Portfolio Basics
Portfolios are sets of project snapshots that are brought together to perform analysis. A portfolio can include snapshots from any number of projects. In additions, you can have any number of snapshots from the same project to explore different versions of the project in the context of your other projects.
Examples of project data can appear in your portfolio are:
- Latest published data (LPD)
- Named snapshots
- Labeled snaphots
- Dated snapshots
Portfolios also includes global data that applies across all of your projects, such as Current Year or FTE rates.
There are two types of portfolio:
- Static - Static portfolios remain fixed. Snapshots remain in the portfolio until you remove them.
- Dynamic - Dynamic portfolios grow or shrink as snapshots meet the portfolio's criteria or stop meeting the criteria.
In both types of portfolio, the portfolio reports update when the underlying projects are updated, unless the snapshots for that project are dated or labeled snapshots.
The differences between these types are listed in the table below:
Static | Dynamic | |
Where can snapshots come from? |
Can add snapshots by selecting from a list or from another portfolio |
Can add snapshots by using either attributes, project name, from a list or from another portfolio |
Who can configure the portfolio? |
Can be configured by all users that have portfolio configuration permission |
Can only be configured by users who have access to all projects in the system |
When are snapshots updated in the portfolio? |
Snapshots do not get removed from the portfolio unless user removes it explicitly |
Snapshots automatically get added / removed as they match or stop matching the rules |
How are inactive projects handled? |
You can elect to keep snapshots of inactive projects in static portfolios |
Snapshots of inactive projects automatically drop out of dynamic portfolios |
Creating Portfolios
Portfolios can be created from your Planview Advisor Home page or from the Portfolios page. In additional to instructions below, you can watch a tutorial video on portfolio creation.
To create a new portfolio:
Click the New icon. On the Home page, this is in the Portfolios table, next to the table title. On the Portfolios page, this is at the top of the page, beneath the main navigation.
Enter a Name for the portfolio.
Select an Owner. By default, you are assigned as the owner.
Enter a Description.
(Optional) In the Load global 'As Of' field, enter a date for the last published global data you want to use in this portfolio. If you do not enter a date, the most recent global data will be used.
Select the Type of portfolio.
Click Create Portfolio in the page header.
This creates the portfolio and you can now begin adding snapshots to it.
To add projects to a static portfolio:
- In the Edit Portfolio Contents section, select the snapshots you want to include by clicking on checkboxes next to each snapshot.
- (Optional) In upper-right corner, you can select an existing portfolio to add snapshots from. Select the portfolio and click Add.
- Click Save Portfolio in the page header.
Your selected snapshots will be added to the portfolio.
To add snapshots to a dynamic portfolio:
- In the Edit Portfolio Contents section, build a rule. Projects that match the rule will be added to the portfolio.
- Select either Project, Attribute, of Another Portfolio.
- Select one or more items of that type.
- Select a snapshot type, if applicable.
- Select an operator (Or, And, or Not)
Your first rule must have an Or operator. Otherwise, no snapshots will be returned.
- Click Add Rule.
- (Optional) You can add specific snapshots directly by clicking pick from a master table fo all snapshots.
- Repeat Step 1 for each additional rule you want to add to narrow the matching snapshot results.
- Click Save Portfolio in the page header.
All snapshots that match the rules you configured will be included in the portfolio. New snapshots will automatically be added when they match the rules and existing snapshots will be removed if they stop matching the rules.
To edit the portfolio's permissions:
- Click Edit Portfolio Permissions.
- Choose if the portfolio is Private or Public.
- Private portfolios are only visible to the portfolio creator, admins, and user who have been given permission to see them. New portfolios are private by default.
- Public portfolios are automatically visible to all user that have access to all projects contained in the portfolio.
- Add Specific User Permissions.
- Select individual users to be reviewers.
- Select individual users to be publishers.
- Add Specific Group Permissions.
- Select groups to be reviewers.
- Select groups to be publishers.
- Click Save Portfolio in the page header.
Configuring Existing Portfolios
The Configure Portfolio button on the portfolio's home page takes you to a page where you can edit the properties, snapshots, and permissions that you set when you created the portfolio. It also allows you to convert a portfolio by switching out the existing snapshots for a different type.
To convert a portfolio:
- On the Configure Portfolio page, click Convert Portfolio. This expands the
- Click one of the buttons to switch the existing snapshots for another type. The buttons are described in the table below:
Button Description Convert to a portfolio of named snaphots Creates a static, named snapshot for each project in the portfolio. This option is only available for portfolios with no more than one snapshot per project. Convert to an historical portfolio Creates a dated snapshot for each project in the portfolio. Dated snapshots have only data that was published as-of a specified date. Convert to labeled data portfolio Use the latest labeled data as-of a specified date for each project in this portfolio. Convert to a portfolio of the latest published data Convert this portfolio to use latest published data (LPD) snapshots for each project in the portfolio. Make this portfolio Static Converts this portfolio to use a simple list of snapshots based on the portfolio's current rules and then removes all rules. This option is only visible in dynamic portfolios. Make this portfolio Dynamic (visible in static portfolios) Converts this portfolio to that automatically adds or removes snapshots based on the on rules you set. Existing snapshots in the portfolio will converted to simple rules. - Click Save Portfolio in the page header.