Barometer Release 110.0
Barometer release 110.0 is scheduled for deployment to Production Environments on:
EMEA/APAC: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Americas: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
All times listed above are Central Daylight Time (GMT-5). For the duration of the deployment, Changepoint EAM will be down and unavailable.
In addition to the enhancements and fixes below, this release contains various background improvements that lay the groundwork for future enhancements. They should not have an impact on your current Barometer experience.
Notable Fixes for Barometer
Unable to inactivate user account
This release fixes a bug which prevented users from inactivating the accounts of other users in their tenant. Now, users can be successfully inactivated again.
Unable to quick add new technologies
Users were not able to quick add new technology entities while editing existing technologies. This issue has been resolved and user can quick add technologies.
Synced Barometer SPM fields not passing data to Daptiv
We fixed an issue that prevented data transfer in integrations between SPM and Daptiv. This issue did not affect all integrated tenants. The issue is resolved and fields linked in SPM and Daptiv pass data between them as expected.