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Planview Customer Success Center

Mastering Portfolio Prioritization

5 Essential Steps to Transform Your Investment Decision-Making

Making informed investment decisions across your enterprise doesn't have to be a challenge. These proven steps will help you establish consistent, data-driven prioritization practices that align with your organizational goals.

Why Better Prioritization Matters

Too often, organizations struggle with:

  • Decisions driven by the loudest voices
  • Conflicting priorities across departments
  • Subjective rather than quantifiable ROI assessment
  • Difficulty visualizing data for leadership decisions


1. Define Criteria

2. Capture Demand

3. Analyze and Rank

4. Set Targets

5. Socialize Priorities


1. Establish Evaluation Criteria for Prioritizing Investments

Clear Criteria

Define clear, measurable criteria aligned to business objectives


Use consistent scoring approaches (such as WSJF)


Focus on quantifiable metrics everyone understands

How To Implement:

Platform Implementation Steps
Planview Portfolios

To support establishing initial evaluation criteria for prioritizing investments, we can create a Scoring Model in Planview Portfolios. Later, we can add additional attributes and financial information as required.

Planview AgilePlace

An alternative to a more traditional scoring model, we can create cards in an Agile Board and use the AgilePlace card scoring functionality to help us score each initiative.

We can use one of the predefined card scoring models or create a custom scoring model tailored to your specific needs.



2. Capture Demand and Assess Investment Value With Clarity

Minimum Data

Identify the minimum data needed for effective decision-making

Basic Information

Understand basic demand and benefit information

Simple Process

Keep it simple; don't over-engineer the process

How To Implement:

Platform Implementation Steps
Planview Portfolios

Use the Investment Planning functionality to:

  1. Capture all demand and investment entities for analysis.
  2. Set and update targets, budgets, and demand financial data.
Planview AgilePlace
  1. Use Planview AgilePlace as a centralized platform to visualize all work and initiatives across the organization.
  2. Leverage the Agile Planning feature to configure different planning and delivery cadences.
  3. Assign work to specific increments or iterations to better understand the scope and dependencies of various initiatives.



3. Analyze and Rank Projects Using Data-Driven Insights

Objective Ranking

Objectively rank investment opportunities based on consistent criteria and business cases

Scoring Framework

Incorporate constraints and weighted scoring

Budget Planning

Include high-level budget and timeline estimates

How To Implement:

Platform Implementation Steps
Planview Portfolios
  1. Rank proposed investments based on business drivers
  2. Analyze demand against targets and budgets. This approach provides data-driven insights to assess the value of different investment options, creating a transparent evaluation process.
  3. Refine portfolio information by defining advanced options based on attributes or lifecycle roles.
Planview AgilePlace
  1. Utilize Planview AgilePlace's Agile Planning capabilities to configure different planning series.
  2. Utilize increased visibility to aid in prioritizing and selecting the most valuable work to invest in.
  3. Integrate with Planview Portfolios to provide a comprehensive view of demand and investment value.


4. Set Realistic Targets, Budgets, and Constraints

Portfolio Outcomes

Define outcomes and objectives for the portfolio

Value Drivers

Identify value drivers for each portfolio, both qualitative or quantitative

Strategic Focus

Maintain laser focus on key constraints and establish clear planning horizons - avoid too much detail too early

How To Implement:

Platform Implementation Steps
Planview Portfolios
  1. Analyze your demand against the targets and constraints.
  2. Make adjustments to balance the portfolio and optimize your investments.
  3. Iterate on this process to create achievable planning horizons and clear outcomes.
Planview AgilePlace
  1. Leverage the card connections to ensure better coordination and alignment across the organization.
  2. Use the centralized visibility provided by Planview AgilePlace to identify and address potential roadblocks or resource constraints.
  3. Integrate with Portfolios to ensure that targets, budgets, and constraints are realistic and achievable across both strategic and tactical levels.



5. Socialize Priorities to Maintain Momentum

Plan Visualization

Visualize your plan and socialize prioritization rationale

Timeline Management

Manage timelines and dependencies to avoid surprises and bottlenecks

Clear Communication

Regularly communicate priorities with your team

How To Implement:

Platform Implementation Steps
Planview Portfolios
  1. Create Strategy portfolios that reflect your organization's priorities.
  2. Group strategic entities, business outcomes, and work items in these portfolios.
  3. Share these Strategy portfolios with relevant stakeholders.
  4. Use the shared portfolios to maintain momentum and alignment around key strategic initiatives.
  5. Regularly update and communicate changes to keep stakeholders informed.
Planview AgilePlace
  1. Utilize Planview AgilePlace as a centralized platform for teams to visualize and collaborate on work.
  2. Configure different planning series and assign them to specific teams or departments to ensure clear communication of priorities.
  3. Leverage real-time visibility and collaboration features to keep stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the delivery process.
  4. Integrate with Planview Portfolios to provide a seamless connection between high-level strategic priorities and day-to-day execution.

Planview Roadmaps


  1. Create visual roadmaps: Use Planview Roadmaps to build visual representations of your strategic plans, including key initiatives, projects, and milestones.
  2. Prioritize and explain: Utilize features like color-coding or tagging to indicate priorities, and add descriptions to explain the rationale behind prioritization decisions.
  3. Map timelines and dependencies: Plot initiatives and projects on the timeline, indicating dependencies between items to identify potential bottlenecks or conflicts.
  4. Share and review regularly: Use the Roadmaps widget in Planview.Me to give your team easy access to the current roadmap, and schedule regular review meetings to discuss priorities and updates.
  5. Keep it current: Frequently update the roadmap to reflect changes in timelines, dependencies, or priorities, ensuring it remains an accurate representation of your strategic plan.



Additional Resources

For more information, please refer to the following resources: