – All specified routes of an integration must be configured.
All specified routes of an integration must be configured.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration routing page
- Configure all routes which require configuration
CCRRTT-1412E – Integration has a conditional route with invalid configuration.
The conditional routing configuration of the integration has become invalid.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration route in error.
- Resolve each error that appears in the routing configuration.
CCRRTT-1413E – Collection has invalid repository query.
The repository query used in the collection has become invalid.
User Action
- Navigate to the collection.
- Resolve the error by selecting a different repository query.
CCRRTT-1414I – Tasktop Hub is currently updating its operational data for this integration.
Tasktop Hub is currently updating its operational data for an integration.
User Action
- Wait for the data to be updated.
CCRRTT-1415E – The routing configuration is invalid.
The artifact routing for this integration is invalid because a route endpoint no longer exists, or cannot be routed to (i.e. a more specific route endpoint must be selected).
User Action
- Navigate to each collection participating in the integration to review what is now selected under 'Manage Projects.'
- Navigate to each integration and reconfigure the artifact routing. Once the routing is valid, this issue will clear.
CCRRTT-1416E – The twinless artifact update configuration is invalid.
The twinless artifact update for this integration is invalid.
User Action
- Navigate to the twinless update configuration for this integration.
- Resolve the error according to the specific error message.
CCRRTT-10004E – Enterprise Data Stream Integration must have exactly one target SQL Collection.
An Enterprise Data Stream Integration must reference a single SQL collection.
User Action
- Select a SQL Collection for the target of the Integration that is in error.
CCRRTT-10005E – Enterprise Data Stream Integration must have a source Collection.
An Enterprise Data Stream Integration must reference at least one Collection to be used as a source of artifacts.
User Action
Select a source Collection for the Integration that is in error.
CCRRTT-10006E – Enterprise Data Stream Integration target Collection must have appropriate mapping.
An Enterprise Data Stream Integrations data Collection must be mapped to a model. This corresponds to the model desired to be reported on.
User Action
Add mappings for the Collection used in the Enterprise Data Stream Integration.
- navigate to the Collection
- add a mapping to a model
CCRRTT-10007E – Enterprise Data Stream Integration source Collection must provide the correct model.
An Enterprise Data Stream Integration source Collection must be mapped to the same model as the target Collection.
User Action
Add relationship to the model for the source Collection used in the Enterprise Data Stream Integration
- navigate to the Integration
- identify the model of the target Collection
- navigate to the source Collection in error, and ensure that its model matches the model of the target Collection
- if the source collection is a Repository Collection, add a mapping to the corresponding model
- if the source collection is a Gateway Collection, ensure its model is set to the corresponding model
CCRRTT-10008E – Enterprise Data Stream Integration target Collection must have exactly one project.
An Enterprise Data Stream Integrations Collection must have exactly one project.
User Action
- Navigate to the Collection
- Ensure it has exactly one project which corresponds to the database table
CCRRTT-10009E – Enterprise Data Stream Integration is missing required column.
An Enterprise Data Stream SQL Collections underlying database table is missing a required column.
User Action
Add the required column to the underlying database table. See error message for missing column id.
CCRRTT-15002E – Integration services cannot be started due to a problem with the license.
Tasktop Hub integration services cannot be started due to a problem with the license. This problem can be caused by running the software without a license, using features that are not included in the installed license, or by having an invalid or expired license.
User Action
This problem can be resolved by installing a valid license using the following steps:
- Obtain a valid license by contacting the Tasktop Support Center
- Navigate to the settings page
- Press the Apply New License button under License
- Paste in the license text and press Save
CCRRTT-15005E – Repository cannot be used due to a problem with the license.
The repository connection cannot be used because connections to repositories of this type are not enabled by the license.
User Action
This problem can be resolved by installing a valid license using the following steps:
- Obtain a valid license by contacting the Tasktop Support Center
- Navigate to the settings page
- Press the Edit button under License
- Paste in the license text and press Save
CCRRTT-15012E – Conditional field flow is not licensed.
The integration cannot be used because conditional field flow configurations exist in this integration but are not enabled by the license.
User Action
Perform one of the following:
- Remove the conditional field flow from the integration
- Contact the Tasktop Support Center to obtain and install a license that includes the conditional field flow feature
CCRRTT-15013E – Artifact unions are not licensed.
