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Planview Customer Success Center

Hub Release Notes -

Posted: January 15, 2023

Upgrade Notes

Planview Hub Upgrade Notes

Metrics Dashboard

  • 134016: The Usage-overview public API call was updated in a breaking fashion due to the split in activity metrics in the report.


Planview Hub Fixes

Activity & Issues

  • 136442: Fixed an error ignoring errors.

Change Detection

  • 135070: Updated the user guide links on the Change Detection screen.

Container Synchronization

  • 134213: Fixed an issue where repository authentication expiration prevented container integrations from synchronizing artifacts.


  • 135620: Fixed an issue where a large amount of artifact activity impaired the UI performance.

Operational Database

  • 136677: Fixed an issue that occurred when computing table size metrics on SQL Server if the tables were partitioned.


  • 136066: Fixed an issue where the API key authentication method did not work for certain repositories.

State Transitions

  • 136325: Fixed an issue where an error occurred if a state transition extension set a transition attribute to null.

Support and Usage Report

  • 136143: Added the option to download the Support and Usage Report without the User Count Report. By default, the User Count Report will be included.

Time Tracking

  • 136011: Added more detail to time tracking related error messages involving worklogs.

  • 134898: Fixed an issue where errors that occurred after submitting a worklog sometimes caused the worklog to be duplicated.

User Counting

  • 138302: Fixed an issue where Hub failed to generate the user-count usage report.

Connector-Specific Fixes

Atlassian Jira

  • 138446: Fixed an issue where attachments were sometimes duplicated.

  • 137481: Fields with checklist items are now ignored during state transitions.

  • 136851: Fixed an issue where change detection failed due to the 'xrayParentFolder' field missing from the schema.

  • 136607: Fixed an issue where retrieving Manual Test Steps from non-Xray items failed silently instead of producing an error.

  • 136263: Fixed an issue where excessive calls were made when retrieving Jira artifacts.

Broadcom Rally

  • 132407: Fixed an issue where a ConcurrencyConflictException error occurred when creating Rally artifacts.

Micro Focus Solutions Business Manager

  • 132498: Fixed an issue where all options were sometimes not retrieved.

Microsoft Azure DevOps Server (TFS)

  • 132817: Fixed an issue where enabling the ADO New Boards feature prevented comments from synchronizing in Hub.

Microsoft Project Server

  • 136343: Fixed an issue that occurred when NTLM authentication was used after upgrading.

Microsoft SharePoint

  • 136343: Fixed an issue that occurred when NTLM authentication was used after upgrading.

Planview Portfolios

  • 136127: Fixed an issue where artifact update failed to delete worklogs when older worklogs were also associated with the artifact.

Tricentis Tosca

  • 135488: Fixed an issue where Test Steps found in Test Step Folders under a Test Case could not be synchronized.

SDK-Specific Fixes


    • 136196: Fixed an issue where duplicate artifacts were sometimes created.


Planview Hub Features

Change Detection

  • 104698: Added timestamps for start, completion, and failure of full scans and regular change detections in the "change-detection.log" file, with process durations in milliseconds. Change detection logs are available when troubleshooting settings are enabled.

Enterprise Data Stream

  • 138684: Added a warning message if the Planview SQL repository is configured with a MySQL database connection.


  • 122121: Added a public API for extension deletion.

Metrics Dashboard

  • 134016: Updated the usage overview report to split the activity metrics into two sections: Activity without EDS Integrations and Activity with EDS Integrations.

  • 134015: The Calculated ROI and Artifacts Processed counts on the Metrics screen no longer include Enterprise Data Stream activity by default. If you'd like to include Enterprise Data Stream activity, there is a new checkbox you can select. 


  • 134060: Model fields can now be renamed without causing invalid field mappings or disabling field flow.

Product Upgrades

  • 139845: Used the Hub version as the artifact handle version.

User Management

  • 136811: Upgraded reset-master-realm corresponding to keycloak upgrade to 22.0.5.

Connector-Specific Features

Atlassian Jira

  • 138026: Added support for Atlassian Jira version 9.12.x.


  • 133800: Added support for codebeamer version 2.0.

Micro Focus PPM

  • 136036: Added support for Micro Focus PPM 23.4.

Planview AgilePlace

  • 139049: Added support for Custom Multi Select fields to synchronize bidirectionally in AgilePlace.

PTC Windchill

  • 133504: Added Support for PTC Windchill version 13.0.0.


  • 137563: Introduced a new repository field "Use Legacy Revision". When unchecked, the connector will use minimal data to determine whether an artifact has changed or not, which will result in performance improvements. A full scan will be triggered when enabling this feature for the first time on an existing integration. 

Tricentis qTest

  • 132743: Added support for Tricentis qTest version 11.3.

Tricentis Tosca

  • 135762: Added support for Personal Access Token authentication for Tricentis Server-Based Workspaces.