The steps for configuring Logbook include:
- Create the log types required by your organization.
- Review the log type attributes. If you require additional attributes, create custom attributes
- Add the custom attributes to the log types.
- When a log type is complete, activate it to make it available for use in Logbook.
- Configure the Default view by adding the required log types.
- If other views are required, create custom views.
The procedures for performing these steps are in the following sections.
Accessing Logbook settings
- In Planview Admin, click Settings on the menu bar.
- On the Logbook card for the environment that you want to configure, click
Managing log types
Creating log types
When you create a log type, you initially specify the name and the log type category.
When the log type is created, certain system attributes are included by default. You can set the attributes as required so that users must select values for them and you can remove attributes from the log type. You can also add custom attributes that have been created for Logbook.
- In Logbook settings, click the Log types tab.
- Click + Create log type.
- In the Create log type dialog, enter a name and select the category for the log type.
- Click Create. The log type appears in the list.
- To finish configuring the log type, click it in the list. The details pane appears.
- To make the log type available for users to create logs of this type, click the Inactive switch to make it Active.
- Configure the system attributes:
- Expand the System attributes section.
- To force users to enter a value for the attribute when creating a log, enable the Required switch.
- To remove a system attribute from the log type, click the X.
- To add an attribute that had previously been removed from the log type, click +Add system attribute and then select the attribute.
- To add custom attributes:
- Expand the Custom attributes section.
- Click +Add custom attribute.
- Select the custom attributes to be added to the log type, and then click Add.
- To force users to select or enter a value for the custom attribute, click the Required switch.
- To rearrange the custom attributes, drag them to the desired positions.
Deleting log types
You can delete a log type only if no logs have been created for it.
- In Logbook settings, click the Log types tab.
- Click the log type to be deleted.
- In the details pane, click More options
> Delete.
- Confirm the deletion.
Managing custom attributes
Creating custom attributes
You can create custom attributes for use in log types. The following field types are supported:
- Date
- Long text
- Multi select
- Numeric
- Percentage
- Single select
- Text
- Time
- Click the Custom attributes tab.
- Click +Create custom attribute and then select the field type.
- Enter the name and tooltip for the custom attribute, and then click Create. The custom attribute is created.
- To finish configuring the custom attribute, click it in the list.
- If the field type is single or multi select, you must create options for it.
- Complete the remaining options. The custom attribute can be added to log types.
Deleting custom attributes
Deleting a custom attribute removes it permanently from Logbook. You can delete custom attributes only if no logs that include them have been created. If any logs have been created that include the custom attribute, you can archive the custom attribute.
- In Logbook settings, click the Custom attributes tab.
- Click the custom attribute.
- In the details pane, click More options
> Delete.
- Confirm the deletion.
Archiving custom attributes
You can archive custom attributes regardless of whether there are logs that contain them. Custom attributes can later be restored if necessary.
- In Logbook settings, click the Custom attributes tab.
- Click the custom attribute.
- In the details pane, click More options
> Archive.
Restoring custom attributes
When you restore a custom attribute, its values on logs are also restored.
- In Logbook settings, click the Custom attributes tab.
- Click the custom attribute.
- In the details pane, click More options
> Unarchive.
Configuring the Default Logbook view
Before users can access Logbook, you must configure the default Logbook view to ensure that it includes the required log types for all users,
- In Logbook settings, click the Log types tab.
- Click the Custom views tab.
- Click the Default view.
- In the details pane:
- Select the log types to be displayed in the view.
- Select the check boxes for the attributes that will be displayed as columns in the view.
- The order of the attributes from top to bottom in the list is the order of the columns in the view from left to right. To change the order of the columns in the view, select and then drag the attributes in to the preferred order.
Managing custom views
Creating custom views
You can create custom views. When you create a custom view, you first select the log types to be included in the view. All of the standard attributes and custom attributes for the log types that you select are included in the view by default. You have the option of removing custom attributes that you don't want to included.
Custom views are available to all Logbook users.
- Click the Custom views tab.
- Click +Create custom view.
- Enter a name for the custom view, and then click Create. The view appears in the list.
- In the Details section of the details pane, you can enter a description for the view.
- To specify which log types will be displayed as rows in the view, expand the Log types and attributes section.
- Select the check boxes for the log types to be included in the view. The custom attributes appear below the log types and are selected by default.
- To remove custom attributes from the view, clear the corresponding check boxes.
- The order of the attributes from top to bottom in the list is the order of the columns in the view from left to right. To change the order of the columns in the view, select and then drag the attributes in to the preferred order.
Deleting a custom view
If a custom view that is in use is deleted, the default view appears in its place.
- Access Logbook settings.
- Click the Custom views tab.
- Select the custom view.
- In the details pane, click More
> Delete.