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Planview Customer Success Center

PRD54 - Product Portfolio Dashboard

RPM Analytics Catalog   RPM Product Analytics   RPM Analytic PRD54 


A product portfolio report comparing data on portfolio measures, such as cost and revenue to aid analysis on portfolio balance.  Report can be run against and sliced by different product attributes.



Business Outcomes Supporting Capabilities
  • Supports the tracking of performance in terms of balance and risk of the portfolio
  • Manage Product Development
  • Product Roadmap


User Parameter Configuration (Information for Planview Administrators)
Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Slicer Attribute used for slicing in the report Only attributes in the framework and marked as analyzable can be used for slicing in the report slicer=pbs_level_2_prod
Choose Attribute for Chart 1:
Chart 2 Attribute:
Chart 3 Attribute:
Chart 4 Attribute:
Any strategy single select product alternates structure that has been enabled in Attribute properties to be “Available in Configurable Charts”. This will determine the (pie chart) attribute that is selected when the dashboard and report open. Chart colors will be based on the attribute charting options. pie1_measure=product_count_prod
Label Text Determines the chart labels for the report label_text options percent|value|both label_text=percent


Hidden Parameter Configuration (Information for Planview Administrators)
Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Table Columns Report supports 4 required/grouped columns plus 2 optional columns.   First three configurable values display grouped columns pbs_level_2_prod
Link to Work Ability to include the addition of product columns for product related to the entities Available Options:
Yes (Y) or No (N)
Report Title Configurable report title that appears at the top of the report. If a longer report title is required, then create additional report_title=xxx entries and these will be concatenated together based on the order in which they are listed in the configuration structure. report_title=Product Portfolio Dashboard


Technical/Database Information
Report (RDL) Location …/Reports/RPM_PROD/Product_RPM/RPM-PRD54/RPM-PRD54_v2.rd
Database This report uses the transactional database and updates will be real-time.
Report Developer Info: RPM-PRD54_v2 RDL is a derivative of the PROCESS01 RDL