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Reporting on Investment Dependencies - Analytic

RPM Analytics  RPM Configuration Case Studies   Reporting on Investment Dependencies  


This bubble chart report provides a mechanism to visualize the dependencies between investments such as projects and programs, in a portfolio and highlights areas of risk in the portfolio.
Example showing Project Investment Dependencies
This bubble chart report is designed to show the investment dependency relationships between projects within the Portfolio.
  • Each bubble represents a project
  • The X axis of the chart is showing how many projects are dependent on or co-dependant with each of the project
  • The Y axis is showing, for each project, the number of projects that are required by them
  • The Z axis (size) of the bubble represents the proportionate cost of delivering the project
  • The bubble color is based on the Red, Amber, Green assessment status of the project

This provides value by identifying important projects that may have other projects dependent on the success of their delivery.  This helps understand the impact of projects in the context of the portfolio and to identify areas where mitigating actions may need to be taken.
Analyzing the Output
The example investment dependency report output below shows some interesting and telling results.
  • The first thing to notice is that the majority of projects are without dependencies in this portfolio so they are not of a concern in the analysis of the report, these will show where X=0 meets Y=0 in the graph.
  • Most importantly project Beta, which is showing five projects that are co-dependent on or required by its successful delivery, has the overall project health indicator value of Red.
  • This means that project Beta is not only performing badly, but could also have a negative, knock on impact to five other projects in the portfolio.
  • Based on this analysis, changes or mitigating actions may need to be taken to avoid serious impact to the delivery of projects within the portfolio.


Reporting on Investment Dependencies Configuration
This report uses the base report WRK33 - Project Cost or Revenue/Benefit Bubbleconfigured to provide a view of project dependencies within the portfolio by changing the X and Y axis defaults in the parameter configuration.

Create a persona of
WRK33 - Project Cost or Revenue/Benefit Bubble and update the following configuration entries in the RPM report configuration structure to achieve the above report.

For more information on creating personas, please see Report Personas.
Outcomes & Strategy
The example on this page is showing a project centric view using the WRK33 - Project Cost or Revenue/Benefit Bubble report but this could equally be used on strategy and outcomes as they also supports investment dependencies between entities.  Simply configure the STR33 - Strategic Initiative Pipeline Matrix and OUT33 - Outcome Portfolio Revenue Prioritization Bubble reports and replace the project attributes with appropriate Strategy and Outcome ones respectively. 


Parameter Configuration (Information for Planview Administrators)
Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
X-Axis Attribute Attribute to use for the X-Axis Any of the project attributes (fields, alternate structure, WBS) could be used X_axis=inv_pred_plan
Y-Axis Attribute Attribute to use for the Y-Axis Any of the project fields could be used Y_axis=inv_succ_plan
Color Attribute Attribute to use for the color Any of the attribute with defined colors could be used Color_attribute=wbs709_plan
Report Title Configurable report title that appears at the top of the report. If a longer report title is required, then create additional report_title=xxx entries and these will be concatenated together based on the order in which they are listed in the configuration structure.  report_title=Investment Dependencies