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Planview Customer Success Center



The Innovation capability supports the submission, centralization, and evaluation of ideas from across the organization to drive solutions to crowd-generated challenges and opportunities. Each capability within the Planview Capability Framework has a distinct set of features and functionality, business processes, best practices, and analytics and reports that deliver value to customers in the form of specific business outcomes.

Planview IdeaPlace

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Innovation is a crowdsourcing and idea management capability that supports the collaboration and generation of new ideas to drive innovation, transformation, and change. Organizers manage submissions and identify the best ideas using predetermined evaluation criteria in combination with active metrics from their ideation event. Ideas and key idea data have the ability to be imported into connected Planview products, and converted into projects or work items for further development. This capability creates a culture of innovation by allowing users across an organization to submit any number of new ideas during an event, and promotes collaboration by enabling users to view, compare, vote on, and comment on submitted ideas. 


Innovation Challenge Process Model

  Innovation Challenge Process Model.png     

Innovation challenge process model diagram


Process Step Description
Administrator creates challenge

Create a new challenge using the Challenge Wizard, entering relevant information such as the start time, end date, and the business problem the challenge is designed to solve. Challenges can also be created from a challenge template. Once the challenge is created, you will configure the challenge phases and idea stages

Use the standard challenge blueprint to ensure you have the necessary information to create and frame the challenge. 

For more information:

Administrator uploads ideas

The administrator can upload existing ideas into the challenge. Ideas must be placed into the Idea Import Template, while comments made on ideas are uploaded using a separate Import Comment spreadsheet.

As a best practice, begin with importing one idea or comment, then add the remaining ideas and comments once the first import has been confirmed. 

Participants post ideas

Users post ideas on how to solve the framed business challenge when the challenge begins. Ideas contain a title, description, and image, with the option to add categories, keywords, and attachments.

For more information:

Participants comment on ideas Administrators enable commenting for the challenge so that participants can provide feedback on each others’ ideas to identify opportunities or difficulties. Participants can also show support by liking ideas and comments.
Participants edit and improve ideas Participants edit their ideas or incorporate feedback provided by others during the challenge.
Participants vote on ideas Participants vote on the ideas they support throughout the first phase of the challenge. The voting system is configured using the Challenge Wizard, based on either the number of likes or by a star-rating system. Administrators use this voting system to decide whether ideas go to the next challenge phase. 
Moderators and experts guide conversations Assigned moderators and experts engage participants during the challenge by asking questions, involving participants in discussions, and making suggestions to develop and strengthen the community’s ideas. 
Participants team up

Idea owners can invite others to become team members on their idea or request to become members on another’s idea. Invitees can accept or reject invitations. Team members can contribute by editing the idea and receiving update notifications.

Administrators can set the maximum team size, remove members, and decide whether an idea requires team members to advance to the next challenge phase.

Expert yes/no or attached file evaluation 

Experts complete one or both of the following evaluation forms, which are set up as tasks and assigned by role:

  • A yes/no evaluation to approve or disapprove the idea
  • An attached file (e.g., Business Model Canvas) to be downloaded, completed, then uploaded back into the idea
After one or both evaluations are complete, the idea can automatically move to the next challenge phase.

Expert criteria scoring evaluation

An executive committee or panel of experts evaluates the ideas and decides which ones will move forward to the next stage to prioritize the most valuable ideas for the organization. This process can be set up as an evaluation stage.
Participants Pairwise rank ideas 

Use Pairwise voting to compare ideas side-by-side in the final stage. Side-by-side ranking helps you decide which ideas have the most support from participants in comparison to other ideas presented.

For more information:

Participants estimate cost, time, and revenue using Predictions 

Use Predictions to estimate the cost,time, and revenue of ideas or projects. When you include predictions in a challenge, members will be invited to give prediction votes on posted ideas. 

Once the Prediction phase begins, the Prediction tab allows members to provide assessments for all submitted ideas in the graduation stage. Prediction results are mapped into a bubble chart once voting is completed, helping you assess your idea portfolio’s key financial metrics and prioritize their development.

Close ideas: estimate ROI, assign project manager, and determine next steps 

Use the Close Ideas feature to take ideas out of circulation and move them into the final stages. Challenge administrators can estimate an idea’s ROI, assign a project manager, and determine next steps with the closure form’s default fields.