The collection cannot be used because mappings using a field from an artifact union exist within this collection but are not enabled by the license.
User Action
Perform one of the following:
- Remove the mappings using a field from an artifact union from the collection
- Contact the Tasktop Support Center to obtain and install a license that includes the artifact union feature
CCRRTT-16001E – Services cannot be started until Tasktop Hub security has been initialized.
Tasktop Hub integration services cannot be started because secure password storage has not been configured and initialized.
User Action
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Specify the Master Password under Secure Password Storage
CCRRTT-16002W – The Tasktop Hub services restart is taking longer than expected.
The Tasktop Hub services restart is taking longer than expected.
User Action
- Wait for the Tasktop Hub services to restart and this issue will be removed automatically.
- If the Tasktop Hub services do not restart (this issue is still present) after 30 minutes, please contact the Tasktop Support Center for assistance:
- Do not restart Tasktop Hub without assistance from support
CCRRTT-17001E – Mapping cannot be applied since it is not valid within the current context.
The mapping cannot be applied since the mapping is not valid for the artifacts in the current context.
User Action
- Determine the source of the problem from the specific error message
- Either update the mapping to match the artifacts and model in use, or
- Update the corresponding artifact schema to match the mapping, for example by changing a field type
CCRRTT-17002E – Collection model mapping is invalid.
The collection model mapping is not valid due to inconsistencies between the collection schema, the model schema and the mapping.
User Action
- Determine the cause of the problem from the specific error message
- Navigate to the mapping
- Update the mapping to match the collection and model in use, or
- Update the corresponding collection artifact schema to match the mapping, for example by changing a field type, or
- Update the model to match the mapping, for example by adding a field, or changing a field type
CCRRTT-17003E – Artifact could not be created or updated because one or more values cannot be accepted.
An artifact could not be updated or created because one or more of its values are not valid. See the specific error message for details.
User Action
- Identify the fields and values that are in error from the specific error message
- Correct the source data, either by
- updating the source artifact, or
- by making changes to the mapping, or
- by making changes to the target system so that the provided data is valid, or
- by providing a new artifact via a Gateway Collection
CCRRTT-17004W – Artifact cannot be processed since it is currently in use.
Artifact cannot be processed since it is currently in use. This temporary problem occurs when Tasktop Hub attempts to process changes to an artifact concurrently.
User Action
This error will resolve itself automatically, no user action required.
CCRRTT-17005E – Field flow is invalid.
The field flow configuration is not valid due to inconsistencies between the the model schema and the field flow.
User Action
- Determine the cause of the problem from the specific error message
- Navigate to the integration
- Select the collection pair
- Navigate to the field flow
- Update the field flow to match the model in use, or
- Update the model to match the field flow, for example by adding a field
CCRRTT-17006E – Artifact was created but some values could not be set.
An artifact was created by an integration but some values on the artifact could not be set.
The resulting artifact has some field values that may not be correct.
User Action
- Determine the cause from the specific error message
- Either retry the corresponding activity, or
- Verify the state of the created artifact and manually adjust values as necessary
CCRRTT-17007E – Conflict resolution strategy is invalid.
The conflict resolution strategy configuration is invalid.
User Action
- From the integration, navigate to the conflict resolution strategy
- Select an option for the conflict resolution strategy
CCRRTT-17008E – Artifact could not be processed as it did not meet any of the configured conditions on the Conditional Artifact Routing page.
Artifact could not be processed as it did not meet any of the configured conditions on the Conditional Artifact Routing page.
User Action
- Update the conditions configured on the Conditional Artifact Routing page to ensure the artifacts field value is accounted for, or
- Update fields on the artifact to ensure that it meets the conditions set on the Conditional Artifact Routing page, or
- Update specification for handling artifacts not matched by conditions configured on the Conditional Artifact Routing page to Ignore or Default Route instead of Error.
CCRRTT-17009E – Invalid state transition.
An extension provided invalid values when attempting to transition an artifact.
User Action
- Identify the extension that produced invalid values
- Identify the fields and values that are in error from the specific error message
- Modify the extension to produce a valid transition
CCRRTT-17010E – Repeated state transition.
