- Last updated
- Aug 7, 2024
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- Getting Started
- Installation Primer
- Quick Start Guide
- Key Concepts
- Step 1: Connect to Your Repository
- Step 2: Create or Reuse a Model
- Step 3: Create Your Collection(s)
- Step 4: Configure your Integration
- Step 5: Expand or Modify your Integration
- Configure your Hub to Hub Integration
- Troubleshooting
- Settings
- FAQs
- General
- Tasktop Joins Planview FAQ
- Deprecation of NTLM FAQ
- Does Hub need to be restarted when configuration changes are made?
- Does Hub support artifact deletion across repositories?
- Does Hub support the use of port forwarding/reverse proxies?
- How are users counted in Hub?
- How can I find User Guides for previous versions of Planview Hub?
- How can I learn what transforms are available?
- How does Hub's built-in person reconciliation algorithm work?
- How does Hub change detection work?
- How does Hub determine that a field in project 1 is the same field as in project 2?
- How does Hub handle field values with the same label?
- How does Hub scale to meet Enterprise needs?
- How does Planview ensure security of customer information?
- How do I automate internal workflows using Hub's public API?
- How do I ensure business continuity?
- If a conflict occurs on one mapped field on an artifact, do we synchronize the remaining fields that aren’t in conflict or does that one conflict block the rest of the fields from synchronizing?
- If Comment Flow (or Attachment Flow) is enabled, will only newly added comments (or attachments) sync over?
- If I click 'Process All Artifacts,' what exactly will process?
- What's Different in User Management Workflow with Keycloak Since Hub Version 24.4?
- What's the difference between Continuous Delivery and Long Term Support?
- What are Smart Fields?
- What are the differences between Time Interval and Cron Expression?
- What can I do to lessen the performance impact on my external repositories?
- What does "allow unmapped values to flow" mean for a single select or multi select field?
- What does 'back synchronization' mean?
- What does making a model field "required" mean?
- What does the Hub deployment process look like?
- What do the "special features" mean?
- What is a Concurrency Limit? How does it differ from the Integration Maximum Concurrency Limit?
- What is Planview Hub's underlying architecture?
- What is the difference between 'Process All Artifacts' and 'Initiate Synchronization'?
- When will Planview add or remove support for a repository version?
- Where can I learn about specific connectors like Jira, Jama, etc?
- Why shouldn't I change artifact type in my repository after an artifact has synchronized?
- Installation and Maintenance
- After upgrade, will my integrations automatically resume running?
- Does Planview Hub support Docker? (need to update)
- How can I improve REST API traffic to a repository by using a load balancer?
- How can I increase Hub's session time-out?
- How can I override the default socket timeout for my operational database?
- How can I run Hub on port 443 (the standard SSL port) when I don’t have super user (root) permissions?
- How do I configure Entra managed accounts with Azure SQL in Hub?
- How do I configure Hub to Hub client access?
- How do I configure Hub to use HTTPS?
- How do I configure the max days I'd like to keep Hub log files?
- How do I configure the PlanviewLinkBridgeUser role?
- How do I configure which port Hub uses?
- How do I import my license key into Hub?
- How do I migrate my Hub configuration between databases?
- How do I migrate my operational database from MySQL to PostgreSQL?
- How do I move my Hub Instance to a new server?
- How do I only keep the last two weeks of Tomcat logs?
- How do I prevent vulnerabilities in Windows OS?
- How do I set up Hub to run as a service on Linux?
- How do I upgrade Hub?
- If I forget my master password, how can I remove or change it?
- I’ve forgotten my password to the User Administration Console (Keycloak). How do I get back in?
- What is the Secure Password Storage Security Level and Master Password?
- What practices can I take to reduce "open redirect" security vulnerabilities?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.2?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.3?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 19.4?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 21.1?
- What should I be aware of when upgrading to 23.4?
- Where are the program files, configuration files, and logs for Hub located?
