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Enterprise One Q&As - March 2023 Release Webinar

Question Answer
Is there a "warning" message to that effect for leaving a portfolio? Yes, and user needs to confirm before leaving as shown in demo.
Is the Sentiment looking for key words in the long text fields? Sentiment Analysis reads the whole text input (paragraph etc.) and determines, using language, placement of words and expression to determine a classification. This adds a lot more accuracy than a key word type assessment.

This classification is negative, neutral or positive and this is then mapped into a score between 0 and 1.0
Is this Sentiment Analysis selection available for On Premise users? No, unfortunately it will not be available for on premises implementations
Does the "Leave Portfolio" option allow creation of a portfolio with no members in it? Portfolio always has an owner, and does not need to have members.
Will there one day be financials available for requests? That type of enhancement isn't on the immediate roadmap but it's an interesting need that I'd recommend adding to the IdeaPlace campaign so we can validate the specifics you're thinking about:
Speaking of enhanced screens, is there a plan for when users will need to have all screens migrated to the enhanced screens? At this time we don't have a hard date for when all would need to adopt enhanced screens, but as we identify that date, it will be communicated few months ahead to allow you time to prepare and migrate.
Do we have a URL to be able to see some templates of the enhanced configured screens to think of redesigning our screens from simple black and white ones? We don't but that's a great idea -- we'll look for opportunities but also recommend that you add to this to our Portfolios Enhancement Campaign so others can weigh in too:
Plans to have a focus control on work portfolio level? Could you provide a bit more around your use case and what you mean by focus control? You can also add details/the idea to the IdeaPlace campaign:
Will that option for Portfolio Definition be displayed on the Manage Attributes 'grid' as a column or is it embedded in the attribute definition? At this time it will be in attribute definition. With later updates we will look to add to table (grid) as well, no target date at this time.
Hi can you give an updates on Rest APIs for Portfolios - I thought coming in 1Q2023 was for Creating work? Also, no update on the menu streamlining (UI/UX uplift)? Is this now 3Q earliest if not coming in next 2-3 months? As far as UI/UX, unfortunately I don't have an exact monthly target on the menu work, we are hoping to finalize the first large piece of that work by early summer and would like to release after that
Hi can you give an updates on Rest APIs for Portfolios - I thought coming in 1Q2023 was for Creating work? Also, no update on the menu streamlining (UI/UX uplift)? Is this now 3Q earliest if not coming in next 2-3 months? REST APIs for creating and updating Projects are currently expected to become available for labs participants in the first half of this year. Customers who have registered to participate in the REST APIs labs, which is still open and available for registration, will receive communications as those labs APIs become available.
Are whiteboards able to be saved and versioned? Whiteboards are able to be saved but not versioned. Could you provide more details about your use case for versioning?
Are roadmaps usable in Portfolios or is it purely AgilePlace? Roadmaps only connects to AgilePlace today, but the future will connect to Portfolios in a similar way.
Is there a CSC article on roadmaps? The CSC is not published yet, but there is an FAQ here:
Does the roadmap tie back to any data fields in Planview EA? Not yet, but that is planned for the future
For Roadmaps, can you show % completed for an item and dependencies between items? Not yet, but that is planned for the future
When did you say is the go-live of Roadmaps? GA will be on Feb. 28th!
Is there a planned date or time when Whiteboards will be available in AgilePlace? We are targeting mid-April for release of Whiteboards in AgilePlace
Is the certification specific to ProjectPlace and Portfolios? Yes, certification is specific to Portfolio/ProjectPlace. 
What is cost for the certification? There is no cost for certification, it is part of our on-demand offering at no cost, within Planview University and user only needs to register to access:
How soon will you send out the recording? Meeting recording and presentation along with release notes will be published in CSC on Thursday, March 2nd:
Is there a 'Roadmap' for when new features will be available in "Roadmaps"?  For instance when will % comp and dependencies be available?  Also when will it be available in Portfolios? No target dates at this time, however we would recommend joining Roadmaps Inner Circle where these topics will be discussed. Registration page for Inner Circle:
Is there a way to send out notifications to users in Agile Place on approaching finish dates or the ones that are past due date? With newly released Card Automation, you are able to build an event based trigger that could provide a notification to a MS Teams channel or Slack channel to inform members of those channels, however, there is no support for email or named assignee notification. 
Will there be updates coming for the Work Portfolio Dashboard? There are minor updates being made. Future updates would be gathered via Reporting & Analytics inner circle, and our recommendation would be to join and participate in those discussions. To register:
What's the roadmap for OKR updates in AgilePlace and Portfolios.  no mention of these for a while For the last three months, the OKR team has been focused on performance optimizations. The next priorities for this year include: Platform Odata support and connecting Portfolios and AgilePlace OKRs.
When using Dependency Management in Portfolios, the visual depictions of the inter-project and inter-program dependencies are not very intuitive, and the Chord Diagram is hard to read.  Do you have plans for other depictions that can better show the interdependencies, especially something that can be used for senior management reporting. There are no near term updates to Gantt in Portfolios, however, we have started discussing ideas around Gantts in our January Inner Circle meeting and we will be revisiting the topic in future inner circle meetings. We would recommend registering for our UX/UI inner circle so that you can be a part of future discussions on this topic. To register:
Can you post link to the inner circle program page