An extension attempted to transition an artifact with the same transition more than once.
User Action
- Identify the extension from the error message
- Modify the extension to avoid repeated transitions of the same type for an artifact
CCRRTT-17011E – Extension completed with an error.
An extension completed with an error. See the specific error message for details.
Extensions complete with errors for one of two reasons:
- the extension intentionally raised an error, for example to indicate that a business rule was not satisfied
- the extension itself has an error in its implementation
User Action
- Determine from the specific error message the cause of the error
- Either modify the extension to prevent the error from occurring, or
- Modify the source or target artifact to satisfy the condition that caused the error
CCRRTT-17013E – The state transition requires the selection of model fields.
A state transition extension is configured in a collection that has no model fields selected.
User Action
Either disable the state transition of the collection or select model fields for the state transition.
To select the fields for the state transition:
- navigate to the collection
- navigate to the collection state transitions via the Configure State Transition link
- add the model fields required by the state transition in "State Transition Fields"
To disable state transitions in the collection:
- navigate to the collection
- navigate to the collection state transitions via the Configure State Transition link
- select None for "State Transition"
CCRRTT-17014E – Relationship values could not be resolved during synchronization.
One or more relationship links could not be resolved as part of a synchronization.
This problem occurs when two artifacts that link to each other are synchronized out of order.
This commonly occurs when one artifact (A) links to another (B), but the linked-to artifact B has not yet been synchronized.
When the copy of artifact A (A') is created in the target repository, a link to a copy of B (B') cannot be created at that time since B' has not yet been created.
This problem usually resolves itself once B' is created; the link from A' to B' is created once B' becomes available.
User Action
- None; wait for the error to be resolved automatically, or
- Remove the unresolved link from the artifact being synchronized
CCRRTT-17015E – Relationship values could not be resolved during synchronization.
One or more relationship links could not be resolved as part of a synchronization.
This commonly occurs when one artifact (A) links to another (B), but the linked-to artifact B has more than one corresponding copy in the target repository. This can be caused by having separate synchronization integrations that cause B to be copied into the target repository.
User Action
- Remove the link from A to B, or
- Use the Artifact Pairs tab on the Activity page to delete any invalid or outdated associations involving B, or
- Remove any unnecessary synchronization integrations which can affect B
CCRRTT-17016E – An unexpected error occurred when creating the artifact.
An unexpected error occurred when creating the artifact. The artifact may or may not have been created.
User Action
- Do not retry the event without guidance from Tasktop Support,
- Contact the Tasktop Support Center for assistance: ""
CCRRTT-17017E – The repository does not support artifact creation.
The repository does not support artifact creation.
User Action
- Navigate to the corresponding integration,
- Disable artifact creation flow into the specified collection,
- Remove all routes flowing into the specified collection.
CCRRTT-17018E – Model does not have all fields required by the state transition.
A state transition extension is configured in a collection that requires fields that are not configured in the model.
User Action
Either remove the missing fields in the state transition configuration, or ensure that the model has the required fields.
To add the fields to the model:
- navigate to the model
- add the fields
To change the required fields of the state transition extension from the collection:
- navigate to the collection
- navigate to the collection state transitions via the Edit state transition link
- modify the list of model fields
CCRRTT-17019E – Target collection partition could not be resolved during synchronization.
The work item artifact could not be synchronized due to a missing or invalid route.
User Action
- Verify which container this artifact is in in the repository, and ensure that either that container or one of its ancestors has been configured as part of a mirrored container structure; or
- Ensure that a route has been created for the container in which this artifact originates in the work item integration; or
- Ensure that the target container has not been deleted. If it has, and if an error exists for it, re-create the container on the Errors screen. To ensure you see an error for the deleted container, make a change to the still-existing corresponding container in the other collection.
CCRRTT-17020E – Associated target container could not be resolved during synchronization.
The artifact could not be synchronized because the target container could not be found.
User Action
- No action needed, the synchronization should be fixed automatically when the containers synchronize.
CCRRTT-17021E – An error occurred when performing state transitions.
A transition was attempted on an artifact but an error resulted.
The artifact may be in an incorrect state.
User Action
Either address the cause from the specific error message, or disable/reconfigure the state transition of the collection.
