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Strategic and Program Funding

Strategic and Program Funding

The Strategic and Program Funding capability supports defining the strategic financial targets for the organization, and the program financial targets aligned to the strategic targets. Each capability within the Planview Capability Framework has a distinct set of features and functionality, business processes, best practices, and analytics and reports that deliver value to customers in the form of specific business outcomes.

Processes and Reports

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The strategic and program funding capability supports strategic planning by providing the ability to set time-phased financial targets at the strategic and program levels. The strategic budget is created by entering labor capacity and non-labor financial targets into the financial plan, then baselined to allow for variance reporting between the baseline and actual cost of delivery. This capability supports strategic investment planning by providing the context of budgets to analyze against demand, enabling you to assess your organization’s ability to take on new investments.


Video: Strategic and Program Funding Demo


Financial Targets Process Steps


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Financial targets process flow

Process Step Description
Define labor costs

Enter the cost targets for labor into the strategic financial plan.

For this capability, the costs for labor capacity represent the investment “pot” of money that will be used to balance against the many demand priorities an organization is considering.

Budgets may be created at any level of the Strategy structure on the Financial Planning Detail screen then spread down to lower levels or rolled up to higher levels. Alternatively, data may be loaded using a strategic financial load, then rolled up and edited. 

For more information:

Define non-labor costs

Enter the non-labor costs into the strategic budget. These costs should be divided into the appropriate non-labor categories.

Non-labor data is often entered manually, then spread down to lower levels or rolled up to higher levels as part of the larger budgeting process.
Define expected benefits and revenue Enter the revenue targets and benefits for the strategic investment. These targets and benefits can be manually entered into the strategic financial plan.
Baseline financial plan Following the input or roll-up of financial planning target data, a financial baseline should be taken to compare and track variances of the financials across time.



Financial Targets Reports

How are we able to see our financial targets for benefits and costs?

FastTrack Power BI Showcase Dashboards – Work – Financial Summary

Power BI Dashboard This dashboard allows you to compare strategic investments over time. You can view the total costs of a select portfolio over a given timeframe, view the breakdown of those costs by the strategic program, and identify portfolios that are meeting or exceeding approved budgets. Data for investment demand entities can be viewed and managed, allowing you to change their approval status, priority, and above or below-the-line status.

FastTrack Power BI Showcase Dashboards – Work – Portfolio Balance Cost

Power BI Dashboard

This dashboard shows how project investment costs are balanced across strategic initiatives in a portfolio. You can view a portfolio’s total spending for each month, actual spending to date by department, and additional financial information broken down by project.

FastTrack Power BI Showcase Dashboards – Strategy – Strategy Financial Analysis Power BI Dashboard This dashboard shows the forecasted costs of strategic initiatives and programs in select portfolios, allowing you to identify the trend of forecasted costs over time. You can configure the dashboard to slice and display data in numerous ways.

STR33 – Strategic Initiative Pipeline Matrix

Analytic This report can select cost, revenue, or benefit-based measures from the financial planning data to drive bubble size and visualize the pipeline of strategic initiatives. You can configure the report to run against each level in the strategy structure.

STR34 – Strategic Portfolio Investment Risk and Reward


This report allows you to select benefit or revenue measures for the x-axis, a risk-based attribute for the y-axis, and cost-based measures for the bubble size. You can configure the report to run against each level in the strategy structure.

Planning Portfolio – Planning Manager – Analyze Pivot View Tile

In the Planning Portfolio – Investment and Capacity Planning View, use the Planning Manager Tile to view investments and make decisions based on portfolio financial targets and capacity targets.

Use the Analyze Pivot View to analyze investments by moving them above (accepted investments) and below the line (pipeline investments).

How are we able to understand how changing demand impacts our financial targets?

FastTrack Power BI Showcase Dashboards – Strategy – Strategy Financial Analysis Power BI Dashboard This dashboard shows the forecasted costs of strategic initiatives and programs in select portfolios, allowing you to identify the trend of forecasted costs over time. You can configure the dashboard to slice and display data in numerous ways.

Strategy Portfolio – Portfolio Manager – Financial Variance Column Set

Tile This customizable column set allows you to compare two financial models and identify cost variances between them.

STR32 – Strategic Portfolio Financial Performance


This report compares versions of the strategic program and summarized portfolio financial plan data, with effort represented as FTEs, days, and hours, and financials as cost, benefits, and revenue. A burndown chart is included for the portfolio and each initiative. You can run the report against each level in the strategy structure.

Planning Portfolio – Planning Manager – Analyze Pivot View Tile

In the Planning Portfolio – Investment and Capacity Planning View, use the Planning Manager Tile to view investments and make decisions based on portfolio financial targets and capacity targets.

Use the Analyze Pivot View to analyze investments by moving them above (accepted investments) and below the line (pipeline investments).

Planning Portfolio – Planning Manager – Shift and Balance Pivot Views Tile

In the Planning Portfolio – Investment and Capacity Planning View, use the Planning Manager Tile to view current and pipeline investments and make decisions based on portfolio financial targets and capacity targets.

Use the Shift Pivot View to assess which investments are at risk due to insufficient capacity and examine the impact of shifting investment dates and durations.

Use the Balance Pivot View to identify and resolve capacity and demand issues in order to continue with priority investments.