Financial Planning
Financial Planning
The Financial Planning capability supports the planning and management of product, program, and project financial information and the monitoring of financial performance. Each capability within the Planview Capability Framework has a distinct set of features and functionality, business processes, best practices, and analytics and reports that deliver value to customers in the form of specific business outcomes.
Definition and Business Value
- Supports the planning and management of product, program, and project financial information along with the monitoring of financial performance.
- Includes the mechanism to set time-phased high-level estimates and approved or baseline budgets that planned and current investments can be analyzed against.
- Allows for snapshots and comparison of different sets of financial data taken at key approval and governance points, providing a standard for measuring performance.
Business Value
We can manage product, program, and project financial data in a structure that aligns with our organizational financial data model.
Business Value
We can define budgets at various levels, such as product, strategy, program, project, or value stream, that represent the investment “pot.”
Business Value
We can support investment planning by providing the context of budgets for analyzing demand and making assessments on our ability to take on new investments.
Business Value
We can adjust budgets as needed to reflect changes in priorities and desired outcomes.
Business Value
We can adopt an iterative approach to budgeting, adjusting funding based on changing business priorities and outcome-driven indicators.
Business Value
We can forecast the costs and effort required to deliver, as well as the anticipated benefits or revenue. This information can be used to calculate investment KPIs and inform a business case.
Business Value
We can monitor financial performance against an approved baseline, easily identifying over- or underspend and take appropriate remedial actions.
Business Value
We can track financial plans over time and automatically calculate metrics such as IRR, NPV, ROI, and payback period.
Business Value
We can manage financial data in a top-down or detailed time phased manner.
Best Practices
Build a single source of truth
Organizations should strive to standardize their financial processes so that the platform becomes the single source of truth for financial tracking. When everyone is using the same processes and categories, you’ll be able to make accurate decisions and understand the financial status of each project and the entire portfolio.
Fund programs strategically
Prioritize and fund program investments based on quantifiable business benefits, such as ROI, NPV, and customer retention metrics.
Give each value stream a budget
In agile organizations, define spending policies, guidelines, and practices for each value stream within the portfolio. With these guardrails in place, each value stream should have autonomy, flexibility, and the speed to execute their own budget.
Monitor financial health
Having the right reporting and dashboards that display the financial health of both individual projects and the overall portfolio are necessary to ensure the right decisions are made when a project starts to deviate from the plan.
Baseline financial plans
When there is an approved change to a project’s financial plan, save off the new plan as the current baseline. Having each change to the plan saved as a separate baseline allows you to see the progress of financial changes, and when looking back, see adjustments during a project’s initial planning to allow for more accurate budgeting.
Understand top-down and bottom-up
Organizations can use top-down planning (where a pool of funding at the program or strategic level is used to fund the work aligned against it), or bottom-up (where the work is funded and then rolled up to appropriate levels to see the overall costs or benefits.) Understanding how your organization tracks and approves funding is important to know what guardrails are in place and what reporting will be used to track financial performance.
Processes and Reports
The financial planning capability supports the forecasting of costs and revenue to build a financial plan and baseline a budget. These budgets support strategic investment planning by providing the context of budgets to analyze against demand, enabling you to assess your organization’s ability to take on new investments. When implemented with the cost management capability, financial planning also provides detailed planned vs. actual variance reporting.
Related Capabilities
Work Management
Develop a work plan, manage project delivery, and report on project status and health.
Read moreCapacity Planning
Leverage reports and analytics to gain actionable insights into your planning portfolio and inform investment decision making.
Read morePrioritization and Scenario Analysis
Assess and prioritize investments before the approval of your portfolio plan.
Read more
Supported Solutions
Project Portfolio Management
Enable project and portfolio leaders to prioritize, centralize, and standardize work to effectively deliver results.
Read moreProduct Portfolio Management
Empower R&D and product leaders with dynamic portfolio prioritization and investment planning for on-strategy delivery.
Read moreStrategic Portfolio Management
Enable executives, finance, and EPMOs to drive transformation and initiatives, adapt with change, and accelerate on-strategy delivery.
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