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Planview Customer Success Center

Managing relationships for OKRs

How do I add, change, and remove relationships between objectives and key results (OKRs)?

Objectives can have child objectives in addition to child key results. If you are using connected OKRs, the parent or child objective can be on a Planview AgilePlace board or in Planview Portfolios. If you are not using connected OKRs, the parent or child objective can be another objective in Planview Portfolios.

You can also connect key results to work items in Planview Portfolios.

By clicking relationships icon on the Objectives and Key Results screen, you can show or hide relationship lines that link parent objectives with their child OKRs. Solid lines show connected objectives and key results, while dashed lines link parent objectives and their child objectives, as shown in the following example:


Click to expand or shrink

Example of relationship lines on the Objectives and Key Results screen


The following table describes the icons that indicate an OKR's connections.

Icon Description
connected key results icon The number of key results connected to an objective.
child objectives icon The number of child objectives connected to an objective.
Key Results Icon.png The number of work items connected to a key result.

The following sections explain the ways in which you can manage OKR relationships.


Changing the parent for a key result

To create or remove a parent-child relationship between an objective and a key result, you create a new key result in the objective or delete the key result. However, you can also change a key result's parent to another objective.



The new parent objective must be in the same OKR level as the key result and have a date range that includes the key result's date range.


To change a key result's parent objective:

  1. Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from AgilePlace or Planview Portfolios.

  2. On the screen, open the key result you want.
  3. On the Details tab, click Parent Objective and select the new parent.
  4. Click Save or Save & Close.



Creating a new parent-child relationship between existing objectives

Objectives can have a parent-child relationship with another objective. If you are using connected OKRs, the parent or child objective can be on a Planview AgilePlace board or in Planview Portfolios. If you are not using connected OKRs, the parent or child objective can be another objective in Planview Portfolios.

To connect two objectives:

  1. Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from AgilePlace or Planview Portfolios.

  2. On the screen, open the objective you want to be the parent.
  3. In the left pane, click Child Objectives.
  4. In the main pane, click Connect existing OKRs.
  5. In the filter pane that appears, use the Scope type, Scope, and Level lists and the Objective box as needed to filter the available objectives shown on the screen.
  6. Click all of the objectives you want to be children of the current objective.



    You can filter the available objectives by entering text in the Search objective titles box and/or clicking the Filter by Container and Filter by Level lists.


  7. Click Connect Selected.



If an objective already has a parent objective, this new connection replaces that connection.




Changing the parent objective for an objective

Objectives can have a parent-child relationship with another objective. If you are using connected OKRs, the parent or child objective can be on a Planview AgilePlace board or in Planview Portfolios. If you are not using connected OKRs, the parent or child objective can be another objective in Planview Portfolios.

To change a child objective's parent objective:

  1. Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from AgilePlace or Planview Portfolios.

  2. On the screen, open the objective you want.
  3. On the Details tab, if you are using connected OKRs, click Scope type and select Strategy for a parent strategy objective in Planview Portfolios, Work for a parent work objective in Planview Portfolios, or Board for a parent objective in Planview AgilePlace. If you are not using connected OKRs, click Strategy.
  4. Click Objectives and select the new parent.
  5. Click Save or Save & Close.



The objectives cannot be in the same OKR level.




Removing a parent-child relationship between objectives

To remove the connection between objectives:

  1. Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from AgilePlace or Planview Portfolios.

  2. On the screen, open the parent objective.
  3. In the left pane, click Child Objectives.
  4. In the main pane, in the child objective you want, click action menu > Remove Connection.
  5. Click OK to confirm.



Connecting work items to a key result

You can connect one or more work items to a key result to help manage the progress of the key result.

To connect work items to a key result:

  1. Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from AgilePlace or Planview Portfolios.

  2. On the screen, open the key result you want.
  3. In the left pane, click Activities.
  4. In the main pane, click Connect existing activities.

    The available work items are displayed in a table with the following information:

    • Name: The name of the work item.
    • Type: The Execution Type for the work item.
    • Status: Indicates whether Work Status is Not Started (Requested), Finished (Completed, Canceled, or Denied), or In Progress (all other work statuses).
    • Planned Start: The Schedule Start date for the work item.
    • Planned Finish: The Schedule Finish date for the work item.
  5. Select all of the work items you want to connect to the key result.



    You can filter the available work items by entering text in the Search box.


  6. Click Connect Selected Cards.



Removing connections between a key result and a work item

To remove the connection between a key result and a work item:

  1. Navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from AgilePlace or Planview Portfolios.

  2. On the screen, open the key result.
  3. In the left pane, click Activities.
  4. In the main pane, for the work item you want to disconnect, click action menu > Remove Connection.
  5. Click OK to confirm.