- Where is the context stored for Hub and Keycloak? How can I setup a “persistent volume claim” so that I don’t lose that context when either the Keycloak container or Hub container are restarted?
- Why am I unable to access Hub after bookmarking the login page?
- Troubleshooting
- How can I resolve a "too many files open" error?
- How can I resolve a 'certificate error' in my browser?
- How can I resolve a 'GC overhead limit exceeded (CCRRTT-30000E)' error?
- How do I change Hub's logging configuration?
- How do I troubleshoot in Hub?
- How often and in which interval does Hub retry errors?
- If I delete a previously synchronized artifact in one of my repositories and do not want it to be recreated, is there any way to 'blacklist' it in Hub?
- Log reads “Failed to acquire database lease. The database is in use by another instance of Hub.” What has happened?
- My log files are too big! How can I compress them to save space?
- Where can I find details on errors in Hub?
- Where can I find Hub logs?
- Why am I seeing errors for artifacts that don't even meet my artifact filtering criteria?
- Why do I get a timezone error when creating a database connection?
- Enterprise Data Stream
- Gateway
- Hub on Cloud
- How can I connect Hub Cloud to an On-prem repository?
- How can I resolve certificate validation errors?
- How do I import a CA certificate into my Hub Cloud instance?
- I'm getting a 403 error when I try to log in to my Cloud instance. What should I do?
- Planview Hub Cloud Migration FAQ
- Planview Hub Cloud Security FAQ
- What are the feature differences between Hub Cloud and Hub On-prem?
- What is Hub Cloud's underlying architecture?
- When is my Cloud instance upgraded?
- Connectors
- Can I write information to the Jira sprint field?
- Do I need to perform additional steps for TFS upon upgrading?
- How can I reduce the number of projects shown for Clarity in Hub?
- How can I resolve an error stating, 'Received fatal alert: handshake_failure'?
- How do I create a repository connection to Atlassian Jira On Demand with SSO enabled?
- How do I resolve the 'Too many persons found' error upon integrating with a Jira cloud instance?
- If the PTC Windchill RVS server is localized (i.e., installed on a non-English locale OS), will related objects also need to be localized?
- I received the exception 'PKIX path building failed ... unable to find valid certification path to requested target' when connecting to Team Foundation Server. How do I fix it?
- Jira Epic/Parent Link FAQ
- Jira GDPR Changes
- What happens if the Timesheet Hours per Day field does not match the timesheet configuration?
- Why are there so many files in my temp directory when I use the connector?
- Why do I get authentication errors for ALM/QC when I've correctly entered my credentials?
- Why do I get the error message 'Error while parsing file … expecting Index' while integrating with IBM DOORS?
- Why do I see an error stating 'This method is no longer supported by the catalog service' when querying Visual Studio Online (VSO) or Azure DevOps Services?
- General
- Planview Hub Product Releases
- 25.2 Release Notes
- 25.1 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.2
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.3
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.4
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.5
- Hub Release Notes - 25.1.6
- 24.4 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.4.9
- 24.3 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.3.9
- 24.2 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.11
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.12
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.13
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.14
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.2
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.2.9
- 24.1 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.1
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.10
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.11
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.12
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.13
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.14
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.15
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.16
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.3
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.4
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.5
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.6
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.7
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.8
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.9
- 23.4 Release Notes
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes -
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.10
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.11
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.14
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.15
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.16
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.17
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.18
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.19
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.2
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.20
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.21
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.3
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.4
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.5
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.6
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.7
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.8
- Hub Release Notes - 23.4.9
- Hub Release Notes - 24.1.1
- Tasktop Sync Product Releases
- Planview Hub Editions
- Supported Repository Versions
- Connector Documentation
- Aha!
- Apptio Targetprocess
- Aras Innovator
- Asana
- Atlassian Jira
- Atlassian Jira Align
- Blueprint
- BMC Helix ITSM
- Broadcom Clarity
- Broadcom Rally
- Cherwell Service Management
- codebeamer
- Agility
- Release
- Git
- GitHub Issues
- GitLab Issues
- IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Family
- IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next
- IBM Engineering Workflow Management
- IBM Rational ClearQuest
- Jama Connect
- Microsoft Azure DevOps Server
- Microsoft Project Server
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Micro Focus ALM Octane
- Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center
- Micro Focus Dimensions RM
- Micro Focus PPM
- Micro Focus Solutions Business Manager
- Mozilla Bugzilla
- Pivotal Tracker
- Planview AdaptiveWork
- Planview AgilePlace
- Planview Enterprise Architecture
- Planview Portfolios
- Planview PPM Pro
- Planview Universal Connector
- Polarion ALM
- PTC Windchill
- PTC Windchill RVS
- Salesforce
- ServiceNow
- SmartBear QAComplete
- Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server
- TestRail
- Trello
- Tricentis qTest
- Tricentis Tosca
- UiPath Test Manager
- WhiteHat Sentinel
- Zendesk
- Knowledge Resources
- Hub Videos
- Tasktop Customer Portal
Advanced (Settings) can be accessed by clicking the Advanced tab on the Settings screen.
Under Advanced, you can access:
- Flow External Workflow Changes
- Move Routes Between Integrations
- Import Artifact Pair Information
- Upgrade Backup Files
- Import Configuration
Flow External Workflow Changes
Flowing external workflow changes allows you to specify the integrations that should receive high-fidelity scans to ensure that changes that might have been missed during a regular change detection interval are detected.
Note: Enabling this setting for all integrations may have a negative impact on Planview Hub’s performance.
Move Routes Between Integrations
There may be rare scenarios when you must move routes from an existing integration to another integration. For example, you may have configured Hub incorrectly and mistakenly created multiple integrations which should be combined into one. Or you could be upgrading Micro Focus ALM, which requires moving projects from an instance running an old version of ALM to a server running a newer instance of ALM. Since existing projects are moved to a completely new ALM instance with a different URL, users must create a new repository connection, collection(s), and integration(s) in Hub. Once the new integration is created, existing routes must be migrated to prevent the risk of duplicate artifacts. This feature will allow users to easily migrate routes from an existing integration to a new one.
To move routes from one integration to another, they must both:
- Be synchronize integrations
- Use the same artifact types
- Use the same repository connections (except for Micro Focus ALM connections used in an upgrade scenario)
We recommend stopping both integrations before moving routes so that you can review your mappings and configuration before running.
To use this feature, click Move Routes.
Select your source integration:
Then select your target integration:
Select the routes from the source integration that you'd like to move to the target integration. Once moved, they will no longer exist in the source integration. Click Move in the upper right corner.
Review the pop-up message and if approved, click I understand... and Move. This process may take some time. Progress can be tracked on the Background Jobs tab of the Activity Screen.
Once the move is complete, review your integration configuration, field mappings, etc, before clicking run on the target integration.
Import Artifact Pair Information
Importing artifact pairs allows Hub to import existing artifact pairs that were created by Tasktop Sync. This prevents duplicate artifacts from being created when you switch from using Tasktop Sync to Planview Hub to administer your integrations.
Please contact customer care for additional information on how to use this capability.
Upgrade Backup Files
This feature is not applicable to Planview Hub Cloud and is only available when upgrading from Planview Hub versions 20.1 and later.
Upgrading backup files enables you to download and upload artifact data in cases where integrations were resumed individually during an upgrade. The downloaded data corresponds to artifacts that were modified when migrations were still running. These files capture any synchronization activity that occurred on individually running integrations, so that you can ensure no updates are duplicated if restoring from backup.
Learn more about utilizing this capability here.
Import Configuration
The Import Configuration section allows you to import your entire Hub configuration from an exported configuration file to replace your existing configuration or apply discreet changes to the configuration from an exported configuration history file.