- If the specific error message has a cause, verify the state of the target artifact and manually adjust values as necessary
To disable/reconfigure state transitions in the collection:
- navigate to the collection
- navigate to the collection state transitions via the Configure state transition link
- adjust the relevant state transitions
CCRRTT-17022E – The associated container could not be found.
The container associated with the parent container of this artifact could not be found.
User Action
- If the parent container is configured in a route, update the routing configuration to use an existing container
- If the parent container is synchronized by an integration, update the parent container to generate an event for the parent container, and use the Recreate Artifact action
CCRRTT-17023E – For the artifact pair import to succeed, the associated integration must be running.
For the artifact pair import to succeed, the associated integration must be running.
User Action
- Run the integration associated with the artifact pair file.
CCRRTT-17024E – An error occurred when processing the output of an extension.
An error occurred when processing the output of an extension. See the specific error message for details.
User Action
- Determine from the specific error message the cause of the error
- Either modify the extension to prevent the error from occurring, or
- Modify the source or target artifact to satisfy the condition that caused the error
CCRRTT-17025E – Field value configuration required.
Field value configuration required. The field type for a field in your integration has changed and its field values must be re-mapped.
User Action
- Navigate to the appropriate collection (linked above)
- Go to Field Mapping screen
- Click Configure next to any fields with a ! icon
- Map the field values and save
- Important: Remove this issue to re-enable the integration
CCRRTT-17026E – Comment flow is invalid.
The comment flow configuration is not valid. This can happen if a repositorys comment visibility support has changed.
User Action
- From the integration, navigate to the comment flow
- Configure the comment flow as desired
CCRRTT-17027E – The conditional field flow has an invalid condition.
The Conditional Field Flow configuration is not valid. This can happen if either a field or value is not resolvable in the model schema.
User Action
- From the integration, navigate to the Field Flow
- Configure the Conditional Field Flow so that all fields and values configured in the conditions are in the respective model used.
CCRRTT-17028E – Test step model mapping is invalid.
The test step model mapping is not valid due to inconsistencies between the test step schema, the test step model schema and the mapping.
User Action
- Determine the cause of the problem from the specific error message
- Navigate to the test step mapping
- Update the mapping to match the collection and model in use, or
- Update the corresponding test step schema to match the mapping, for example by changing a field type, or
- Update the test step model to match the mapping, for example by adding a field, or changing a field type
CCRRTT-17029E – Time entry model mapping is invalid.
The time entry model mapping is not valid due to inconsistencies between the time entry schema, the time entry model schema and the mapping.
User Action
- Determine the cause of the problem from the specific error message
- Navigate to the time entry mapping
- Update the mapping to match the collection and model in use, or
- Update the corresponding time entry schema to match the mapping, for example by changing a field type, or
- Update the time entry model to match the mapping, for example by adding a field, or changing a field type
CCRRTT-17030W – Configuration delta table is currently unavailable as it is being migrated.
Configuration delta table is unavailable as it is being migrated. This temporary problem may occur when a user attempts to access the list of configuration changes before the migration completes shortly after an upgrade.
User Action
The configuration delta table migration will complete as a background job, no user action required.
CCRRTT-17031E – Failed to transform imported configuration change.
Failed to transform imported configuration change into change applicable for this instance due to missing elements.
User Action
Create the required missing elements before re-importing the configuration change.
CCRRTT-20000E – No integration is listening to the Gateway Collection.
A Gateway Collection has been used, but the collection is not configured as a source in an integration. The payload has been lost.
User Action
- Use the Gateway Collection in an integration, or
- Stop pushing to the collection (from the external source)
CCRRTT-20004E – Relationship fields of a Gateway Collection must be configured to specify the related repository.
A Gateway Collection must configure the Relationship(s) fields to associate them with the repository having referenced artifacts.
User Action
- Navigate to the Gateway collection
- Locate the Relationship Field Configuration section in the UI
- For each field, select the repository that is associated with that relationship.
CCRRTT-20005E – Gateway collection must have a model.
A Gateway Collection must have a model configured.
User Action
- Navigate to the Gateway collection
- Select a model and save the changes
CCRRTT-20006E – Gateway Collection cannot be used with the configured payload transformation extension due to a restriction in the license.
A gateway collection has been configured with a payload transformation extension, which is not permitted by the current license.
User Action
Perform one of the following:
- Delete the offending gateway collection
- Remove the payload transformation extension from the offending gateway collection
CCRRTT-20007E – Gateway collection must use a token.
A Gateway Collection must use a token.
User Action
- Navigate to the Gateway collection
- Generate a token and save the changes
CCRRTT-21001E – An unexpected error occurred while sending an email.
An error occurred while attempting to send an email.
User Action
- Verify that the email settings are specified correctly in the settings
- Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message
CCRRTT-21002E – Failed to authenticate with the email server.
The mail server rejected the client connection because it was not able to authenticate.
User Action
- Verify that the email settings are specified correctly in the settings
- Double-check the email server hostname and port
- Double-check the email server credentials
- Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message
CCRRTT-22001E – Artifact Association records with unknown Artifact Handles found and deleted during upgrade.
During database upgrade, one or more associations were discovered to have an invalid reference. The records that reference nonexistent associated records were logged and deleted.
User Action
Do not cancel this error or run the associated integration without consulting Tasktop Support. (
CCRRTT-30000E – An unexpected error occurred.
An unexpected error has occurred. Check the specific error message for details.
User Action
Check the specific error message for details of the failure. If possible correct the problem described in the error message, or contact your administrator for assistance.
CCRRTT-30001E – Not found.
The entity was not found because the entity no longer exists on the server.
User Action
Ensure that the provided entity id is correct, and if not correct the id and try again.
CCRRTT-30002E – The data provided was not valid.
The data provided was not valid. See the specific error message for details.
User Action
Correct the problem described in the specific error message and try again.
CCRRTT-30003E – The connector kind was not found.
The connector kind was not found.
User Action
Ensure that the connector kind is specified correctly and try again.
CCRRTT-30004E – The request entity was not valid JSON.
The request entity was not valid JSON.
User Action
Ensure that the request payload is formatted as a valid JSON entity and try again.
CCRRTT-30005E – Secure password storage must be initialized.
Secure password storage has not been initialized.
User Action
Configure secure password storage via the settings page.
CCRRTT-30006E – Error communicating with {0} repository.
Error connecting to repository. See the specific error message for details.
User Action
Check the specific error message for details of the failure. If possible correct the problem described in the error message, or contact your administrator for assistance.
CCRRTT-30007E – Error processing request MIME attachment.
The request MIME attachment could not be accepted either due to a bad request or an I/O failure.
This problem can be caused by insufficient disk space or lack of write permissions in the Tasktop Hub application temporary directory.
User Action
- Verify that the temporary directory of the Tasktop Hub application is writable,
- The Tasktop Hub application must have write permissions to the directory
- The directory must have sufficient available space
- Try again
CCRRTT-30008E – Tasktop Hub is stopped, see the Activity View and error log for more details.
Tasktop Hub has been stopped due to unrecoverable errors. See error log for more details.
User Action
Correct the problem described in the specific error message and restart.
CCRRTT-30009E – The database is not available.
The configuration database is unavailable.
User Action
Ensure the configuration database is online and can be reached and ensure Tasktop Hubs database settings are correct.
CCRRTT-30010E – Connection settings are not valid.
The provided connection settings are not valid. See the specific error message for details.
User Action
Correct the problem described in the specific error message and try again.
CCRRTT-30011E – The database is locked for maintenance and cannot currently be used.
The configuration database is locked for maintenance and cannot be used.
User Action
Wait for the ongoing maintenance to complete.
CCRRTT-30012E – The database is in use by another instance of the application.
The Configuration database is in use by another instance of the application.
User Action
If this is the Tasktop Hub instance which should be running, then shut down any other instances of Tasktop Hub using the same database and restart this instance. Otherwise shut down this instance of Tasktop Hub.
CCRRTT-30013E – Temporary error communicating with {0} repository.
Temporary error connecting to repository. See the specific error message for details.
User Action
Retry your action. If the problem persists, contact your administrator for assistance.
CCRRTT-30014E – Error communicating with repository. Insecure connections are not allowed.
The repository connection could not be established due to an insecure connection.
User Action
- Attempt to resolve error according to the specific error message, or
- Navigate to the specific Repository and enable the setting for allowing insecure connections
- For Tasktop Hub Cloud, refer to the User Guide for more information on resolving this error.
