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Planview Customer Success Center


A system is an executable software component or group of executable software components that are deployed together to deliver a service that creates, updates, manages, or displays information for a specific business purpose.

A system has a defined set of boundaries for the service that it delivers to the enterprise. Both internal and customer-facing applications are systems.

 Systems fields




Name of the entity record. Names should be descriptive and intuitive.


Description of the entity.


An abbreviated name for the entity. Acronyms are included in searches in the search bar.


Alternate names for the system. For example, different business units might use different names for the same system based on their perspectives.

Core System

Flag that includes the system in certain barometerIT views and reports. .

Normally the key executive stakeholders determine the core systems that they want to appear in high-level dashboard reports. Core systems are usually high-profile, business-facing, and well known across the enterprise.

System Type

The primary characteristic or function of the system, for example, application, infrastructure, database, etc.

System Priority

The relative criticality of the system to the enterprise. System priority often directly represents or indirectly refers to a disaster recovery protocol.

Lifecycle State

The state of the entity with respect to enterprise management and planning.


Date that the system was initially deployed.


Date that the system is no longer available to users for the purpose that it was originally intended.


Version number of the system.

Content Status

State of the entity record. Content status is used to control contributions throughout the lifecycle of an entity. The statuses are as follows, in order:

  • Identified – entity record has been added, perhaps with very minimal information.
  • Planned – entity record has been prioritized for inventory, with a completion date.
  • In Process – entity record is being inventoried, with a completion date.
  • Completed – inventory is complete, but is yet to be reviewed.
  • Approved – inventory has been reviewed and verified.
System Domain The business model, service model, or other domain model to which the system belongs.


Additional information about the entity.

Lifecycle Roadmap

Chart that displays the lifecycle states for the entity graphically in a time frame according to their date ranges (if set).

Replacement Systems

The systems that will replace the current system.

Replacement for Systems

The systems that the current system replaces.


URLs to online resources that provide additional information about the entity.


A custom flag that you can add to entity records to group them into a collection or report.