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Planview Customer Success Center

Planview Advisor Release Notes - Q1 2023

The following updates were made available for Planview Advisor during the first quarter of 2023. Since updates are applied on a per-customer basis, you may not see these changes in your instance of Planview Advisor. If there is an update you want applied to your instance, please contact your Customer Success Manager or Engagement Management.

Portfolio Dashboards

  • Added mean and median lines to the bubble chart legend. 
  • Tooltip added for the bar mean/median lines. Hover over the lines near axis tick marks to see the value. 


  • Warn users when snapshots created using the "convert to named" feature will overwrite pre-existing snapshots that already have the entered name. 
  • Snapshot Admin: Data reloads on this page every 90 seconds so you don't have to keep hitting F5.  


  • Sparklines: View sparkline charts for key project metrics on the Projects tab to understand how values have evolved over time. 
  • You can create summary reports in task approval 
  • The input summary for a workspace has a new UI. 


  • Liveforms can be dynamically renamed on the navbar.

  • You can export editable iterative text to PowerPoint in liveforms. 


  • Group Permissions now have a new, modern UI for administering group permissions with expanded functionality 

  • There is a new "root" account. Going forward, the root account will have broader permissions than standard admin accounts. 

  • Data Console: The link to the data console on the home page is now restricted to users with "root" permission who are also marked as "internal" on the User Admin page.   


  • A cookie notification pop-up has been added to the home page.