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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Q&As - Quarterly Product Update March

Question Answer
Will we still have the option to open these menus in a new tab? Yes, that option will still be available
Will that concept of moving ideas from idea stages also be available in the PPM pro taking away the manual task as well ? It is not on our current plan to provide this connection, but that is something that might be considered further down the line.
Where will the product switcher appear in Portfolios? Initially the product switcher will appear in AgilePlace. We do intend on surfacing it in Portfolios as well and will replace the current switcher that appears in the top right of the Portfolios navigation area.
How does the agile team managment affect agile costing? It should simplify it. We currently have an Agile Costing configuration that allows you to spread time across a team if any team member is assigned to a card. One of the things we're looking at is just use the team assignments to do that for us
When will Planview Admin add networkID to the SSO options? Supporting network ID in addition to unique email is on a prioritized backlog as we do get this request fairly frequently. As for timing - ideally we'd be able to address this use case in the 2nd half of 2023. Stay tuned for updates within the monthly Enterprise release webinars to hear more on specific timing.
Will Admin allow SSO with employee ID vs email? Supporting network ID in addition to unique email is on a prioritized backlog as we do get this request fairly frequently. As for timing - ideally we'd be able to address this use case in the 2nd half of 2023. Stay tuned for updates within the monthly Enterprise release webinars to hear more on specific timing.