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Planview Customer Success Center


What are objectives?

Objectives allow you to capture and track progress toward high-level goals your organization wants to achieve. When creating objectives, you can specify the following information:

  • The description of the tasks, goals, or other details about what you want to achieve.
  • The owner of the objective.
  • The OKR level, which is the organization level at which to create the new objective.
  • The parent objective, which can be an objective from the same product or from another product if you are using connected OKRs.
  • The values for any custom attributes that a Planview Admin administrator added for OKRs.

You can create the key results for the objective at the same time or later. 

Objectives are displayed under their respective OKR levels on the Objectives and Key Results screen. Each objective on the screen includes the following information:

  • The percentage of the objective that has been completed, based on the average progress of connected key results. The percentage bar is color-coded as follows:
    • Light green: 70% or higher.
    • Light yellow: Between 40% and 69%.
    • Light red: 39% or lower.



    Objectives show progress based only on the progress of their child key results. The progress of items at lower levels is not included.


  • The number of key results (connected key results icon) connected to the objective.
  • The number of child objectives (child objectives icon) connected to the objective.
  • The target end date for the objective.

You can hover over an objective for additional details or click an objective to open it. An Objective screen includes the following tabs:

  • Details: Shows the objective name, owner, dates, objective level, and parent objective (if any). You can modify these details.
  • Key Results: Shows all key results connected to the objective. You can click a key result to open or delete it. You can also create new key results on this tab.
  • Child Objectives: Shows all objectives that are children of the objective. You can click a child objective to open it or remove the parent-child connection. You can also connect more objectives as children.
  • History: View the activity stream for the objective, which contains the history of modifications made to the objective or its key results.

For more information about working with objectives: