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Taking a snapshot in Planview Advisor saves the current state of your workspace so that you can reload it later or make it visible to other users. You take as many snapshots of a project as you want, allowing you to save multiple versions of the project with different input data that you can compare against each other.

When creating a snapshot, you have the following settings to customize the snapshot:

  • Private - Private snapshots can only be accessed by you. Admins can see the snapshot but cannot interact with it unless your system is configured to allow them to update them.
  • Public - Public snapshots are visible to other users of the project. Admins can delete public snapshots but cannot update them unless your system is configured to allow them to update them.
  • Static - Static snapshots save the data in the workspace exactly as it is at the time the snapshot is taken.
  • Dynamic - Dynamic snapshots save the data in inputs you changed at the time snapshot is taken. When you open a dynamic snapshot later, the inputs you did not change will be populated with the latest published data.



You may not see all of these snapshot options. The snapshot options available to you will depend on your system configuration and your user permissions.

To take a snapshot:
  1. Navigate to the project's Home page.
  2. In the Snapshots table, click the New icon next to the table's title. This will open a dialog box.



    If you do not see the Snapshots table in the project's Home page, you may need to add it through the configuration menu. See Project Home Page for more information.


  3. Enter a name for your snapshot.
  4. Select whether the snapshot will be Private or Public.
  5. Select whether the snapshot will be Static or Dynamic.

Your snapshot will be created and added to the table. You can load the data from the snapshot back into the project at any time.

To load a snapshot into a project:
  1. Navigate to the project's Home page.
  2. In the Snapshots table, click on the name of snapshot.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation message.



    Loading a snapshot will overwrite any pending changes to the project in your current workspace. If you don't want to lose those changes, publish them or save them in a new snapshot.


The snapshot will load into the project. The project header will change to reflect the snapshot that you are viewing.

To update a snapshot:
  1. After the snapshot is created or loaded into your project, make the necessary changes to the project's inputs.
  2. Open the project's Home page.
  3. In the Snapshots table, click on the Actions icon to the right of the snapshot's row. The icon looks like three vertical dots. You can also right-click on the snapshot to open Actions menu.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation message.

The snapshot will be updated. The update will not be visible until the snapshot is refreshed, which may take some time. After updating a snapshot, you can click on the snapshot's name to load it into the workspace.

To delete a snapshot:
  1. Open the project's Home page.
  2. In the Snapshots table, click on the Actions icon to the right of the snapshot's row. The icon looks like three vertical dots. You can also right-click on the snapshot to open Actions menu.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click OK in the confirmation message.

The snapshot will be deleted.

Variance Analysis

Planview Advisor has a built-in variance analysis tool in each project. You can use this tool to compare the a project's latest published data to specific snapshot or compare two snapshots against each other.



You must have at least one existing snapshot to use the variance analysis tool.


To turn the variance analysis tool on:
  1. From the Project Summary page, click the Gear icon in the upper-right corner, below the main navigation bar.
  2. Select the snapshots to include the analysis. You can select the snapshots using the following criteria:
    • Date range
    • Label
    • Name
  3. Enter a label for the current data in the project. By default, the tool uses "Present."
  4. Click Save and Reload.

This adds a drop down selector to the upper-left corner of the Project Summary. You can use the selector to choose a snapshot to compare the current data against. Differences between the current data and the selected snapshot will be highlighted. You can hover over highlighted values to see differences.



In the variance analysis drop down selector, you can select Show All to show all values of all snapshots in the table.


To turn the variance tool off:
  1. From the Project Summary page, click the Gear icon in the upper-right corner, below the main navigation bar.
  2. Click no variance.
  3. Click Save and Reload.