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Connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace hybrid delivery adoption pathway

1. Get started 2. Design and set up 3. Capability usage 4. Reports and outputs


PMO, portfolio manager, project manager, team member


Understand the data flow between connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace and the key benefits of adopting the connected solution.

Hybrid delivery using connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace


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Adopting hybrid delivery using connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace empowers project teams to retain the autonomy to work with their preferred methodologies, processes, and tools for delivering on strategy. With status reporting automated by the connector, team members no longer have to manually enter status metrics, saving valuable time. Work progress is tracked in team tools, allowing the PMO to move away from having to maintain detailed project schedules, requirements, and multi-step approval processes. This reduction of governance enables teams to work more adaptively, respond to changes in the plan, and ultimately deliver more value.

For the PMO, detailed delivery data and status metrics are surfaced in Portfolios from ProjectPlace, enabling the PMO to better understand how work is progressing at the portfolio level, and eliminating the need to drill down into team tools for critical information. Additionally, near real-time status reporting empowers the PMO to make accurate portfolio-level decisions that align strategy to delivery.

Key benefits of adopting hybrid delivery

Modernize work practices

Connected project delivery fosters improved team collaboration and the autonomy to plan and manage work from the bottom-up, rather than a traditional top-down approach.

Manage work, not schedules

With connected project delivery, the focus shifts to managing work and resources, rather than the project schedule. Project team members have more flexibility to manage tasks and activities, simplifying project scheduling practices.

Empower teams

Connected project delivery enables resources to design a project execution, communication, and collaboration structure that works best for their team. Management has visibility into the work progress, but can focus more on analysis, budget, and prioritization tasks.

Improve project transparency

With connected project delivery, everyday work activity is connected to the project plan. Up-to-date project status and progress are available for the team and management stakeholders; everyone has access to a single source of data for reporting and analysis.

Align work and strategy

Connected project delivery allows for the planning and alignment of projects and work with organizational priorities and strategic initiatives. Leadership has access to current data, reporting, and analytics to drive proactive decision-making.

Streamline work with templates

Using templates with connected project delivery allows project teams to optimize their project plan, document management, and review processes. With everyone starting from the same place and being responsible for a common set of data, it creates less guesswork and a smaller margin of error, which expedites execution, streamlines the review cycle, promotes standardization, and reduces confusion throughout the process.

Understand the workflow between connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace

The Portfolios-ProjectPlace connector enables the synchronization of information between Portfolios and ProjectPlace. This allows scheduling and planning to be managed in Portfolios, while team collaboration and work delivery are handled in ProjectPlace. The status of key work items flows from ProjectPlace to Portfolios for portfolio and project status reporting and management.


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Illustration of hybrid delivery using connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace (Portfolios manages the plan)

When using connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace for hybrid delivery, project managers have the option to manage the plan in either Portfolios or ProjectPlace. To understand the benefits as a project manager of choosing to manage the plan in ProjectPlace, see Managing connected plans in ProjectPlace. For the steps to configure this option, see Hybrid delivery: set up and configure. Additionally, this comparison table provides information on how plan functionality is impacted in Portfolios when you choose to manage the plan in ProjectPlace.

Note: for ProjectPlace to manage the plan, you must have Portfolios Continuous Cloud release April 2022 or later and Planview Admin activated. For the steps to activate Planview Admin, see Overview of Planview Admin.

The image below illustrates the capabilities and processes that continue to be managed in Portfolios when you choose to manage the plan in ProjectPlace.


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Illustration of hybrid delivery using connected Portfolios-ProjectPlace (ProjectPlace manages the plan)


When you connect Portfolios-ProjectPlace and Portfolios manages the plan, the Portfolios-ProjectPlace connector:

  • Connects Portfolios projects with ProjectPlace workspaces to track work progress in Portfolios

  • Is a near real-time, event-based connection

  • Creates a connection between ProjectPlace cards and Portfolios action items field attributes

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Illustration of connector workflow for Portfolios-ProjectPlace (Portfolios manages the plan)

When you connect Portfolios-ProjectPlace and ProjectPlace manages the plan, the Portfolios-ProjectPlace connector:

  • Connects Portfolios projects with ProjectPlace workspaces to track work progress in Portfolios

  • Is a near real-time, event-based connection

  • Allows you to sync resources in Portfolios to the workspace in ProjectPlace

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Illustration of connector workflow for Portfolios-ProjectPlace (ProjectPlace manages the plan)