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Planview Customer Success Center


 Data represents a node in a data model.

The Data Type field describes a data node's role in a data model. The root level node is often a data domain, which is subdivided into schemas or subject areas. The leaf nodes can describe individual data elements.

About data domains

You can use data domains to segment and isolate different data models. For example, you can import a standards-based model into one domain, and then develop a customized version of the model in another domain. You can then map either or both models to consumers and delivery resources.

To specify a data record as a child or parent record:

  1. In the Data Model section of the data record, click Edit.
  2. If you know the name of the parent or child record, type the first few letters of the data record in the Parent Data or Child Data type-ahead field, and then select the record from the list that appears.
  3. To browse for the data record, click the Add data by browsing link.

To create a new data record as a child or parent record

  1. In the Data Model section of the data record, click Edit.
  2. In the Parent Data or Child Data type-ahead field, enter any letter.
  3. At the bottom of the drop-down list that appears, click Add a new data.

Data fields 

Field name



Name of the entity record. Names should be descriptive and intuitive.


Description of the entity.

Enterprise Approval

State of the entity with respect to the enterprise approval process.


Category for classifying the entity record.

Lifecycle State

The state of the entity with respect to enterprise management and planning.

Data Type

Role of the data record in the data model.

Content Status

State of the entity record. Content status is used to control contributions throughout the lifecycle of an entity. The statuses are as follows, in order:

  • Identified – entity record has been added, perhaps with very minimal information.
  • Planned – entity record has been prioritized for inventory, with a completion date.
  • In Process – entity record is being inventoried, with a completion date.
  • Completed – inventory is complete, but is yet to be reviewed.
  • Approved – inventory has been reviewed and verified.

Lifecycle Roadmap

Chart that displays the lifecycle states for the entity graphically in a time frame according to their date ranges (if set).


URLs to online resources that provide additional information about the entity.


A custom flag that you can add to entity records to group them into a collection or report.