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Planview Customer Success Center

Using Planview Copilot for Viz

What is Planview Copilot?

Planview Copilot is a generative AI assistant designed to access, connect, and provide visibility into your organization’s unique data intelligence. Easily converse with Copilot to ask questions about your enterprise data using natural language. Gain insight, receive recommendations, and take action. Think of Planview Copilot like your personal data analytics expert ensuring you make confident, informed, and fast strategic decisions.

Why Planview Copilot? 

Planview Copilot empowers everyone from the team room to the Boardroom by helping to:

  • Accelerate Delivery Speed
  • Boost Productivity
  • Reduce Business Risk

It does this in Planview Viz by:

  • Interpreting Flow Metrics and providing actionable insights for a team to mitigate risks and friction.
  • Interpreting data across multiple values streams within a single portfolio, which will help PMs and Engineering Directors identify key areas to focus their attention on.
  • Providing access to all the Success Center content, Flow Methodology, Project to Product concepts, and resources Planview has to offer.



For more information regarding Planview’s AI strategy and how Planview Copilot fits into the overarching AI story, visit There you can learn about our AI strategy, watch a Copilot demo, and request an AI Executive Briefing.

Additionally, customers will have the option to join a Planview Copilot Inner Circle if they would like to learn more about what we are building!


Current Capabilities

Capability Extension / Assistant Sample of supported prompts Limitations
Insights based on a single Product's flow metrics time series Viz Metrics Assistant “What should I worry about from my metrics?​”
“Summarize my flow metrics and next steps to mitigate issues.​”
  • Product/Portfolios are matched by label. 
Insights based on flow metrics time series of multiple products in the selected portfolio Viz Metrics Assistant

“What value stream has the lowest flow efficiency?​”

“What product should be of most concern based on flow load?​”

“What product has delivered the most in the past 30 days?​”

“How does Value Stream A's flow time compare to Value Stream B's?”

  • Currently, portfolio level metrics queries are limited to portfolios with 5 or fewer products.
  • Product/Portfolios are matched by label. Odd labels like “Viz products” or “Flow Load” could confuse Copilot

Query Viz flow items based on status, summary, flow time (ms), age (days), type, and priority. Can be done at both the Value Stream and the Portfolio level. Viz Flow Item Analyzer (FIA) Assistant

“What work has been completed/closed within the last week?”

“What product has the most work items still left in progress?”

“What is the oldest unfinished epic?”

“What product/value stream has the most aged work?”

  • Search complexity - The assistant has to convert the user's query into an OpenSearch query. Questions with too many conditions are at risk of failing.
  • Sub-portfolios are not included, only looks at direct child products of a portfolio.

  • Product/Portfolios are matched by label. Odd labels like “Viz products” or “Flow Load” could confuse Copilot

Answer based on content from the Viz Customer Documentation Viz CSC Help Assistant

“What does flow velocity mean?​”

"How do I authenticate a user in Viz?​

Answer based on content from Mik Kersten's Project to Product book P2P Content  “What are some key takeaways from Project to Product?”  
Answer based on content from the Scrum Guide Scrum Guide “What are the benefits of the Scrum process?”  
Answer based on documentation of how best to use Viz for daily scrum Viz Daily Scrum

“Show me how to use Viz for daily scrum syncs?​”

“How do I use Viz for sprint planning?”


Sample Queries

Interpreting Flow Metrics

  • What should I worry about from my metrics?
  • What are action items I can take to reduce flow time to market?

Anomaly discovery across value streams

  • What value stream should I worry about?
  • What product needs my attention?
  • What value stream has the lowest flow velocity? How does it compare to the others?

Known limitations:

  • Portfolio level queries are limited to portfolios with 5 or fewer products.

Getting Started 

  1. In Viz, find the Planview Copilot icon in the top-right of the navigation bar.
  2. Click on the icon to display the Copilot chat window.
  3. Click the three-dot icon in the top-right to switch between light and dark mode and adjust the font size.
  4. In the text box at the bottom of the Copilot chat window, write your message to Copilot.
  5. To provide feedback on a response:
    1. Click the like or dislike icon to the bottom-right of the response.
    2. If you would like to provide more information, select "Tell us more." In the pop-up window, rate the response and provide your feedback and click Send to submit. For example, if you like an answer, you can do this: