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Planview Customer Success Center

Manually Submitting a Job on the Server

The Job Manager interface can be used to manually submit jobs and to view information about job execution. The Job Manager displays detailed information about each job, including any error or warning messages. For more information, see the Job Manager section in the Troux Navigate help.



For use cases and prerequisite tasks, see Option 1 and Option 4.


To submit a job using the Job Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Access Troux Navigate.
  2. Access Troux Admin. To do so, open the Troux menu in the upper-right corner and choose Admin.
  3. Click the Jobs tab.
  4. As the Blueprint, select the blueprint that the data in the TUX file is targeted to.
  5. As the Job Category, select the category specified for the compound job that was created to run this collector.



    For information about configuring jobs, see Configuring TUX Jobs and Job Templates.


  6. As the Job Name, select the name of the compound job that was created to run this collector.
  7. In the TUX Upload field, take one of the following actions:
    • If you generated the TUX file on the client, select the TUX file that you generated.
    • If you are collecting from a file (such as an Excel spreadsheet) and the TUX file will be generated on the server, select the file from which you are collecting.
    • If no client-side file is required, leave this field blank. For example, leave this field blank if you are collecting from a database and the TUX file will be generated on the server.
  8. Click Run.

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