The Idea Closure form can be modified with additional fields to capture more information. This produces a portfolio report in the Insights module.

Ideas selected for development and archived

The organization selects which ideas to implement through an idea selection meeting, where the top ideas are discussed with the sponsor, experts, and stakeholders.  

Download a challenge report prior to the selection meeting to get relevant information on each idea in a spreadsheet. Remove all but 5-10 top ideas from the discussion.  

During the idea selection meeting, discuss the value of each idea as measured against the organization's evaluation criteria and its impact on business and budgeting. Discuss implementation strategies for the ideas selected, including who will handle execution. Create a plan for announcing the selected ideas. 

A challenge administrator chooses the selected ideas on the challenge home page. A custom layout for the announcement can be created and an email can be automatically sent to the chosen idea owners.

Idea pushed to create workspace in ProjectPlace

Convert ideas from IdeaPlace into a workspace in ProjectPlace. For steps on how to sync your products, see the section below IdeaPlace Connected to ProjectPlace.

If this is your first time doing this conversion, enable the synchronization capability by sending a ticket to Planview Customer Care

Idea pushed to create project in AdaptiveWork

Convert ideas from IdeaPlace into a project in AdaptiveWork. For steps on how to sync your products, see the section below IdeaPlace Connected to AdaptiveWork.

If this is your first time doing this conversion, enable the synchronization capability by sending a ticket to Planview Customer Care

Idea pushed to create work item request in Portfolios

Coming soon – product release May 2023

Challenge closed

IdeaPlace automatically updates the challenge timer and all pages and permissions when the last phase of the challenge ends. You can manually close a challenge at any point. 

Announce the challenge winners and top participants once the challenge closes, then begin the implementation process.



TeamTap Process Model


Bottom-up event TeamTap process flow.jpg

Innovation management TeamTap example process flow




IdeaPlace Connected to ProjectPlace


IP to PP.png

IdeaPlace Connected to ProjectPlace process flow


Process Step Description

Select idea to convert to workspace in ProjectPlace

Any idea in any challenge or stage can be selected to create a workspace in ProjectPlace. The recommended approach is to select mature ideas that have gathered support and been prioritized.

To select and send an idea to ProjectPlace, you must have a super administrator or administrator role within your IdeaPlace instance.

Sync idea to ProjectPlace

Select the idea to be implemented and sync to ProjectPlace to create a workspace.

Choose the ProjectPlace workspace template

Select a template for the ProjectPlace workspace. The project template list reflects templates registered with the integration configuration. If no templates are registered, the default will appear in the selection box.

Data syncs between IdeaPlace and ProjectPlace

When an idea is sent to ProjectPlace, data between IdeaPlace and ProjectPlace automatically syncs, and key idea data populates the ProjectPlace workspace. 

The following data is transferred from IdeaPlace to the ProjectPlace workspace:

  • Idea ID
  • Idea Title = Workspace Name

  • Idea Description = Workspace Description 

  • Idea URL = Added to workspace description

The numeric fields below, such as predictions data and quantified impact, will be available as workspace KPIs inside of ProjectPlace, which means they can be calculated easily. These fields will be passed when information is available:

  • Idea Predictions Data* – Median revenue, cost, and time

  • Idea Closure Information* – Primary impact selection, quantification of primary, and next steps

  • Consolidated Ideas* – Listing idea IDs and clickable URLs for any consolidated ideas

The ProjectPlace workspace URL is passed back to IdeaPlace and appears along with the ProjectPlace logo, allowing you to link to the project directly from IdeaPlace.

Manage the workspace in ProjectPlace



IdeaPlace Connected to AdaptiveWork


IP to AW.png

IdeaPlace Connected to AdaptiveWork process flow


Process Step Description
Select idea to convert to project in AdaptiveWork

Any idea in any challenge or stage can be selected to create a project in AdaptiveWork. The recommended approach is to select mature ideas that have gathered support and been prioritized.

To select and send an idea to AdaptiveWork, you must have a super administrator or administrator role within your IdeaPlace instance.

Send idea to AdaptiveWork

Select the idea to be implemented and send to AdaptiveWork to be created as a project.

The project is created as a blank project unless a default template has been selected within AdaptiveWork Administration.

Data syncs between IdeaPlace and AdaptiveWork

When an idea is sent to AdaptiveWork, data between IdeaPlace and AdaptiveWork automatically syncs, and key idea data populates the core project fields in AdaptiveWork. 

