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Working with Logbook


Accessing Logbook

You can access Logbook from the following product locations:

  • Planview Portfolios – Logbook tab on the work or strategy screen.
  • Planview ProjectPlace – Logbook tab on the workspaces view

Switching to a different Logbook view

In the top right corner below the title bar, click the current view name to display the list of custom views and then select the view.

To display all logs from all log types, select Show all logs.

Filtering the Logbook view

You can filter the Logbook view to show only the logs that match the search critieria.

  1. Access Logbook.
  2. Click the filter icon funnel_dk_gray_CC.png. The Filters pane appears.
  3. Select the filter criteria.
  4. To clear the filter criteria and view the entire list, click eraser_PDS.png Clear filters.

Creating logs

When you create a log, you have the option to assign it to someone and associate it with another item. 

In Portfolios you can associate a log with the following items:

  • work entities – work items below PPL such as phase, activity, task, sub task and action items
  • strategy entities at leaf level – related work entities
  • strategy entities at any other level except root – children items of the entities

In ProjectPlace, you can associate a log with cards, activities, or milestones in the workspace.

  1. Access Logbook.
  2. Click +Create and then select the log type.
  3. Complete the fields.
  4. To assign the log to a user:
    1. Expand the Assignee section, 
    2. Search for the assignee by typing at least 3 characters.
    3. Select the assignee.
  5. To associate the log with an item:
    1. Expand the Associations section.
    2. Search for an item by typing at least 3 characters.
    3. Select the item.
  6. Complete the remaining sections by expanding them and selecting the options.

Duplicating a log

You can create a copy of an existing log.

  1. Access the log.
  2. In the details pane, click More options ellipsis_CC.png > Duplicate log. The copy of the log is created.
  3. Configure the log as required.

Transferring a log to another log type

You can transfer a log to a different log type. For example, you can transfer a log from a risk to an issue. A new log based on the selected log type is created. The values for attributes that exist on both log types are copied to the new log. The original log remains in the list for reference purposes and is read-only with the status Transferred

  1. Access the log.
  2. Click More options ellipsis_CC.png > Transfer log.  
  3. In the Transfer log dialog, select the log type, and then click Transfer. The Transfer log dialog displays the attributes of the selected log type.
  4. Review and complete the attributes, and then click Transfer. The log item is created for the new log type and the original log is made read-only with Transferred status.

Exporting a Logbook view to Excel

You can export a view to Excel, which creates an Excel worksheet with the columns and data from the view.

  1. In the upper right corner of Logbook, click More options ellipsis_CC.png > Export to Excel.
  2. The view is exported to an Excel file and emailed to you.

Importing logs

You can import logs to Logbook using a template. The template is an Excel worksheet that has columns for the attributes included in the log type. A template is created automatically for each log type that is created. 

Each template includes the following worksheet tabs:

  • Instructions tab – provides a list of the log type attributes, including information describing the attributes and the formats for the values, and specifies which attributes are required
  • [Log type name] tab – includes a column for each of the log type attributes
  1. In the upper right corner of Logbook, click More options ellipsis_CC.png > Import from Excel. The Import from Excel dialog appears.
  2. Download the template for the log type that matches the logs to be imported by clicking the Templates button and then selecting the template .
  3. Open the template file and review the information in the Instructions tab. 
  4. To add the log data:
    1. Click the tab named after the template file. 
    2. Enter a row of data for each log. Make sure that the values you enter are in the proper column and formatted correctly, and that you enter values for the required attributes.
    3. When you are finished adding the log data, save the template file.
  5. Upload the template file by clicking the Import button on the Import from Excel dialog. An email notification is sent to you when the template file has been processed.
  6. Review the email notification to confirm that the logs were imported.

Creating reports based on Logbook data

You can use the Logbook OData service to create reports based on Logbook data using Power BI. You can also use Logbook data in some Planview Portfolios tiles and reports.

For more information, see the following articles: