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Planview Customer Success Center

Objectives and Key Results screen basics

The Objectives and Key Results screen shows the objectives and key results (OKRs) for a Planview AgilePlace board or for the selected strategy or work item in Planview Portfolios. On this screen, you can perform the following tasks:

The following figure shows an example of the Objectives and Key Results screen:


Click to expand or shrink

Example of the Objectives and Key Results screen



Accessing the screen from AgilePlace

To navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen:

  1. Access the Planview AgilePlace board.
  2. Click OKRs icon.



Accessing the screen from Planview Portfolios

In Planview Portfolios, you can access the screen from a strategy, strategy portfolio, work item, or work portfolio.+

To navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from a strategy portfolio:

To navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from a strategy:

To navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from a work portfolio:

To navigate to the Objectives and Key Results screen from a work item:



Objectives and Key Results screen elements

The following table describes the elements on the Objectives and Key Results screen.

Element Description
New Objective

Click to create a new objective.

calendar icon

The timescale for the OKRs shown on the screen:

  • Year: Shows OKRs for one calendar year. Click the box next to this option to change the year.
  • Month: Shows OKRs for one calendar month. Click the box next to this option to change the month and year.
  • Custom: Shows OKRs for a custom date range. Click the two boxes next to this option to change the start and end dates of the date range.
up and down arrows

The left-to-right sorting order within each row on the screen:

  • Name: Sorts all OKRs within each row in alphabetical order.
  • Start Date: Sorts all OKRs within each row by the start dates.
  • End Date: Sorts all OKRs within each row by the end dates.
  • Reverse Sort: Reverses the direction of the selected name or date sort within each row.
OKR levels button

Controls which OKR levels appear on the screen. Click to show or hide levels and view which level is set as the primary.

filter icon

Opens the Filter pane, on which you can filter OKRs on the screen using the following options:

  • Start after: Show only OKRs with a start date on or after the selected date.
  • Finish before: Show only OKRs with an end date on or before the selected date.
  • Objective or key result title: Show only OKRs with titles that are a partial match for the text you enter in the Keyword box.
  • Parent Objectives: Show only OKRs that are children of the selected parent objectives. Select or clear the Parent Objectives checkboxes to choose the parent objectives to filter on. You can narrow down the parent objectives shown by entering text in the Parent Objectives filter box (filter icon).
card view

Shows the card view for the screen, on which OKRs appear as cards within lanes for each OKR level that is selected to be shown.

For objectives, you can view connections to other objectives up to three levels above (parent objectives) and three levels below (child objectives) the selected objective.

list view

Shows the list view for the screen, on which OKRs appear in a hierarchy in a table on the screen. You can expand and collapse rows in the hierarchy to see the children of an OKR.

For objectives, you can view connections to other objectives up to three levels above (parent objectives) and three levels below (child objectives) the selected objective.

OKR health button Opens the OKR Health pane, on which you can view OKR progress and the status of key result updates and connected work items.
relationships icon Shows or hides the parent-child relationship lines between OKRs.
action menu

The action menu for the screen.

  OKR Settings

Opens the OKR Settings screen, which has the following options:

  • Primary OKR Level: Sets an OKR level as the primary level, which always appears on the screen and is the default level when creating new objectives.
  • OKR Board Level Settings: Enables the OKR levels at which users can create new objectives (such as Enterprise, Portfolio, Program, and Team).
  Download OKRs as Excel Click to export OKR data as an Excel file. Filters on the screen do not affect the exported data.