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Planview Customer Success Center

OUT33 - Outcome Portfolio Revenue Prioritization Bubble


Outcome portfolio report that can select cost or revenue based measures from the financial planning data to drive bubble size and visualize the pipeline of outcomes. Report can be configured to run against each level in the outcome structure.



OUT33 example




Business Outcomes

  • Ensure that governance is focused on the high cost and high value (revenue generating) outcomes.
  • Identify high value outcome investments that are reporting adverse status and ensure they are brought back into tolerance.
  • Ensure that there is a balance, across the delivery pipeline with a spread of high reward initiatives across the planning horizon.



Supporting Capabilities

  • Manage Outcome Development
  • Outcome Financial Management



User Parameter Configuration (for Administrators)

Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Table Columns 2 columns before and 2 columns after the outcome entity name can be defined It is recommended that PBS parent levels are used in the first two columns.
It is recommended that the two columns are used for key status and/or responsibility attributes
Currency Currency in which the amounts should be displayed There are several values only if the multi currency option is enabled. Default is the system default currency Default cannot be changed
Version Version to consider Default is the version specified in the version_id parameter (or version marked as forecast otherwise) Version_id=
Financial Measure Unit to use to display the numbers Values are:
  • Financial Amount
  • Effort (hours)
  • Effort (days)
  • Effort (FTEs)
  • Units
Correspond to the following values for the fm_measure parameter:
  • amount
  • hours
  • days
  • ftes
  • units
Financial Category Specify whether costs or  benefits/revenues should be displayed Values are:
  • Cost (cost)
  • Benefit/Revenue (benefit)
Account Types Specify the account types that should be considered This is multi select parameter Values are:
  • Capital
  • Expense
  • Labor
  • Benefit
The first 3 values can only be selected if Financial Category=Cost Benefit can only be selected if Financial Category=Benefit
There is a line for each possible value: account_type=ACTP$EXP account_type=ACTP$CAP account_type=ACTP$LAB      
Filter by Budget Line Attribute Can be used to filter down on a given line attribute By default it is “No Filtering” But one of the used line attribute could be selected. The values to consider for the filtering are defined in the next parameter Default cannot be changed
Filtered Values Has to be used if the “Filter by Budget Line Attribute” is selected Multi Select attributes Default cannot be changed 
Accounts Specify the accounts that should be considered This is a multi select parameter This list takes into account the account type parameter Default cannot be changed  
Period Starting Starting Month for the interval Default=Horizon start of the Financial Model Default cannot be changed  
Period Ending Finishing Month for the interval Default=Horizon Finish of the Financial Model  Default cannot be changed 
Max Line Attributes Number of line attributes to consider in the table   Max_line_attributes=2
Color Attribute Attribute to use for the color Any of the attribute with defined colors could be used Color_attribute=wbs709_prod
X-Axis Attribute Attribute to use for the X-Axis Any of the outcome attributes (fields, alternate structure, SBS) could be used X_axis=spbs1_prod
Y-Axis Attribute Attribute to use for the Y-Axis Any of the outcome fields could be used Y_axis=rpm_product_score
Show Bubble Labels Determine whether the labels should be displayed next to the labels Values are:
  • No Labels (none)
  • On Export Only (export)
  • Export and Browser (both)



Hidden Parameter Configuration (for Administrators)

Parameters Description Configuration Options Default/Example Settings
Bubble Label Attribute What should be displayed next to the bubble   Bubble_label_attribute=outcome_description
Show Bubble Size Indicates whether or not the amounts that is used for the size of the bubble should be displayed when Bubble labels are displayed Available options are:
Yes (Y) or No (N)
Report Title Configurable report title that appears at the top of the report. If a longer report title is required, then create additional report_title=xxx entries and these will be concatenated together based on the order in which they are listed in the configuration structure. report_title=Outcome Portfolio Revenue Prioritization Bubble



Additional Information

Details of the attributes, data types and parameters available for each report dimension;

  • X Axis – The attributes available for use on the X axis include categorical dimensions such as strategy alternate structures, SBS hierarchy parent values, strategy numerical fields and strategy date based fields, such as actual/Scheduled finish date. The values will be plotted based on the chronology, size or attribute place (position in the alternate structure definition). 
  • Y Axis – strategy numerical fields are available for selection in the Y-axis parameter. Typical data points to use are a prioritization or risk scoring attribute (field). Bubble Size – Financial Value; the z axis shows data from the financial plan.

    The following parameters are used to determine what is shown:
    • Currency; if Planview Enterprise is configured to support multi-currency then this parameter allows selection of the currency to display the financial values in. Standard currency conversions are used.
    • Working Version; a single active financial plan version can be selected. This defaults to the Version Marked as Forecast.
    • Financial Measure; financial planning can be used to store financial, effort and unit data. Only one measure type can be selected, to ensure that different data types are not aggregated.
    • Financial Category; selections are either “Cost” or “Revenue/Benefit”. These are determined by the financial management account configuration.
    • Account Types; Capital/Expense/Labor; based on the financial management account configuration, this parameter allows further filtering of the financial data that is aggregated for the Y Axis.
    • Accounts; this list is dynamically built based on the prior selections and shows the hierarchy of all accounts configured in the model that fit the Category and Account Type selections.
    • Max Line Attributes; this determines how the data is displayed in the table, specifically how many line attributes

Color Attribute; alternate structures that have been defined with Charting Colors are available for selection as the bubble color. Show Bubble Labels; this determines whether labels are shown for the bubbles for on-screen viewing of the report, export of the report or not at all. Note, when viewed on screen, each bubble has a mouse over hover tool tip that shows the values associated with each bubble.



Technical/Database Information

Report (RDL) Location …/Reports/RPM_PROD/Outcome_RPM/RPM-OUTR33/RPM-OUT33_v2.rdl
Database This report uses the transactional database and updates will be real-time.
Report Developer Info: RPM-OUT33_v2 RDL is a derivative of the FM33 RDL