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A standard is a common public specification of a language, interface, feature set, process, or regulation.

Examples include:

  • EXtensible Markup Language (XML)
  • C# Language Specification
  • Java Enterprise Edition (JEE)
  • ACORD Data Standard (insurance industry)
  • Microsoft Reference Architecture for Banking (MIRA-B)

Standards fields 

Field name



Name of the entity record. Names should be descriptive and intuitive.


Description of the entity.


Classification of the entity record.

Enterprise Approved

State of the entity with respect to the enterprise approval process.


An abbreviated name for the entity. Acronyms are included in searches in the search bar.

Lifecycle State

The state of the entity with respect to enterprise management and planning.

Release Date

Effective date of the standard.


The address of the website that contains the reference information for the standard.

Content Status

State of the entity record. Content status is used to control contributions throughout the lifecycle of an entity. The statuses are as follows, in order:

  • Identified – entity record has been added, perhaps with very minimal information.
  • Planned – entity record has been prioritized for inventory, with a completion date.
  • In Process – entity record is being inventoried, with a completion date.
  • Completed – inventory is complete, but is yet to be reviewed.
  • Approved – inventory has been reviewed and verified.


Additional information about the entity.

Lifecycle Roadmap

Chart that displays the lifecycle states for the entity graphically in a time frame according to their date ranges (if set).

Parent Standards

The more generic standard that the current standard is a child of.

Child Standards

The more specific editions or versions (instances) of the current standard.

Containing Standards

The package or suite that includes the current standard. For example, the JEE specification contains many sub-specifications.

Contained Standards

The standards that are part of the current standard.

Previous Standards

The previous release of the current standard, or the retired standard that is replaced by the current standard.

Subsequent Standards

The newer release of the current standard or the standard that will replace the current standard


URLs to online resources that provide additional information about the entity.


A custom flag that you can add to entity records to group them into a collection or report.