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Planview Customer Success Center

Portfolio Summary

The Portfolio Summary page has two main features: dashboards and the project list. The dashboards are charts that provide insights based on the projects and snapshots that you added to the portfolio. The project list is a list of the projects included in the portfolio. Both are configurable so that you can see the data that matters most to you.

Portfolio Dashboards

Dashboards occupy the upper-half of the Portfolio Summary page. Each dashboard tab is a different type of chart that you can use to create a different comparison for different types of data in your portfolio.

Dashboard Tab Description

Bubble charts are used to visually compare data using bubbles of varying sizes and colors. 

Bubble chart video tutorial


Bar charts are useful for tallying projects or totaling costs. 

Bar chart video tutorial

By years

This tab renders bar charts over time. This tab is useful for metrics such as revenue, cost, or product launches. The slider in the top right corner adjusts the time horizon.


Frontier charts sort projects in decreasing order according to their value/cost ratio. Value and Cost are defined in the Value and Cost drop down menus. The left and bottom axis are cumulative, with each item adding its value or cost to the total. 


Brick charts display facts about a set of items. Each brick can have up to six descriptive labels. You can control the position, size, and color of the bricks.

Brick chart video tutorial


Flag charts display important events, such as milestones or product launches, along a timeline. Each flag can have up to six labels. 

Flag chart video tutorial


Waterfall charts illustrate variance for quantitative metrics such as NPV or current year cost. You can compare historical portfolios or portfolio scenarios.

Waterfall charts video tutorial

Treemap Treemaps render a cross-tab on a two-dimensional grid. 

Bullseye charts show progress towards a goal for a large number of items.

Bullseye chart video tutorial

Simulation Simulation Charts show the uncertainty around certain metrics and the probability of achieving them for the portfolio.
Layout The Layout tab lets you build multi-chart dashboards from your existing chart views.
To create and save a chart view:
  1. In a chart tab, use the chart controls to configure the chart as necessary.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click on the Show view panel button. It appears as a bar chart icon.
  3. In the view panel, enter a name for your chart view.
  4. Click the plus icon next to the name field.

Your chart view is saved and added to the list of available views. By default, chart views are private and added to the folder corresponding to their chart type. You can move charts into other folders in the view panel by clicking and dragging the view in to another folder.

To edit an existing chart view:
  1. In the upper-right corner, click on the Show view panel button. It appears as a bar chart icon.
  2. Hover over the name of a view. This will reveal the following buttons for the view:
    • Rename view (pencil icon)
    • Copy direct link (chain icon)
    • Visibility toggle (meeple, multi-meeple, or globe icon)
    • Update view (disk icon)
    • Delete view (trash icon)
  3. Use the controls to adjust the high-level settings of the view.
  4. Click on the view name to open the chart.
  5. Use the chart controls to configure the chart as necessary.
  6. Use the Update view button next to the view name in the view panel to save your chart configuration.
To create a new folder for chart views:
  1. In the upper-right corner, click on the Show view panel button. It appears as a bar chart icon.
  2. In the view panel, enter a name for your chart view folder.
  3. Click the folder-plus compound icon next to the name field.

Your folder will be added to the view panel.

To create a custom dashboard in the Layout tab:
  1. In the Layout tab, click the plus icon (+) next to the Layout label.
  2. Select one the available layouts.
  3. From the view panel, click and drag existing chart views into the empty spaces in the layout.

You can save your custom layout using the same method as saving any other chart view.

Projects list

The Projects list is table that displays the projects in the portfolio. Like all tables in Planview Advisor, the Projects list has table controls in the header of column. These controls are described in Working with Tables.

Additionally, the Projects table has a field chooser that you can use to filter the projects in the table.

To use the field chooser:
  1. Click on the three vertical dots above the table. This opens the field chooser. All fields visible here can be added to the table.
  2. Use the search box or field chooser buttons at the top to narrow down the number of fields displayed.
  3. In the field chooser, select the field or fields you need and add them to the table. There several methods you can use:
    • Click and drag a field into the table.
    • Click on a field and click either the left or right arrow to add them to the table. The left arrow adds the field to the start of the table, and the right arrow adds the field to the end of the table.
    • Ctrl + click to select multiple fields. Selected fields can be added using the two methods above.
  4. Click the X in the upper-right corner to close the field chooser.

Fields are added to the table immediately. There is no confirmation or save button.