IdeaPlace data is mapped to AdaptiveWork as follows:

  • Idea ID = Project ID
  • Idea Title = Project Title
  • Idea Description = Project Description 
  • Idea URL = Idea URL (a new custom field will be created)

The AdaptiveWork Project URL is passed back to IdeaPlace and appears with the AdaptiveWork logo, allowing you to link to the project directly from IdeaPlace.

Manage the project in AdaptiveWork

Manage the project to delivery using the automated workflow capabilities in AdaptiveWork.



IdeaPlace Connected to Portfolios


IP to PF.png

IdeaPlace Connected to Portfolios process flow


Process Step Description

Select idea to convert to work item in Portfolios

Any idea in any challenge or stage can be selected to create a work item in Portfolios. The recommended approach is to select mature ideas that have gathered support and been prioritized.

Send idea to Portfolios

Select the idea to be implemented and send to Portfolios to create a work item in the requested state.

Data syncs between IdeaPlace and Portfolios

When an idea is sent to Portfolios, data between IdeaPlace and Portfolios automatically syncs, and key idea data populates the core work fields in Portfolios.

IdeaPlace data is mapped to Portfolios as follows:

  • Idea ID
  • Idea Title = Work Title
  • Idea Description = Work Description 
  • Parent Structure ID = Parent Structure ID
  • Idea URL = Idea URL

Additional IdeaPlace data is added directly to Portfolios database for reporting and analytics:

  • Star Votes Average
  • Up Votes Total
  • Predictions Data
  • Closure Information
  • Challenge URL
  • Idea Owner Email

The Work URL in Portfolios is passed back to IdeaPlace and stored on the idea allowing you to link to the work item directly.

*Custom fields are excluded from the integration at this time.

Manage the work item in Portfolios

Manage the work item to delivery using the capabilities in Portfolios.



Outputs, Reports, and Analytics

This solution capability is supported by the following outputs, reports, and analytics. You can also create custom reports from IdeaPlace data using Power BI or Power BI Desktop.

Type Associated Outputs, Reports, and Analytics Description
Report Challenge Activity Contains an overview of each challenge and community that is present within an IdeaPlace instance.*
Report Ideas Contains all idea activity visualizations for each challenge.*
Report Idea Activity Breakdown Displays key idea metrics which each challenge uses to prioritize ideas.*
Report Idea Closure Fields Summary of all idea closure form fields that are configured. Enables a user to list ideas closed per challenge along with corresponding values from that challenge's idea closure form.*
Report Idea Closure Fields Numeric Represents the idea closure fields that contain numeric estimates.*
Report Idea Custom Fields Provides an out-of-the-box search and filter capability for all idea template custom fields that are in use.*
Report Idea Voting Breakdown Shows which users are prioritizing which ideas.* 
Report Pairwise Offers a breakdown of the Pairwise voting feature. Contains a combination of idea and Pairwise voting dimensions including Idea ID, Idea Title, URL, Total Pairwise Up Votes, Total Pairwise Down Votes, Total Pairwise Skip Votes, and the Pairwise Ranking.*
Report Review Responses Provides insights into the breakdown of the review field responses for any review field in the challenge. Shows the breakdown of responses per idea based upon review form fields.*
Report Tasks

Visualization 1 shows the breakdown of individual tasks that are assigned to ideas within the chosen challenge or community. Visualization 2 shows a simple breakdown of reviews and ideas only. Visualization 3 demonstrates the average score obtained for each of the review fields that are present in the challenge, illustrating a high-level view of strengths and weaknesses associated with the different quantitative fields in the review form.*

Report User Activity Challenge Shows a visualization that represents users that have participated in the challenge.*
Report User Custom Fields Shows the overview of users listed in the IdeaPlace application and all of their user attributes.*
Report User Activity / Time Uses the ideaID and the posting timestamp of the idea to determine activity by users across a temporal filter.* 
Report Idea Key Themes Leverages Natural Language Processing to cluster ideas using the text contained in their descriptions.*
Report Sentiment Key Influencers Shows what influences the overall sentiment score for ideas in the challenge.*
Report Idea Sentiment Dashboard Offers deeper insights into a selected idea.*
Output OData/Power BI Desktop Custom Reports Data export feature, which provides for the configuration of customized reports via IdeaPlace's OData Connector to Power BI Desktop.
Output OData/Tableau Custom Reports Data export feature, which provides for the configuration of customized reports via IdeaPlace's Tableau Web Connector, using Power BI Desktop.


