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Planview Customer Success Center

RES13 - Resource Attribute Effective Date Audit


Resource portfolio report that provides detail on resource attributes, changes in these attributes and the effective dates of the attributes. Ensures resource data quality. Option to run as an exception based report.



RES13 Resource Attribute Effective Date Audit example



Business Outcomes

  • Data quality report that identifies exceptions in the resource master data.
  • Provides analysis of resource attributes and their effective dates by period.
  • Ensures that resource rating, financial summarization and capacity data is correct.



Supporting Capabilities

  • Time Reporting



Business Rules

  • Alternate structure values are shown based on the effective dates applied to associated values of the attribute
  • First assignment date is the first date on which there is an actual (time reported), allocation or reserve for the resource
  • The report alerts an exception when the first effective date for each resource attribute is either:
    • After the date of the first work (actual, allocated or reserved), or
    • After the start date of the resource



Administration: User Parameter Configuration

Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Range Start/End Ability to select range of data returned N/A Defaults cant be set
Limit to Problem Records Limit to Problem Records = No

Report will provide the below chart detailing all resource attribute effective date information between the selected periods for Resources in the portfolio.  The example below shows a single resource chart

Limit to Problem Records = Yes

Report will provide Resource analysis showing details of all resource attributes where records meet the following criteria:

Earliest Effective Date > Start of Work
Earliest Effective Date > Resource Start Date

Options are:
Defaults cannot be set



Administration: Hidden Parameter Configuration

Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Report Title Configurable report title that appears at the top of the report. If a longer report title is required, then create additional report_title=xxx entries and these will be concatenated together based on the order in which they are listed in the configuration structure.  report_title=Resource Attribute Effective Date Audit



Technical/Database Information

Report (RDL) Location …/Reports/RPM_PROD/Resources_RPM/RPM-RES13/RPM-RES13_v2.rdl
Database This report uses the transactional database and updates will be real-time.