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Planview Customer Success Center

Enterprise One Q&As - August 2022 Release Webinar

Question Answer
What is PRM? Portfolio Resource Management, apologies for the acronym!
similar to leankit, will this require websockets? Yes, it will. More info is provided in another answer below.
Are you planning to create a job being able to unlock & lock financial versions of projects in portfolio? We don't have that one immediately on the roadmap but I will make a note to add it to our consideration, thanks!
what are websockets? And what is the impact? WebSockets is a modern HTML5 standard. OKRs uses GraphQL Subscriptions, which are implemented as WebSockets, to keep Objective and Key Result data as well as associated LeanKit/E1 data up to date across client sessions. There are customers that have IT security policies that block websockets, which will prevent OKRs from loading. From Planview's experience, blocking web sockets is not a common practice.
What is all applications do not utilize SSO, will that be a problem? There's no requirement to set up SSO via Planview Administration when adding products/syncing users. It's an option you can explore but again not required.
Is Planview/Platform Administration & SSO contingent on usage of Planview ID?  Also, where is CTM in this roadmap of managing users? We've had a bit of a renaming exercise so Planview ID has expanded and been renamed Planview Administration so all the capabilities you've known to be included in Planview ID are within the umbrella of Planview Administration.
Hi Paul, did you get my email on Planview ID? Hi Shaun - I did and will respond either later today or first thing tomorrow. Had an offsite first half of this week so catching up a bit. :)
Is there a license cost associated with using Platform Administration? No - there are no additional licensing or cost impacts to Planview Administration.
Is there a cost to onboard PV ID? There is no current costs to request to setup Planview Administration!
Can I ask why you removed the ability for the client to choose between light and dark text on the menu bar in E1? My current client has a corporate standard of white text on orange background. This is no longer configurable as text colour auto-defaults to black when orange background is selected. I can take a look and see what the threshold is for switching between black and white. As we've been moving toward more accessibility, one of our primary efforts is to make sure color contrast is as accessible as possible
Thanks you for allowing IP filtering in LeanKit Absolutely! If you would like to have IP Filtering enabled for your organization, please submit a customer care case!
cheers Paul, no probs, Im obviously at the next step in your cycle trying to get my SSO to work via the PV ID :-) That's great news and will look to get some support on what you need.
Will we be able to set the start and finish dates as planning series values someday in LeanKit? i.e. Start in PI 1 and Finish in PI 2 or Start in Sprint 1 and Finish in Sprint 2. We don’t need to-the-day estimates only to the sprint level for accuracy. Right now, start and end iterations are assumed. For example, if an Epic is assigned to PI 1 and PI 2, the assumption is that it will start in PI 1 and end in PI 2. We will monitor for feedback to see if there is a need to specifically call out start and end iterations
Zapier Integration - is this a plug in? Is there a cost? Zapier is a third-party integration application that helps you build simple workflows between applications, just like Microsoft's Power Automate if you are familiar with that. They have different subscription options, but the basic one is free.
Is the system admin for Projectplace able to turn off the ability to sync to PRM at system-level? At this time there is no toggle at the Projectplace account level to turn off the Sync with PRM option. It is however a feature that only workspace owners/admins will see.
What E1 lifecycle will the project started in PP follow? As the work is created in Enterprise One the work type associated with the initial template will then kick off the appropriate lifecycle and execute steps until it encounters the first step that requires user intervention.
and is the plan managed in E1 only or is it also available to update in PP Once sync‚ E1 will manage the plan just like how it currently is when a a sync is setup from E1 to PP.
Do we know when the leankit automation update is coming? We are targeting end of August for LeanKit automation to be available for beta testing for Labs customers
When you did the synch, I saw an Active Lifecycle Step.  What lifecycle did that pick up?  Just wondering if we can do this and push the syched work through one of our existing lifecycles. As the work is created in Enterprise One the work type associated with the initial template will then kick off the appropriate lifecycle and execute steps until it encounters the first step that requires user intervention.
Is "Labs" in PV E1 an additional cost? No extra cost! Gives you a chance to kick the tires and provide feedback so that we can iterate and evolve the Labs features to meet your needs :).
Also is there any place I can go to to know more about what is going to be added in the automation update of leankit? You can join the Labs initiative to beta test the capability and provide your feedback.
I missed the opening minutes--did you present a status Planview RoadMap? We did not, opening minutes were mainly house-keeping items. The recording for our June Roadmap webinar is available here:
I missed the opening minutes--did you present a status Planview RoadMap? If the question was referring to our new Planview Roadmaps product that is still in Labs and is planned to be released towards the end of the year.
Can you build a template in PP and later connect it to E1 if you know the parent structure code, to make a connected template? This is currently not supported as the template needs to be defined at the time of work or workspace creation.