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Planview Customer Success Center

Viewing items in the timeline

This article covers procedures that change only how the items are displayed in the timeline and do not affect item data.


Viewing item details

You can view partial details by pointing to the item in the timeline. which displays the planned start and finish dates and the custom attribute value if used for color coding. Imported cards also include the status.

To view all item details, click the item. The details pane appears on the right side.



Color coding roadmap items

You can display the roadmap items in the colors that correspond to a standard or custom item attribute.

Click Color by and then select the item attribute. 



Grouping items in a timeline

You can group items in a roadmap based on standard attributes of the items. You can also create custom attributes by which the items can be grouped. 

To group items in a roadmap

Click Group by and then select the item attribute.



Hiding empty "Group by" sections in a timeline

You can turn on a setting so that only the "group by" sections that include items are displayed and the empty ones are hidden.

To hide the empty "group by" sections, click Group by and then select the Hide empty groups check box.

To show the empty sections, click Group by and then select the Hide empty groups check box.



Filtering items in a timeline

Planview Roadmaps for Enterprise users can filter the items so that only the items that match one or more of the following filter options are displayed in the timeline:

  • item name or partial name
  • start date and finish date  – only the start or finish date or both dates, based on specific dates or a range of dates
  • item source –  Roadmaps or Planview product from which the item was imported
  • custom item attribute – values from custom item attributes

When you specify more than one filter option, the items that are displayed must match all of the filter options.

To filter items in a timeline

As you specify the filter options, the items in the timeline are automatically filtered. 

  1. Click the filter icon funnel_dk_gray_CC.png in the menu bar to display the Filter pane.
  2. To filter by item name, type the item name or partial name in the Name field.
  3. To filter items based on the planned start or finish dates:
    • on or after a specific date, specify the date in the From field
    • before or on a specific date, specify the date in the To field
    • within a date range, specify dates in both the To and From fields
  4. To filter by product of origin, select one or more products in the Item source section.
  5. To filter by custom item attribute, in the custom item attribute section, select one or more attribute values.
  6. To clear the filter criteria from a section in the Filter pane, click the Clear filters icon eraser.png. in the section heading.
  7. To close the Filter pane, click the X.

To clear all filters in a timeline

Click the Clear filters icon eraser.png at the top right of the timeline or Filter pane.



Viewing differences between dates for roadmap items and source items

When you add items from other Planview products, the items are displayed in the roadmap according to their planned start and finish dates. Subsequent changes to the planned dates in the other product are not automatically changed in Planview Roadmaps.

To view the differences in dates for items in the roadmap as compared to the source product

Click Date Difference. An orange line appears at the bottom of items for which the planned dates in the roadmap are different from the source items in the other product. 

To update the planned dates to match the source items

  1. Click the item card in the Items pane or the item bar in the timeframe.
  2. In the details pane, do one of the following:
    • To update all dates for the item, click Update at the top of the details pane.
    • To update a planned start or planned finish date, click Update below the date field.
  3. Click Save.



Exporting a roadmap as a PNG file

You can create a snapshot in PNG format of an entire roadmap or only the items included within a specific time range. When item filters have been applied, only the items displayed in the view are included in the PNG file.

  1. Click more ellipsis_CC.png > Export roadmap. The Export roadmap as PNG file dialog appears.
  2. All items are exported by default.
  3. To export only the items that are within a time range:
    1. Select Export items within a time range.
    2. Select the start and end dates for the time range.
  4. Click the Export as PNG button.