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InternalError: Elasticsearch connection timeout [MindTouch.Deki.Data.ElasticSearch.Exceptions.ElasticSearchTimeoutException] (click for details)
    at wiki.getsearch()
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    at (Planview_Barometer/2Release_Notes/App_Release_Notes/Barometer_Release_105.3), /content/body/div[2]/p[2]/br
Planview Customer Success Center

Barometer Release 105.3

Changepoint EAM release 105.3 is scheduled for deployment to Production Environments on:

EMEA/APAC: Monday, June 7, 2021 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Americas: Monday, June 7, 2021 7:00 to 8:30 PM

All times listed above are Central Daylight Time (GMT-5). For the duration of the deployment, Changepoint EAM will be down and unavailable.

Notable Fixes for Changepoint EAM 

Slow page loading performance
Some users were reporting slow loading times for pages in Changepoint EAM. This issue was experienced by users with a large number of pending approvals. We fixed this issue and pending approvals no longer impact page load times.

Notable Fixes for Changepoint SPM

Error loading Roadmaps
We fixed a bug which was causing Roadmaps to fail to load. This bug affected tenants with very large numbers of entities with many relationships. Now, Roadmaps can handle many more entities and relationships.

Entity cards do not stick to Roadmap Scenario
Entity cards could not be added to Roadmap Scenarios. When users attempted to add cards the timeline, the page would become blank and the card would not be added to the timeline. This issue no longer occurs and users can successfully add cards to Roadmap Scenarios.