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Planview Customer Success Center


Changing an input in a project automatically creates a workspace. In a project workspace, the changes you make are only visible to you and you can change any input you want without permanently overwriting the underlying data. Workspaces have the following features and behaviors:

  • Workspaces are automatically created when you change an input in a project.
  • Each project can have its own workspace. However, each project cannot have more than one workspace.
  • Workspaces and the changes in the them persist between user sessions.
  • Changes in a workspace are only visible to you unless you publish the changes or share them in a public snapshot.

Essentially, workspaces act as a sandbox where you can see how input changes can affect a project before those changes are actually applied. You can use a workspace to model multiple scenarios by saving the results in a snapshot and then making new input changes.

Managing workspaces

Once you make your first change and create the workspace, you will see a count of the changes made and the Publish icon next to the project title.

To manage changes in the workspace:
  1. Click on the count of changes next to the project title.
  2. To revert a change, click the left checkbox next to an item in the Workspace Management table and then click Remove. You can select multiple items at once.
  3. To publish a change, click the right checkbox next to an item in the Workspace Management table and then click Publish. You can select multiple items at once.
  4. Click Return to the project home page.

You can also publish your changes by clicking the Publish icon next to count of changes. Your workspace can also be managed using the tools in the Project Home page.