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Planview Customer Success Center

Assignment Approvals widget


Displays the resource assignment requests (allocations and reserves) for your approval from the work entities that you have edit (read/write) access to. The assignments that are displayed depends on the location of the widget:

  • Planview.Me – assignments from all work entities
  • Planview Portfolios:
    • Overview tab on My Overview – assignments from all work items
    • Overview tab for a work portfolio –  assignments from the work portfolio
    • Overview tab for a work entity – assignments from the work item



For help navigating to the Overview tab on My Overview or in the context of a work portfolio or work entity in Planview Portfolios, see Using Planview.Me views in Planview Portfolios.


The widget displays the following details about each requested assignment:

  • Assignment type – Allocation (head_allocation_requested.png) or reserve (head_reserve_requested_(for_widget).png)
  • Task name – Click this hyperlink to go to the related Plan screen's details about the task
  • Work entity name
  • Requested resource
  • Schedule start date
  • Schedule finish date
  • Duration
  • Total effort
  • Resource utilization percentage for the assignment

Available functionality

You can review and approve or disapprove the requests directly in the widget.

Widget Options

Each assignment listed in the widget has options that let you take an action or navigate to the relevant area in Planview Portfolios to view more information. The options that are available depend on whether the assignment is an allocation (head_allocation_requested.png) or a reserve (head_reserve_requested_(for_widget).png).

Option Description
checkbox.png Click to approve the requested assignment.
no-access.png Click to deny the requested assignment.
userdelegate.png Click to reassign the task to a different resource.

Lets you access to the following options which take you to the relevant area in Planview Portfolios:

  • Open Resource Staffing opens the Staffing screen. This screen lets you review information about the selected resource's assignments.
  • Open Work Detail opens the Work Detail tab. This tab lets you review information about the related work.
  • Open Allocation Detail opens the Allocation Detail screen. This screen lets you review information about the allocation, such as the status and tolerance values of the allocation. The screen also provides historical information about the allocation, including requested, approved, and current allocation data.
  • Open Reserve Detail opens the Reserve Detail screen. This screen shows the status of the reserve and provides historical information about a reserve, including requested, approved, and current reserve and allocation data.

Configuration settings

Your administrator can add one or more instances of this widget per board/view.

Option Description
Title Name of the widget.
Description (contextual help) Description to appear when user clicks the help icon for the widget.