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Planview Customer Success Center

Create New Project

Example Request URL


Either specify a user token in the codeduser querystring or specify a valid session code in the request header.

Example Request

Creating a project is a POST request with the following JSON fields:

    "id": -1,
    "tempid": <temp id integer>,
    "name": <project name string>,
    "attributes": {
        <attr1>: <attrval>,

Planview Advisor will provide the template ID ("tempid") to use. Project names are limited 64 alphanumeric characters. No special characters can be used in the project name. The attribute object is optional and Planview Advisor will provide the set of attributes and value specification for each as configured for your specific instance.

Example Response

The response is a JSON with the following structure:

    success: true/false,
    id: <the project ID>,
    message: <success/error message>