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Planview Customer Success Center

Scenario Analysis

This article will walk you through the creation of different scenarios that you can compare within the portfolio. Essentially, a portfolio scenario is a subset of the projects or snapshots in the main portfolio. By creating multiple subsets of projects within the portfolio, you can compare them and see how the portfolio changes as different projects are added or removed.

Click here to view a tutorial video on scenario analysis.

To create scenarios in a portfolio:
  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the Portfolio Summary.
  2. In the scenario list, name or rename the scenario.
  3. Click Update.
  4. If necessary, check the box under Include. This will add the scenario to the Project list field chooser.
  5. Click Reload. The Portfolio Summary page will reload.
  6. From the Project list's field chooser, add the scenarios as columns to the table.
  7. In each scenario column, use the checkboxes to select which projects are included in the scenario.

With the scenario columns added to the Project list table, they can also be used in Portfolio Dashboard charts.

Scenario columns

Scenario columns in the table have the following actions available to them in the column header:

  • Radio button - Click to make scenario active.
  • Copy icon - Copy to another scenario. Copies this scenario's projects to another scenario.
  • Pencil icon - Rename the scenario.
  • Plus icon - Set/clear subtotals.
  • Funnel icon - Set/clear filters. You can filter the table by projects that are in the scenario or by projects that are out of the scenario.
  • Eye icon - Controls the visibility of the scenario column in charts.

Scenarios and charts

Scenario columns appear as options in the various drop down selectors in the charts. They can be used to set chart axes and to group chart data. To view data rollups by scenario, select *All Portfolios or *All Scenarios in the Group by drop down menu.

Using the active scenario in charts

Making a specific scenario the active scenario does not automatically adjust visible data in the charts unless you have selected *Active Scenario in one the chart's drop down menus.

With *Active Scenario selected, you can quickly compare scenarios by switching the active scenario in the Project list table.