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Planview Customer Success Center

Objectives and Key Results

Objectives and Key Results

The Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) capability supports creating objectives that are measured by key results. Each capability within the Planview Capability Framework has a distinct set of features and functionality, business processes, best practices, and analytics and reports that deliver value to customers in the form of specific business outcomes.

Processes and Reports

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OKRs are an outcome-driven framework adopted by organizations who want to define key organizational goals and track progress toward achieving them. Defining OKRs creates organizational clarity by enabling organizations to answer the questions “Where do we want to go?” (objectives) and “How will we measure our efforts to get there?” (key results). OKRs can be created at different levels of an organizational structure – such as enterprise, portfolio, program, or team – and are connected using parent/child relationships. Linking organizational and team goals in a hierarchical way aligns work delivery to company strategy, and provides a single line of sight into value delivered by the organization.


OKRs in AdaptiveWork Process Steps           


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OKRs in AdaptiveWork process flow


Process Step Description
Create the project (team)     Create the project (or)
Create the program Create the program (or)
Create the portfolio Create the portfolio.
Add and define related objectives  From the project, program, or portfolio, add a related objective. Existing objectives may be reused, or a new objective may be created.

For more information:
Create and define the related targets

From the objective, add a related target. Existing targets may be reused, but more commonly a new target will need to be created.

Once the target is saved, define the target attributes and other information. Common fields to track are description, unit, unit type, unit scale, initial value, initial date, target value, target date.

Create and define the contributions    

From the target, portfolio, or work item, add a related contribution

Once the contribution is saved, add planned dates, values, and attributes. The unit field will always be inherited from the target that it is linked to.

The planned and actual value fields of all contributions linked to the same target will roll up to the direct planned and actual contribution values of that target respectively.

Add actual value and dates Keep planned value, date, actual value, and date fields up-to-date.



Video: OKRs Demo


OKRs in AgilePlace Process Steps



Customers will need to onboard to Planview Admin to use Connected Portfolios and AgilePlace OKRs.



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OKRs in AgilePlace process flow


Process Step Description
Create and define objectives

Create and define an objective. Objectives should be ambitious, defined concretely, and possible to implement in current conditions and timebox.

OKR levels allow you to create a hierarchy for the objectives across your organization. Utilizing multi-leveled OKRs allows you to connect and track these objectives bidirectionally.

For more information:

Align with parent and child objectives

Connect the objective to relevant parent and child objectives across boards in AgilePlace and the strategic hierarchy in Planview Portfolios. These connections create goal alignment throughout your organization.

  • The Strategy scope type is used to connect to objectives found in Portfolios.
  • The Board scope type is used to connect to objectives found in AgilePlace.
Define current and target metrics (key results) for objectives

Define key results for objectives. Key results should be clearly defined, measurable, and easily verifiable within a realistic timeline.

Align key results with activities (cards)

Connect cards on boards to key results by adding or connecting activities to key results. Your OKR board will update to show the connected cards contributing to key result progress.

Monitor progress through key results

Board owners should periodically review and update the current state of key results to see whether they are making progress toward the objective.This updates the progress percentage complete for both the key result and the objective. The objective's progress is calculated as an average of the connected key results' progress.



  • Track progress towards OKRs using early indicators, such as website traffic, app usage, and in-app feedback.
  • Use direct customer feedback through social media engagement, focus groups, and other channels to assess the progress of any given initiative.
  • Objectives can be long-lived (one year or longer), while key results evolve as the work progresses.


Adjust plan as necessary As progress toward key results is made, periodically review the overall strategic plan to ensure that focus remains on the right initiatives and activities.



OKRs in Planview Portfolios Process Steps



Customers will need to onboard to Planview Admin to use Connected Portfolios and AgilePlace OKRs.



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OKRs in Planview Portfolios process flow


Process Step Description
Create and define objectives

When creating an objective, identify an owner for the objective and supporting information such as start or end dates and tasks. Objectives should be ambitious, definable in concrete terms, and possible to implement in current conditions and timebox.

Utilizing multi-leveled OKRs allows you to connect goals bidirectionally across your organization. The strategic hierarchy allows you to track OKRs at all levels.

For more information:

Align with relevant parent and child objectives

Connect objectives using parent-child relationships across your strategic hierarchy and AgilePlace boards. These connections create goal alignment throughout your organization.

  • The Strategy scope type is used to connect to objectives found in Portfolios.
  • The Board scope type is used to connect to objectives found in AgilePlace.
Create and define current and target metrics (key results) for objectives 

Define key results for objectives. Key results should be quantitative, time-bound, and easily verifiable. 

Align key results with activities (work)

Connect work items to key results.  Your OKR board will update to show the work items contributing to key result progress.

Monitor progress through key results 

Monitor OKR health and periodically review and update the current state of key results to see whether they are making progress toward the objective. This updates the progress percentage complete for both the key result and the objective. The objective's progress is calculated as an average of the connected key results' progress.



  • Track progress towards OKRs using early indicators, such as website traffic, app usage, and in-app feedback.
  • Use direct customer feedback through social media engagement, focus groups, and other channels to assess the progress of any given initiative.
  • Objectives can be long-lived (one year or longer), while key results evolve as the work progresses.


Adjust plan as necessary  As progress toward key results is made, periodically review the overall strategic plan to ensure that focus remains on the right initiatives and activities.


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