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Edit a Financial Subtotal Column

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You are viewing content for Planview Enterprise One release – Portfolio and Resource Management.

How to Edit a Financial Subtotal Column

To make editing financial data within a Planning portfolio easier, some financial subtotals are editable within the Rank and Analyze pivot views. The financial subtotal types where this is available are: cost, benefit, unit, and effort. The Portfolio Target subtotals on the top of the page are also editable on the Analyze pivot view. Data edited in financial subtotal columns is then updated in the underlying financial plans, based on business rules. Please review the business rules before editing financial subtotals. 


Click to expand or shrink

Editing a financial subtotal


The video below shows a quick demonstration of editing an effort subtotal and seeing the change reflected in the financial planning detail screen.

Example of editing a financial subtotal

To edit a financial subtotal column: 

  1. On the screen's toolbar, click View, and then click either Rank or Analyze. (If editing Portfolio Targets, click Analyze.)
  2. Click in a white, editable cell, then edit by replacing the value.
  3. Click off of the row to save. 
  4. Data is saved both in the subtotal column as well as the underlying financial data: 
    • Data is edited by adjusting each editable value by a percentage across the subtotal period range and saved into the each applicable period
      • For editable periods only
      • For the accounts included
      • For the line items with the attributes included. 



        Data is edited in each period based on the old values in each period, keeping the shape of the data the same. It does not evenly spread the values from the total into the editable periods. It figures out the percentage difference between old total and new total, then adjusts each editable month value by that percentage. It can only change a month that already has a value, so if any period has no data before the edit, it will continue to have no data after the edit. 

        Specifically, the calculation follows these steps: 

        1. Get the percent change between old and new values. 
        2. Split the total into locked values and editable values.
        3. Calculate the virtual column total for only the locked values.
        4. Subtract the locked value from both old and new total.
        5. The percent change is the new editable total divided by old editable value. 

          (new total – locked total) / (old total – locked total) = percent change

        1. For all editable values that are part of the column total, multiply them by the percentage change. 




        When saving changes to columns with the type of Units or Effort, the cost will also be recalculated.




Changes cannot be saved for rows or cells with these restrictions:

  • Versions or accounts that are flagged as ‘do not allow edits.’
  • If the user does not have the version edit feature or read/write permissions.
  • Labor accounts that don’t allow cost overrides.
  • Or when all values in that subtotal column are before the first editable period of the horizon.




Calculated columns are not editable. Only subtotal columns are editable.



Business Rules

Editing financial subtotal columns has many business rules. Although they are all listed in the page above, they are listed all together here:

  • Editing subtotal columns is only available on the current working version. To see if a subtotal column is set to the current working version, an administrator can click main menu > Administration > Attributes and Column Sets > Manage Attributes, then click ellipse_vertical_dk_gray_button.png > Edit Attribute for the subtotal column. In the Criteria section, the setting must be: Version = The Current Working Version.


    Click to expand or shrink

    Administrator - Confirm subtotal column is set to The Current Working Version


  • The financial subtotal types where this is available are:
    • Cost
    • Benefit
    • Unit
    • Effort
  • Portfolio Targets may also be editable from within the Analyze pivot view. 
  • Data is saved both in the subtotal column as well as the underlying financial data: 
    • Data is edited by adjusting each editable value by a percentage across the subtotal period range and saved into the each applicable period:
      • For editable periods only
      • For the accounts included
      • For the line items with the attributes included



        Data is edited in each period based on the old values in each period, keeping the shape of the data the same. It does not evenly spread the values from the total into the editable periods. It figures out the percentage difference between old total and new total, then adjusts each editable month value by that percentage. It can only change a month that already has a value, so if any period has no data before the edit, it will continue to have no data after the edit. 

        In the case of the Portfolio Target row, the underlying data may be in one, or in multiple financial plans. Data is edited in each period within each of the plans in the same method, keeping the shape of the data the same. Any data in locked periods, locked lines, or locked financial plans will not be edited. 

        Specifically, the calculation follows these steps: 

        1. Get the percent change between old and new values. 
        2. Split the total into locked values and editable values.
        3. Calculate the virtual column total for only the locked values.
        4. Subtract the locked value from both old and new total.
        5. The percent change is the new editable total divided by old editable value.

          (new total – locked total) / (old total – locked total) = percent change

        1. For all editable values that are part of the column total, multiply them by the percentage change. 


  • Changes cannot be saved for rows or cells with these restrictions:
    • Versions or accounts are flagged as "do not allow edits."
    • The user does not have the version edit feature or read/write permissions.
    • Labor accounts don’t allow cost overrides.
    • All values in that subtotal column are before the first editable period of the horizon.
  • Editing subtotal columns is only available on the Rank or Analyze pivot views within the Planning menu.
  • Editing subtotal columns is only available within a personally created scenario. If the shared scenario is selected the columns will not be editable. 
  • Calculated columns are not editable. Only subtotal columns are editable.


This article does not apply to this release; choose a different release.