This is useful in scenarios where you'd like to move from one environment to another (e.g., Test to Production), capture your configuration at a certain point in time (e.g., disaster recovery), or replicate changes during testing or major upgrades.
- Selective Import imports selected configuration elements from an exported configuration.
- Full Import and Replace imports a full exported configuration of a Hub instance to replace your existing configuration.
- Apply History File Changes to Configuration (Legacy) imports historical configuration changes that can be applied to your current configuration. See more details here.
Before you begin, review the Export Configuration section below for details on exporting full Hub configurations.
Selective Import
To import part of your Hub configuration, click Selective Import.
Note: The source environment version must match the target environment version. If the versions do not match, an error will occur upon import.
Select the JSON file with the exported configuration and click Upload.
On the Import Configuration screen, you can select the elements you’d like to import from your exported configuration and select the elements you’d like to retain from your current configuration.
Select Elements to Import
In the Select Elements to Import section, you can select configuration elements from the exported configuration to import into your current configuration.
Dependencies of selected elements will be auto-selected. If there is already a matching dependency in your current configuration, you can unselect it from the list, in which case the existing dependency will be used instead.
Note: Elements from the exported configuration are matched based on the element name and type (e.g., a model named Defects from the exported configuration will match a model named Defects in the current configuration).
Note: Existing repositories will not be auto-selected. We do not recommend selecting repositories as this may result in your settings and credentials being overwritten.
Select Elements to Keep
In the Select Elements to Keep section, you can select the elements from your current configuration that you’d like to retain.
In this section, you’ll see a list of configuration elements from your current configuration that match elements you have selected to import.
Select the elements from your current configuration that you’d like to retain. Any unselected elements will be replaced with imported elements.
Note: If you select an element to retain, the matching element from the imported configuration will be renamed. Imported elements will use the renamed element and existing elements will continue to use the retained element.
After you’ve made your selections, click Import.
Note: When combining elements from the two configurations, it is your responsibility to ensure that the resulting configuration is what you intended. For example, importing and replacing an existing collection will affect the behavior of any existing integrations using that collection. Similarly, importing an integration without the collections it depends on (using existing collections in their place) could result in very different behavior depending on how the collections differ.
A warning message will appear informing you that your configuration will be updated based on the selected elements.
After acknowledging the warning, click Proceed.
Select the integrations you’d like to stop before importing the configuration. Click Proceed to begin importing the configuration.
Once the import has completed, you'll see a pop-up message indicating that the import was completed successfully.
Note: Repository credentials must be re-entered after importing your configuration. Some Hub functionality will not be available until Hub is able to connect to your repositories.
Full Import and Replace
To import your full Planview Hub configuration, click Import Full.
Note: The source environment version must match the target environment version. If the versions do not match, an error will occur upon import.
Select the JSON file with the exported configuration and click Import.
A warning message will appear informing you that your existing configuration will be replaced with the imported configuration.
After accepting the warning message, your configuration will begin importing. Once the import has completed, you'll see a pop-up message indicating that the import was completed successfully.
If the import fails, you’ll see a pop-up and an error message with details on the failed import.
Note: Repository credentials must be re-entered after importing your configuration. Some Hub functionality will not be available until Hub is able to connect to your repositories.
Export Configuration
The Export Configuration section allows you to export the full configuration of your Planview Hub instance, excluding encrypted data and transaction data. The exported configuration can be used to restore configurations or move configurations between instances.
To export your full Planview Hub configuration, click Export.
Note: If you use this functionality to create a duplicate integration between the same repositories, it will create an unbounded number of duplicate artifacts.
Note: The source environment version must match the target environment version. If the versions do not match, an error will occur upon import.
A JSON file will then be downloaded with your full Hub configuration. This file can then be used for Selective Import or Full Import and Replace.
Credentials will not be included in the exported configuration file and will need to be re-entered upon import.
See the Import Configuration section above for details on importing your exported configuration.