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RPM Dashboard MY102 - Portfolio Performance Detail



Connecting the demand pipeline to strategy, resources, projects and outcomes, the Portfolio Performance dashboard on My Planview gives portfolio managers an end-to-end view of their portfolios.

Managers understand the impacts and relationships between project performance, outcome ROI, strategic financials and resource availability. They can answer questions such as:
  • Based on over-utilization of a key role, which projects are at risk? And what is the potential impact on overall strategies?
  • Are there potential connections between at-risk projects and the product and application roadmaps?
  • How does proposed new demand impact resources, strategies and outcomes?

Portfolio Performance.png

Click on a section of the example screenshot to view detail


Business Outcomes Supporting Capabilities
  • Make portfolio adjustments based on project performance and priority
  • Strategic Planning
  • Program Planning


Project Pipeline

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The Project Pipeline chart shows a visualization of the pipeline demand of projects within the portfolio, broken down by lifecycle stage.

Click on a stage or specific bubble to filter the report to show only things that are a part of that pipeline.

Portfolio Performance - Project Pipeline.png

This provides value by highlighting key high priority / high payoff items and their place within the delivery lifecycle.

This information can be used to:
  • Make portfolio adjustments based on project performance and priority
  • Drill down into under performing projects to determine corrective actions
  • Make benefit trade-off decisions to shift spending from under performing projects to increase portfolio value
  • Identify resource intensive projects that may be over performing or under performing to target resource shifts


Strategy (Programs)

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The Strategy breakdown treemap visual provides a quick way to drill in to sub categories of programs and subsequently filtering the rest of the report output based on this selection.

Portfolio Performance - Strategy.png

The size and color of the boxes in the tree map provide further dimensions of quick analysis, such as revenue and cost, and can be selected via the report user parameters. 
Clicking limits the rest of the analytics to the specific mission/objective/strategy and filters down projects to only those that deliver a specific initiative.

This also provides a way to see the breakdown of strategy while doing other analysis, and/or doing generalized analysis.


Resource Utilization

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This analytic can be used to quickly identifies key overloaded roles that are critical to the deleivery of the portfolio.
Based on line attributes, this analytic highlights the roles that are most over capacity for the upcoming periods.

This analytic highlights key roles and helps understand the impact of any over or under utilized resources.

Portfolio Performance - Resource Utilization.png

Clicking on a role highlights the rest of the charts to only those entities that use the specific role.
Analytic Detail
Overcapacity compares the specific line attribute capacity (from the Cbs1 entities in the planning portfolio specified) to the demand of the projects.

Red shows over utilized resources and green shows fully or under utilized resources.



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This analytic shows a Product, Application or Service breakdown bubble chart, where the swimlanes and size, position and color of the bubbles allow for further dimensions of analysis.

Each bubble is represents an outcome associated to the projects in Planview Enterprise.

This Report can be used, for example, to identify an important product with low investment or a low impact application with lots of investment, providing sight of where money is being spent.

Portfolio Performance - Outcomes.png

Clicking on a dot highlights the associated work in the other graphics, supporting the used case, what is the demand pipeline, strategic breakdown, and potential resourcing issues for the given product or application.


Project Health

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The project health visual provides quick analysis of key project identifiers and KPIs for the associated projects highlighting what’s at risk based on the execution realities.

Portfolio Performance - Project Project Health.png

Click on a specific group (e.g. all red) to see how the selected projects impact the pipeline, strategy, resourcing, products/applications etc.


Report User Parameters

The Report should execute with default User Parameters values configured by the administrator.

To change a default value, select the 'Show Parameters'  Show Parameters Icon.png  icon which will display the report User Parameters and simply select a new value from the drop down list.

Click View Report to re-run the report with the new selection. 
Parameters Description
Aggregate Data By: This parameter determines the period of time that financial and effort information will be broken down by in the report
Currency: This parameter controls the display currency of the report. The selection will show only the defined system currencies.

Defaults to users currency in
Financial preferences

It is only possible to change currencies in a multi-currency environment. 
Effort Unit Parameter is used to select the unit of measure used for effort

Possible values are:
  • hour
  • fte
  • day. 
Org Res Utilization: The list of values will contain all organizational resources to select from.

This is a multi-select parameter
Project Health Attribute This parameter determines the attribute used in the bar chart at the top of the project health section (grey box on the far right of the report) 
Financial Accounts to Include: The list of values will contain all organizational resources to select from.

This is a multi-select parameter
Forecast Version:
Baseline Version
Allows selection of two FM versions that are used for FM calculations. Defaults to marked and forecast and marked as baseline. Can be adjusted to compare to (for example) compare to a different baseline.
Strategy Chart Color: Parameter that defines the attribute used for the color in the tree map. 
Strategy Chart Size: Parameter that defines the attribute that’s used to determine the size in the tree map.
Project Pipeline Bubble Color: Parameter defines the work attribute that sets the color for the bubbles in the visual. 
Pipeline Bubble Size Parameter that defines the work attribute that sets the size of the bubbles.
Pipeline Y Axis: Parameter that defines the work measure attribute that is used for the y-axis.
Pipeline X-Axis: Parameter that defines the work measure attribute that is used for the x-axis values.
Pipeline Grouping: Parameter that defines the work attribute that is used to group the x-axis.
KPI 1 Attribute:
KPI 2 Attribute:
KPI 3 Attribute:
Parameters used to select the attribute used for the KPIs in the project health section (grey box on the far right of the report) 

The available attributes are:
  • Forecast Cost
  • Forecast Benefit
  • Forecast Net (net=benefit-cost):
  • Baseline Cost
  • Baseline Benefit
  • Baseline Net
  • Projects Over Budget
  • Projects Under Budget
  • Late Projects
  • OnTime Projects
These attributes will respect the other report parameters, such as model, versions, currency and accounts.
Outcomes Color Attribute: Parameter that defines the attribute that sets the color of the bubble.
Outcomes Bubble Size: Parameter that defines the attribute that sets the size of the bubble
Outcome Y-Axis Parameter that defines the measure attribute that is used for the y-axis of the bubble chart.