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Planview Customer Success Center

Bubble Chart

Bubble charts are a kind of scatter plot that allow you to visualize data with three dimensions: a vertical axis, a horizontal axis, and the size of the bubbles in the chart. In Planview Advisor, bubble charts are customized using the dropdown menus and control options at the top of the chart. We also have a video tutorial on bubble charts here.

Hovering over a bubble will display that bubble's values which determined its size and position in the chart. Clicking on a bubble will drill down into its details.

The projects displayed in the chart are controlled by the project list under the chart. Only projects that are currently visible in the project list will be visible in the chart.

Chart Option Description
Left Selects a field for the vertical axis. Projects will be placed vertically on the chart based on their values in this field.
Bottom Selects a field for the horizontal axis. Projects will be placed horizontally on the chart based on their values in this field.
Size by Selects a field for the size of the bubbles. Projects will be sized based on their values in this field.
Labels Selects a field for bubble labels. Each project will be labeled with their value in that field if annotations are on.
Group Groups totals together by a category, creating fewer, larger bubbles. You can ungroup totals by selecting Project in this dropdown.
Color Selects a field to color the bubbles.
Shape Selects a field which controls the shape of the bubbles.

You have the following additional display options in this chart:

  • Name - Displays the label of all bubbles
  • Value - Displays the value that the determined the size of the bubbles
  • Legend - Displays a legend for the chart. The legend displays the color coding and size scaling.