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Planview Customer Success Center

Flow Techniques


Flow Techniques are a set of lean-based methods designed to optimize the flow of business value and improve overall results. These techniques offer a systematic approach, providing manageable steps to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in software delivery.

Benefits of Flow Techniques:

  • Develop essential skills for successful software delivery
  • Overcome challenges and obstacles in the development process
  • Optimize time and investment for maximum return
  • Greatly improve the overall performance of software delivery

Flow Techniques

Flow Techniques are categorized according to the frequency at which they should be performed, ensuring a structured and organized approach to process improvement.

  • Single Occurrence: Activities performed once, usually during initial Viz setup
  • Daily: Activities performed on a daily basis
  • Weekly: Activities performed once a week
  • Bi-Weekly: Activities performed once every two weeks, often coinciding with a sprint cycle
  • Monthly: Activities performed once a month
  • Ad-hoc: Activities performed as needed, based on specific requirements

By adopting Flow Techniques and following the recommended cadence, organizations can streamline their software delivery processes, reduce waste, and ultimately deliver greater value to their customers.

Sign in to access the Flow Techniques.