Navigating the User Interface
This topic describes the basic barometerIT behavior that is common across the application.
The use of the browser back button is discouraged because it is not always possible for a browser to display the last page or view in a web application. However there are other ways that you can navigate the user interface.
Accessing items
From the main menu, you can access the entity catalogs and insight items, and configuration options.
To view the main menu:
- Click the icon in the top left corner of the user interface.
- At the left side of the barometerIT window, there is an entity menu. When you first access barometerIT, the entity menu displays the entity icons and the number of entity records for each entity catalog. After you select an entity record, the entity menu displays the number of related entity records for each entity type.
To view an entity catalog:
- In the entity menu, click the entity type.
The entity catalog displays all of the active entity records for the entity type.
To view an entity record:
- Click the entity name link in the entity catalog.
Accessing items that you recently accessed
At the top of the user interface, there is a Recents/Search field.
To view a list of items that you accessed recently:
Click the down arrow in the Recents/Search field. The last 10 items (entity records and insight items) that you accessed are displayed.
- To access an item, select it.
In the title bar of each entity record there is a breadcrumb that shows the parent pages of the current page. You can access the parent page by clicking the links in the breadcrumb.
Searching for items
You can do a global search for entity records and insight items, or you can search for entity records in entity catalogs.
To do a global search for items:
In the Recents/Search field, enter part of the item name or the Barometer number. A list of items that match the search text appears, categorized by types.
- Select the item.
To search for an entity record in an entity catalog
In the Search field of the entity collection, enter all or part of the entity record name. A list of items that match the search text appears.
Creating items
You create an entity record or insight item by using the Add menu to the right of the Recents/Search field. You can create an item with a minimum amount of data to start and then add more data later.
Adding a related entity to an entity record
You can add a related entity to an entity record by clicking the add button in the Related entity type section. You can specify the way that the entity is related.
Adding a discussion to an entity record
- Access the entity record.
- In the Discussions section, click Add.
Adding a comment to a discussion
- Access the entity record.
- In the Discussions section, locate the discussion.
- Click the Comments link to the left of the discussion name.
- Enter your comment into the text field at the bottom of the discussion, and then click the Add Comment button.
Editing items
You can edit most entity records and insight items by clicking one of the following:
- configuration icon in the title bar
- edit icon in the entity record section