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Portfolios OKRs

Portfolios OKRs adoption pathway

1. Get started 2. Design and set up 3. Capability usage 4. Reports and outputs


Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member


Gain more value from Portfolios OKRs with these recommendations and steps for end users.

Get started using OKRs in Planview Portfolios 

Step Role Description

Brainstorm and define objective or objectives 

Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member 


Discuss what your OKRs are intended to measure and for what purpose. This will determine where they are created structurally. For example, if you’re using OKRs to aid in funding or capacity decisions, you would create them off the strategy structure, and if you want to measure work outcomes, you would create them off the work structure.  

Objectives should be ambitious, time-bound, and possible to implement in current conditions.  

Create objective 

Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member 


To create a new objective, navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from a strategy portfolio, strategy, work portfolio, or work item. 

Click New Objective. Enter:  

  • a summary of the objective 

  • A description with additional details 

  • an owner for the objective 

  • the objective’s start date and end date 

  • The OKR level (Enterprise, Portfolio, Program, Team) at which to create the new objective 

  • The scope type, if you want this objective to be the child of another objective 

  • Relevant custom attributes 

Save to create the objective. 

Align with relevant parent and child objective 


Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member 


Connect objectives within Planview Portfolios using parent-child relationships across your strategic hierarchy. These connections create goal alignment throughout your organization. The Strategy scope type is used to connect to objectives found in Portfolios. 

To connect two objectives: 

  • Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen. 

  • On the screen, open the objective you want to be the parent objective. 

  • In the left pane, click Child Objectives.  

  • In the main pane, click Connect existing OKRs.  

  • In the filter pane that appears, use the filter to narrow down available objectives shown on the screen. 

  • Select the children objectives you want for the parent objective you selected.  

  • Click Connect Selected.  

Create and define current and target metrics (key results) for objectives 

Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member 


Create one or more key results for each objective to track the progress your organization makes toward completing each objective. 

To create a key result: 

  • Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen. 

  • Find the objective you want to create a key result for. In the objective, click Add Key Result.  

  • In the Key Results box on the screen, enter a descriptive title for how you want to measure the progress toward reaching the parent objective (such as reducing customer acquisition cost). 

  • Enter a Start Value and a Target Value.  

  • Enter a Start Date and End Date.  

  • In Data Source, enter the location the data is coming from.  

  • In the Custom Attributes section, click each custom attribute you want to set and select an option. 

  • Click Save, Save & Close, or Save & Create Another to create your key result.  

Align key results with activities (work) 

Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member


Connect one or more work items to a key result to help manage the progress of the key result. 

Your OKR board will update to show the work items contributing to key result progress. 

To connect work items to a key result: 

  • Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen. 

  • Open the Key Result you want to modify. 

  • In the left pane, click Activities

  • In the main pane, click Connect existing activities. The available work items are displayed in a table with the following information: Name, Type, Status, Planned Start, Planned Finish 

  • Select all the work items you want to connect to the key result 

  • Connect Selected Cards 

Review and monitor progress 

Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member 


Periodically review and update key results with the progress your organization makes. This contributes to the calculation of the objective’s overall performance.  

To update progress for a key result: 

  • Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen. 

  • Select the key result you want. You can also click Open in the key result. Or, in the parent objective for the key result, click Key Results in the left pane. Then, in the key result you want, click Open

  • On the Details tab, in the Progress section, click Update

  • Enter the new Progress Value and the As of Date, which indicates when that value was achieved.  

  • Enter any additional information in the Comment field. 

  • Click Update Progress. 

Adjust plan as necessary 

Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member 


Adjust ongoing or future work as necessary.

Add, modify, or delete OKRs as needed, review the status of your aligned work (filtering by started/not started/finished), and continue updating key results. 

Complete objective(s) 

Portfolio manager, program manager, product manager, project manager, team member

Your objective is completed once your key results are met.  

Enablement resources for OKRs in Planview Portfolios 


Resource Description

Solution Demonstration: OKRs in Planview Portfolios 

An on-demand video demo of how to use OKRs in Planview Portfolios.  

OKRs in Planview Portfolios 

Product help articles that cover OKRs in Planview Portfolios.