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Planview Customer Success Center

Timesheet Approvals widget


Resource managers who are required to approve timesheets can use the Timesheet Approvals widget to quickly view the timesheets that await their approval and then approve or disapprove those timesheets.

This widget displays information about all timesheets for the last two months that need your approval. In addition to letting you approve or disapprove timesheets for individual resources for single time periods, this widget also lets you approve or disapprove timesheets for multiple resources across multiple time periods with minimal clicks.

It can be configured to appear in Planview.Me or in Planview Portfolios on the Overview tab on My Overview.   

timesheet approval.gif



For more information about the Overview tabs in Planview Portfolios, see Using Planview.Me views in Planview Portfolios.



Available functionality

Users with the required time approval permissions and user role features who are responsible for approving timesheets, such as project managers and resource managers, can perform the following procedures. 



The Timesheet Approvals widget only displays data for which you have the appropriate permissions and user role features.


To quickly approve a single timesheet without reviewing the time reported:

Click approve icon to approve the selected timesheet.

To quickly disapprove a single timesheet without reviewing the time reported:

Click disapprove icon to disapprove the selected timesheet.



If remarks are enabled, enter the reason why you are disapproving the timesheet in the Remarks box, then click Disapprove.


To review time reported and approve or disapprove a timesheet:

  1. Click the timesheet you want to review.
  2. Review the hours reported—and any existing remarks—for each work item by clicking chevron_right_gray.png next to Total hours
  3. Approve or disapprove the time reported for each work item by performing one of the following actions:
    • Select Approve next to each work item that you want to approve.
    • Select Disapprove next to each work item that you want to disapprove. If remarks are enabled, enter the reason why you are disapproving the time reported for that work item in the Remarks box that appears.
    • To quickly approve or disapprove all of the time reported for the selected timesheet, select Approve all or Disapprove all. If you disapprove all and if remarks are enabled, enter the reason why you are disapproving the timesheet in the Remarks box.
  4. Click Submit.

To quickly approve or disapprove multiple timesheets at once:

  1. Press Ctrl while clicking one or more timesheets.



    You can also press Shift while selecting a range of timesheets.


  2. Select Approve selected or Disapprove selected to approve or disapprove all of the selected timesheets. If remarks are enabled and you disapprove the timesheets, enter the reason why you are disapproving them in the Remarks box.
  3. Click Submit.

To display timesheets for a different portfolio or resource:

Click head and shoulders icon and then select a portfolio or resource name.



Configuration settings



Your administrator can only add one instance of this widget per board/view.


Option Description
Title Name of the widget.
Description (contextual help) Description to appear when user clicks the help icon for the widget.