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Planview Customer Success Center

Report Troubleshooting - Output Data

Incorrect Output Data
The report is executing correctly but you are not seeing the data you would expect, this is most likely a product of up stream Planview processes failing to run.
The first step when experiencing data issues with a report output is to ensure all upstream data and processes are correct/up to date.  Many reports are dependent on:
  • Cyclic Job Streams
  • ​Daily Tables
  • Financial Planning Loads (Financial Data)
  • Progression
  • Forecast Period Settings
  • Refresh Labor Rates
To understand any RPM report specific upstream requirements and dependencies , please navigate to the Customer Success Centre catalog overview page for the report in question - RPM Analytics Report Catalog
Reports showing data form the financial plan are dependent on the upstream planning, scheduling and timesheeting process and the loading of scheduled and actual data in to the financial plan.  Financial reports also use the financial model forecast period to determine was is actual and what is forecast.  If these proccesses are not correctly monitored and maintained, this could cause reports to show incorrect financial infomration.

TopTip:  The financial section in the WRK14 report shows when the financial versions used by the report were last updated and the current date of the forecast period.