CCRRTT-30015E – Deployment configuration error.
Configuration applicable to the current deployment is incomplete or invalid.
User Action
Contact Tasktop customer support.
CCRRTT-30016E – Unauthorized user error.
The current user is not authorized due to a restriction in the license.
User Action
Contact your Tasktop Hub administrator.
CCRRTT-30017E – The license is expired.
Tasktop integration services cannot be started because the current license has expired.
CCRRTT-30018E – No license has been configured.
Tasktop integration services cannot be started because the no license has been configured.
CCRRTT-30019E – The application is currently starting up.
The application is starting up and cannot be accessed at this time.
User Action
Wait for the application to finish starting up
CCRRTT-30020E – An error occurred when reading the database connection settings.
The connection settings for the operational database are inaccessible.
User Action
Ensure the tasktop-db.json file is correctly formatted and the Tasktop Hub user has permission to read it.
CCRRTT-30021E – The history page is not available before the necessary data migrations are complete.
The history page is not available before the necessary data migrations are complete.
User Action
Wait for the migrations to complete.
CCRRTT-30022W – Repository Connection disabled.
The repository connection will be disabled until it is manually enabled.
User Action
- Enable the repository connection manually on the Repository Connection page, or
- Leave the repository connection disabled and ignore this warning
CCRRTT-50001E – Unable to propagate artifact changes since the target artifact has been removed.
Changes to an artifact cannot be propagated to the corresponding artifact in the alternate repository of a synchronization integration since the target artifact has been removed.
User Action
- Use the Recreate Artifact action to have Tasktop Hub recreate the artifact that was deleted in the end system and associate it with the still-existing artifact in the other repository (putting them in sync with one another), or
- Delete the associated artifact, or
- Move the associated artifact out of its collection such that the artifact is no longer synchronized, or
- Apply an artifact filter to ensure updates to the artifact will not be synchronized. To do so, make sure the artifact does not meet the filter criteria specified and make sure to configure the filter to apply to artifact updates
CCRRTT-50002E – A conflict has occurred during synchronization.
A field conflict was detected when synchronizing artifacts. A field conflict occurs when the value of a field that is set to flow bidirectionally conflicts across your repositories.
The synchronization of these artifacts was halted with an error because a conflict resolution strategy of Error Upon Conflict was configured and the system was unable to propagate
the value from either artifact without overwriting a change from the other artifact.
User Action
- Change the conflict resolution strategy to have one of the repositories dominate in case of a conflict, or
- Manually change the conflicting value on at least one of the artifacts such that there is no longer a conflict, or
- Change the field flow of the affected field to be unidirectional (in which case a conflict is not possible)
CCRRTT-50005E – A conflict has occurred during synchronization.
A conflict was detected when synchronizing artifact containment. A conflict occurs when one or more containers of synchronized artifacts is changed for both artifacts.
User Action
- Change the container of one or both artifacts to its original value or
- Change the conflict resolution strategy to have one of the repositories dominate
CCRRTT-50006E – Unable to update artifact due to values for dependent single selects not found.
Unable to find a new value for an unchanged dependent field.
User Action
- From the error message find the field that the field in error depends on
- In the repository add a value with the same label as the one provided in the error message
- Change the field that the field in error depends on back to its original value
- Remove the mapping for the field that the field in error depends on
CCRRTT-50007E – Multiple matching containers were found.
Multiple matching containers were found when attempting to match containers.
User Action
- Disable container matching in the container mirroring configuration, or
- Rename the containers such that only one container matches, or
- Change the container matching configuration to choose the first matching container, or
- Change the container matching configuration to match containers differently
CCRRTT-50008E – This integration cannot be started because a required relationship cannot be resolved.
The integration cannot be started because a required Relationship field cannot be resolved.
User Action
- Create an integration to synchronize the artifacts referenced by the specified field, or
- Add a constant mapping to the specified field.
CCRRTT-50009E – Time Tracking integration model must have a field of type Time Entries.
Model used in a Time Tracking integration must have a field of type Time Entries.
User Action
- Navigate to the model
- Add a field of type Time Entries
- Create or select another model having a field of type Time Entries
- Ensure that each collection used in the integration is using the selected model
CCRRTT-50010E – Time Tracking integration Collection must have a field mapping to a field of type Time Entries in the Model.
Collections used in a Time Tracking integration must have a field mapped to the model Time Entries field.
User Action
- Navigate to the collection model mapping
- Add a field mapping to the model Time Entries field
CCRRTT-50011W – Time Tracking integration target Collection does not support impersonation of the Worker field.
The selected collection does not support worklog impersonation and so has limited use as the target in a Time Tracking integration.
The worklogs will be filed under the user of the target repository connection.
CCRRTT-50012E – Time Tracking integration Collection does not support time entry filtering.
Time entry filtering is configured for a collection pair but the source collection does not support it.
User Action
- Navigate to the integration
- Select the collection pair
- Navigate to Time Entry Filtering
- Disable the filter
CCRRTT-50013W – Artifact cannot be created currently as other artifact creations are being processed.
Artifact cannot be created currently as other potentially conflicting artifact creations are being processed. This temporary problem can occur when Tasktop Hub attempts to create artifacts on both sides of an integration concurrently.
User Action
This error will resolve itself automatically, no user action required.
CCRRTT-50014E – The test step flow configuration is invalid.
The test step flow configuration is invalid.
User Action
- Navigate to the test step flow configuration screen,
- Correct the invalid flow configuration according to the specific error message
CCRRTT-50015E – The routing configuration for this container + work item integration is invalid.
The artifact routing for this container + work item integration is invalid because one side of the integration has multiple container collections of the same type, and artifacts are flowing away from that side.
User Action
- Navigate to each integration and reconfigure the artifact routing. Once the routing is valid, this issue will clear.
- When multiple container collections of the same type exist, integrations can only routed toward that side of the integration.
- Ensure artifact flow is not bidirectional.
CCRRTT-50016E – Artifact could not be processed as it did not meet any of the configured conditions on the Shared Container Mirroring page.
Artifact could not be processed as it did not meet any of the configured conditions on the Shared Container Mirroring page.
User Action
- Update the conditions configured on the Shared Container Mirroring page to ensure the artifacts field value is accounted for, or
- Update fields on the artifact to ensure that it meets the conditions set on the Shared Container Mirroring page, or
- Update specification for handling artifacts not matched by conditions configured on the Shared Container Mirroring page to Ignore or Default Type instead of Error.
CCRRTT-50017E – The integration is missing required field mappings.
Container + Work Item integrations using Shared Container Mirroring conditions require the model field within the condition to be mapped within its associated collections.
User Action
- Navigate to the associated collections,
- Add a field mapping to and from the model field used within the Shared Container Mirroring conditions
CCRRTT-50018E – The artifact could not be processed as the artifact it depends on has not synchronized.
The artifact could not be processed as the artifact it depends on has not synchronized.
User Action
- Ensure that the artifact specified within the detailed error message is included in the integration,
- Wait for it to synchronize
CCRRTT-50019E – Container matching cannot be enabled when the parent field is mapped with an extension.
Container matching cannot be enabled when the parent field is mapped with an extension.
User Action
- Remove the extension from the parent field mapping within the related collections, or
- Disable container matching in the related integration
CCRRTT-50020E – Collections with multiple artifact types cannot be used in a Container + Work Item Synchronization.
Collections with multiple artifact types cannot be used in a Container + Work Item Synchronization.
User Action
- Use a different collection in the integration
- Remove unnecessary artifact types from the collection
CCRRTT-60001E – Error initializing password encryption.
Secure password storage requires 256-bit AES encryption which is not available in the Java runtime environment.
User Action
This problem can be resolved by installing the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files in the Java runtime environment. The download is available from including a README file with installation instructions.
Alternatively, the unencrypted level of the password store maybe used.
CCRRTT-61001E – Connector is missing requirements.
The connector requirements are not met.
User Action
Read the connector-specific error message to determine which requirements are unsatisfied.
To provide 3rd party components such as a library or SDK, follow the following steps:
- Navigate to the Repositories screen.
- Select the repository for which the requirements were unsatisfied.
- On the repository connection screen, provide the required files.
CCRRTT-61101E – Connection credentials were not accepted by the repository.
There was an authentication error while attempting to communicate with a repository.
