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Planview Roadmaps product releases


July 2024 release notes

Release date: July 11, 2024


  • Planview Roadmaps for Enterprise users can filter roadmap items based on custom roadmap item attributes
  • About Planview Roadmaps option in user menu displays user, customer, user subscription type, build and browser information
  • Minor user interface improvements

Known issues

  • When importing Portfolios work items for which a milestone type has not been set, the Milestones section in the Details pane doesn't load
  • Date difference icon does not appear when only the milestone dates are changed for an item

Release date: July 1, 2024


  • In Planview Roadmaps for Enterprise, milestones from Planview Portfolios items can be displayed on the imported roadmap items. 



June 2024 release notes    

Release date: June 13, 2024


  • Planview Roadmaps for Enterprise users can filter roadmap items based on item names, planned and finish dates, and source product.
  • Removed legend for "Group by" sections because the information was redundant.
  • Minor user interface improvements.



May 2024 release notes

Release date: May 9, 2024


  • Importing items from AgilePlace:
    • when user is searching for cards to import, the cards can be filtered by lane and card type
    • In Planview Roadmaps for Enterprise, AgilePlace custom drop-down fields are displayed on AgilePlace items and can be used to group and color items on roadmaps
  • Milestone options have been removed from the Roadmap configuration dialog. Users can create and edit milestones on the roadmap timeline

Known issues

  • Misaligned dots appear on date difference lines in roadmap timelines
  • The following issues can occur when an item contains an AgilePlace custom drop-down field and the value for that field is subsequently cleared (no value is selected) from the source card in AgilePlace:
    • Field value is blank in group by section heading, and the item appears in both the original group by section and the Uncategorized section
    • Field value is blank in the Attribute values list in Roadmap configuration



April 2024 release notes

Release date: April 11, 2024


  • Ability to configure Planview Roadmaps for Enterprise by adding up to 10 additional Portfolios attributes



    This feature requires Planview Portfolios April 2024 release or later.


  • Updated the dialog for adding items from AgilePlace to be consistent with the Portfolios dialog. The main changes include:
    • increased the size of the dialog 
    • new tab for accessing currently selected items
  • Minor user interface improvements

Fixed issues

  • Custom attributes are not saved when items are grouped by a custom attribute and a user moves an item from one group to another 



March 2024 release notes

Release date: March 14, 2024


  • Ability to duplicate roadmaps from either the Roadmaps list or directly from a roadmap.
  • Custom item attributes – additional colors are now available.
  • Minor user interface improvements.

Fixed issues

  • Values for custom attributes cannot be created or updated.



February 2024 release notes

Release date: February 8, 2024


  • The "Custom icon" and the "Priority" attributes are now included when importing items from AgilePlace.

Fixed issues

  • "You have been signed out" message incorrectly appears during active user browser sessions.
  • Dependency lines on timeline – tooltips with the dependency information are not displayed consistently. 
  • When the browser language is set to a language that uses a "dd/mm/yyyy" date format, the month and day values are switched when milestone dates are entered.


January 2024 release notes

Release date: January 11, 2024


  • Ability to go to the linked item in a dependency from the Dependencies section of the roadmap item details pane.


Fixed issues

  • All English language options specified in browser settings display dates in "month-day-year" format even for options where the format should be "day-month-year."

Known issues

  • Dependency lines on timeline – tooltips with the dependency information are not displayed consistently. Workaround is to move the cursor along the line until the tooltip appears.