Portfolio Tasks widget
The Portfolio Tasks widgets gives users a quick and easy way to view key attributes in the work breakdown structure (WBS) for a work portfolio or a project in Planview Portfolios. In addition, users can update schedule and status attributes in the widget without opening Planview Portfolios. The widget includes columns such as Line #, Name, Project, Work Status, Duration, Schedule Start, Actual Start, Schedule Finish, Actual Finish, Predecessors, and Successors.
It can be configured to appear in Planview.Me or in Planview Portfolios on Overview tabs for My Overview, work portfolios, and work items:
- In Planview.Me and My Overview, the widget shows the projects (work items at the primary planning level, or PPL) included in the selected work portfolio as well as the projects' children. You can change it to a different work portfolio.
- For a work portfolio, the widget shows the projects in the current work portfolio as well as the projects' children.
- For a work item, the widget shows the selected project (work item at PPL) and its children.
For more information about the Overview tabs in Planview Portfolios, see Using Planview.Me views in Planview Portfolios.