User Action
- Verify that the credentials for the associated repository are correct in the settings.
If these steps do not resolve the error, ensure that the user has sufficient permissions in the target repository to create and edit artifacts.
CCRRTT-61102E – Connection HTTP proxy credentials were not accepted by the repository.
There was an authentication error with the proxy server while attempting to communicate with a repository.
User Action
- Verify that the proxy credentials for the associated repository are correct in the settings.
If these steps do not resolve the error, contact your network administrator for assistance.
CCRRTT-61103E – Connection settings are invalid.
The connection settings are invalid.
User Action
- Open the connection settings page for the repository that is in error.
- Update the connections settings to valid values.
If these steps do not resolve the error, contact support for additional assistance.
CCRRTT-61104E – Tasktop Hub is unable to communicate with this repository as it is experiencing high server load.
Tasktop Hub is unable to communicate with this repository as it is experiencing high server load. This problem is usually caused by exceeding the number of API calls a repository can receive or otherwise placing a high load on the repository.
User Action
This error will resolve itself automatically when the repository is no longer experiencing high server load. You can also set an event rate limit on the repository connection screen in Tasktop Hub to limit the number of Tasktop Hub events processed for this repository per minute.
CCRRTT-61105I – This message is to notify you that Tasktop Hub has exceeded the allowed rate limit of the target repository. Any events that did not get processed will automatically be retried and processed upon subsequent attempts.
This message is to notify you that Tasktop Hub has exceeded the allowed rate limit of the target repository. Any events that did not get processed will automatically be retried and processed upon subsequent attempts.
User Action
CCRRTT-61106E – Repository Connection disabled.
The repository connection will be disabled until it is manually enabled.
User Action
- Enable the repository connection manually on the Repository Connection page, or
- Leave the repository connection disabled and ignore this warning
CCRRTT-63001E – Integration services cannot be started since the current license has expired.
Tasktop Hub integration services cannot be started because the current license has expired.
User Action
This problem can be resolved by installing a valid license using the following steps:
- Obtain a valid license by contacting the Tasktop Support Center
- Navigate to the settings page
- Press the Apply New License button under License
- Paste in the license text and press Save
CCRRTT-64001E – Integration cannot be used with the configured repositories due to a restriction in the license.
An integration cannot be run because it is configured with repository pairs which are invalid under the current license restrictions.
User Action
Perform one of the following:
- Delete the offending integration
- Disable the offending integration
- Update the offending integration to use repository pairs allowed under the current license restrictions
CCRRTT-65001E – Extension cannot be used because of a restriction in the license.
A value transformation extension is present which is not permitted by the current license.
User Action
Perform one of the following:
- Provide a license that includes extensions of this type, or
- Remove extension by navigating to the the Settings -> Extensions page
CCRRTT-66001I – Tasktop Hub is currently updating its operational data with a collection’s project replacements.
Tasktop Hub is currently updating its operational data with a collections project replacements.
User Action
- Wait for collection update to complete.
CCRRTT-66002I – Tasktop Hub is currently updating its operational data with a collection’s project replacements.
Tasktop Hub is currently updating its operational data with a collections project replacements.
User Action
- Wait for collection update to complete.
CCRRTT-66003W – Integration data migration is currently in progress.
A background job is currently in progress.
User Action
Wait for the background job to complete.
CCRRTT-66004W – Background job cancelled.
A background job was cancelled due to a configuration change or because Tasktop Hub was shut down.
User Action
None, the job will be resumed automatically.
CCRRTT-67000E – Target repository must contain valid containers for this integration.
Could not find a container where the target artifact could be created.
User Action
- Identify the target repository where the container could not be located for the target artifact from the specific error message.
- Ensure a container that satisfies the following constraints is created in the target repository:
- Is able to contain the target artifact.
- Is a sibling of the container of the referenced artifact.
CCRRTT-67001E – A field mapping must exist from a model String or Rich Text field to a target Relationship or Relationships field.
A field mapping must exist from a String or Rich Text field in the model to a Relationship or Relationships field in the target collection. Such a mapping is required to determine where to flow any commit artifacts processed by this integration.
User Action
- Configure a field mapping from your model Commit Message field to a Relationship or Relationships field in the target collection.