Excel Custom Reports Data export feature, which provides for the configuration of customized Excel Reports via IdeaPlace's Excel Connector and the Excel PivotTables functionality, using Power BI Embedded.
Report Dynamic Idea Report Gives an in-depth snapshot of submitted ideas, including customized idea template fields, and idea engagement metrics (votes, comments, ratings, reviews).**
Report Dynamic Review Report Displays all completed reviews and tasks. Shows the current idea review rating during the Expert Review Phase of the Challenge.** 
Report Idea Selection Report Provides all the data needed to consider whether an idea should be moved to Successfully Implemented. Used when conducting the final review of ideas at the end of the challenge, when meeting as a group, to determine final successful ideas. Can be used to facilitate an effective selection meeting.** 
Report Idea Tracking Report Shows all ideas closed successfully. Tracks idea details that have been selected for implementation.**
Report Ideas Activity Report Shows all ideas’ graduation criteria fields and how close they are to reaching the threshold set for graduation to the next stage. Used towards the end of a phase to see if any ideas should be manually moved to the next stage.** 
Report Moderator and Expert Activity Detail Report Lists the activity of all moderators and experts within a given date range.**
Report Private Comments Report Lists any ideas that have had Private Comments posted by either an Administrator or Moderator.**
Report Rapid Report Provides a holistic picture of the activity around top ideas. Displays Pairwise ranking, idea stats, and review scores. Used to compare ideas and where they were ranked by the crowd and review team.**
Report User Task Report Tracks who has been assigned tasks, which are outstanding, and which have been completed during Expert Review phase.**
Report Users with no Activity Report Lists users who have not taken any action since a given date.**
Report Reviews

Three visualizations on the Task tab that show Reviews Assigned and Completed, Idea Review Scores, and Review Fields Average Score.*

Analytic All Data Clusters Shows automatic modeling of Ideas, Taps, and Tap Responses together.* 
Analytic TeamTap Key Themes Displays key themes, which are obtained solely from the Tap Title (Tap Description).*
Analytic Tap Drill Through Dashboard Provides a readout of all the key data on a selected Tap.*
Analytic Tap Clusters Shows which of the Tap Title key themes drive Tap Response themes.*
Analytic User Activity Breakdown Displays configurable viewing of activity level. The default slicing on the page shows the top 50% of active users in the last 90 days.*
Analytic Tap Explorer Focuses on a blend of user activity and themes to show how key themes drive activity levels across the crowd, allowing for identification of the most active users in each scenario.*
Analytic Tap Explorer Activity Demonstrates count and type of activity when linked with user attributes, using a "cord" type visualization.*
Analytic Tap Explorer Themes Conveys levels of activity against Tap key themes and user attribute data, using a "cord" type visualization.* 
Analytic TeamTap Sentiment Influencers Focuses on the drivers that increase and decrease sentiment.*

*Standard report in Insights/Power BI.

**Legacy Excel report. Available but no longer supported as of 4/30/2021.



Innovation Program Management Best Practices

An Innovation effort can be a complex, sequential series of actions around posted ideas, in response to a corporate-approved Challenge Question (challenge). By contrast, it can also be a simple, spontaneous outreach amongst one's peers to solve an immediate problem (Tap). The following Best Practices illustrate opportunities for Collaborative Discovery and Collective Decision Making in an Innovation Management Solution.

Managing Your Innovation Program

  • Crowdsourcing Program Advocacy: Educate your colleagues and potential challenge sponsors on what crowdsourced innovation is: engaging the people who know your business best—your employees, your suppliers, your partners, and your customers—to collaborate, generate and prioritize new ideas. Secondly, let them know how it can be used, for example, leveraging the power of the crowd or identifying challenge opportunities. Lastly, inform them how to run different types of Innovation Events, i.e., a time-bound vs. Always On challenge, Hackathon, Internal vs. External Challenge, Team Tap.

  • How to run a Successful Challenge: Running challenges in a continuous cycle is a highly effective way to align individual motivation with organizational goals. Before the challenge begins, identify key goals and obstacles. Formulate the right Challenge Question to pose to your crowd. Select the best Challenge Owners for their roles. Launch the challenge and energize participants. Give participants feedback and conduct transparent idea evaluation. Follow up with challenge results and celebrate wins. Note Lessons Learned for the next challenge.

