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Planview Customer Success Center

Planview Admin Release Notes - 05/03/24

We have deployed the following enhancements to Planview Admin during the week of May 3, 2024. This post is designed to help you understand how new and enhanced features can improve your PV Admin experience, and to guide you in making decisions about how to configure those features (if applicable). Release notes for Planview Admin are published weekly on Fridays. The next set of release notes will be published on May 10, 2024. 
In addition to the fixes and enhancements below, this release contains various background improvements that lay the groundwork for future enhancements. They should not have an impact on your current PV Admin experience. 

To learn more about the features described in the release notes, please visit our Planview Admin page in the Customer Success Center. 

New Enhancements

Improvements to user imports
The user import file size increased from 5 MB to 20 MB. With this change, admins can import more users per file when adding or updating users through file import. 

Hiding product tiles on the Overview tab
Administrators can now choose to hide product tiles in the Overview tab from other users. This is useful for organizations that have multiple sandboxes and need to prevent users from accessing the wrong environments.

Notable Fixes

Multiple Emails sent when a user was added to AgilePlace
In some organizations, adding AgilePlace to Planview Admin would send two welcome emails to each user. This no longer occurs and each user only receives one email.