  • Build the Right Team for your Innovation Program: It’s crucial to build the right team in order to maximize the effectiveness of the Innovation Program's effort. Clear roles and responsibilities are necessary in order to succeed. Participants, roles, and responsibilities will change over time, particularly as goals are met and new problems and opportunities emerge, but it’s critical that assignments are clear and understood at launch.

  • Best Practices for Idea Evaluation: Consider the evaluation criteria before you begin reviewing ideas, to determine which Ideas show the most promise and which can be easily put to the side. Determine what characteristics an idea must have in order to move forward to the next stage. Use built-in metrics like star votes, views, comments, or time of last activity to determine which Ideas are in most need of response, which ones are potential winners, and which can easily be taken out of the mix. Be as specific as possible about what you’re looking for when starting a challenge. Establish a strong context and use the challenge description in IdeaPlace Email Notifications to state what your goals are and what factors you’ll need to evaluate Ideas.

  • Develop Products more Effectively: If there’s one thing Product Teams are not lacking for, it's a constant flow of ideas about how their product should evolve to meet the needs of different constituents. However, without a systematic process, teams can struggle to ensure they're focusing scarce resources on the most impactful validated enhancements that customers and potential customers desire. Empower Product Teams to build better products by managing the flow of product ideas with IdeaPlace, 

Long Term Success

  • Promoting your Innovation Program: Internal marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to inspire employees and motivate them to become innovators. Introduce IdeaPlace to Your Community. A town hall meeting is a key event for communicating your corporate strategy and innovation goals to your entire community and explain how IdeaPlace is part of realizing that vision. Branding your Innovation Program makes it easier for you to talk about the program and rally participants. IdeaPlace Email Notifications are an internal marketing tool built directly into IdeaPlace that can be used to introduce initiatives, kick off Challenges, motivate participation, and celebrate wins.
  • Driving Participation with your Innovation Program: By providing frequent and continuous feedback, maintaining transparency, recognizing contributions, and sustaining long-term engagement with rewards and incentives, you motivate employees to keep contributing and remain active participants in your Innovation Program.
  • Leadership in Innovation - ModeratorsThe Moderator is responsible for managing the day-to-day activity of the Innovation Program, and directing ideas through different stages of evaluation to turn potentially useful ideas into action. Through a four step approach—Discover, Discuss, Evaluate, and Decide—you can better understand how to use IdeaPlace features to motivate participation, drive sustained engagement in your innovation program, and identify and act on the best ideas.
  • The Power of No in an Innovation Program: Declining ideas is a necessary part of an Innovation Program, and when done transparently, can provide the fuel for ongoing engagement with the program. If that “no” comes with a thoughtful reasoning as to why the idea won’t be presently acted upon and realized—usually citing a constraint—nine times out of ten the person will accept the outcome. People understand constraints. What they want is a conversation. To be listened to. Often “nos” in an innovation program represent the fitness of the idea to the current environment. As that environment changes, that “no” can easily turn into a “yes.” 

Top 10 Tips/Best Practices for Hosting a Challenge

  1. Find the right sponsor: Someone dedicated to solving an important opportunity and willing to advocate for the challenge and follow through with the ideas.
  2. Ask the right question: Something that is owned by the sponsor and is aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization.
  3. Invite the right audience: The more the better. Diversity in thinking is an innovator's best friend.
  4. Moderate the conversation: Active moderation helps build ideas, connect people to ideas, and keeps the crowd focused on the challenge topic.
  5. Evaluate the ideas: Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) should evaluate the crowd-nominated ideas, to ensure they meet the sponsor's criteria for success.
  6. Communicate: A well planned communication campaign drives overall participation and engagement on the desired behaviors and goals.
  7. Recognize excellence: Provide recognition for participants that go above and beyond with their activity levels and quality of content.
  8. Monitor the challenge: Check idea graduation rates and participation levels often; which can help determine needed adjustments to graduation criteria and communications.
  9. Take action: Do something with the selected ideas to build credibility and demonstrate value to all stakeholders.
  10. Follow up: Let the audience know what's happening with the selected ideas, so it doesn't turn into a black hole suggestion box.