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Planview Customer Success Center

May 2024 Product Roadmap Q&A

Question Answer
Do you have to be on planview admin to enable overviews Yes, you will need to be on Planview Admin to enable and configure views.
If you currently do not have PVAdmin enabled, what is the experience if you upgrade to the May version with regards to "My Overview" ? The Planview.Me and Overviews feature will be off by default, and will not work in an environment that does not have PVAdmin (but it's a really great reason to start investigating getting PVAdmin enabled!)
Which languages are currently or will be supported in Copilot? We don't have an exhaustive list but this is from our documentation: Planview has tested its capabilities in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Swedish. Given that copilot Copilot has a very robust GPT model as its foundation, Copilot can respond in many different languages and we have heard that it transitions to non-English languages well. You can find more here:
Does Planview's Copilot "learn" from your client's data? Or, is all the AI training done separate from your client's data? Great question – Copilot does not get trained on any customer data. Rather, when you ask your question, Copilot can access the data you have configured on the screen, however that data does not get sent to any further training. For example, after you refresh your browser, logout, or after the session times out, Copilot no longer "remembers" the data it used to respond to your previous questions.

We have more documentation on these details here:
New request I received from a user this morning...will CoPilot be able to provide counts of data on the screen.  For example, if a large Work portfolio is on the screen, can I ask for a count of items marked as "favorites" or a count of those that are a particular Investment Type? Copilot can answer, count, and analyze, all attributes that the user has configured to be on the screen within the column set. So as long as "Investment Type" is configured to be displayed, Copilot will be able to answer a question like, "How many items here have an Investment Type of X". 

Copilot is also a great way to ask questions that might require a "pivot" of data, such as, "How many items with an Investment Type of X also have a total cost lower than Y and an ROI greater than Z".
Just to confirm - you say ProjectPlace will default to managing the plan and this will need to be disabled if we are not ready for that?  The new option ‚ "Yes, Plan managed in ProjectPlace" within Sync with ProjectPlace alternate structure will be available by default. but we are not making changes to your data or for future syncs we are not defaulting to ProjectPlace manages Plan. I hope that makes sense. Good question!
We have enabled Planview.ME on Planivew admin and in portfolios. Created widgets as per demo, but we are not able to see those widgets on the overview page of Planview Portfolios. Do we have to do anything differnt to show them on Overview page?
- double check that the global option for overviews is enabled
- Keep in mind that if your instance is in EU/APAC this will be going out in the coming week
- If above is not applicable, please submit a support ticket and we'll be able to help troubleshoot.
How does logbook impact the Change Request lifecycle in Portfolios? Logbook shared service is geared to ultimately replace the existing CRI module in Portfolios, initially focused on issues, risks, changes and the ability to configure other types to meet needs such as lessons learned, decisions, assumptions, simple business dependencies, and anything else a user would like to log. However, while Logbook will support the Change Request type once it is GA and when you are ready to migrate from CRI module, we have not started working on Logbook Workflows (Lifecycles) yet. We highly encourage you and anyone interested in this capability to join the Logbook Inner Circle ( ) and/or Labs Early Access ( ) so you can be part of discussion and requirement gathering.
How does reporting work for Logbooks? Will this be included in Automart? Logbook will support OData with GA release, and we will be providing widgets. Beyond that it is still to be determined.
Including Logbook data in Automart is a requierement we are tracking and will know more as we get closer to starting this work. Please join the inner circle / early access so you can be part of discussions. Thanks!
So is there a way to have certain milestone types updatable from Portfolios and others from ProjectPlace. Today PMO updates the gate milestones but the project team maintains all other milestone types (key, deployment etc.). Currently, the management of Plan in ProjectPlace is supporting only the full plan and not Partial. At this time there is no plans to support partial plan sync when Plan is managed in ProjectPlace.
The Metric Tile is there anyway to make it smaller from right to left?  I can adjust the top bottom but not right/left.  I feel like I'm missing something. If the tile is the only thing in the section it will span out across the width, once you add more tiles or other widgets you will be able to adjust the width size.
Any news on the fix for the Portfolios Work and Resource Management case# 00749470 which will resolve the allocation of resources before the task start date? This was pushed back to May - will it be dropped in this release? This is targeted for the June '24 release, so one more month. Thank you for your patience with this, there was a lot of new territory to both code and QA test with respect to what to do when a date appears in the middle of a time period and how that will impact when a resource allocation start/end date should be prevented. We are quite solid now and expect the June release to be the final target date.
Date for Agile Planning - will that go live on the 2nd May?  We're targeting May 1st for go live.
Will in AgilePlace in card default view will be displayed planning increment info (in cases when time is planned in planning increments not start-finish dates)? The new card design will eventually support showing planning increments on the card face.
Any update when Planview Portfolio Expenditures will be able to work like Resources to add expenditures by month instead of spreading. We don't have that on our immediate roadmap but that is a popular enhancement we've been tracking closely in IdeaPlace.
Will the custom fields for Roadmaps eventually make it to RoadMaps for teams? Currently they are targeted for enterprise only. If that changes, we will update.
Do you have any plans to provide ‚Äòring fenced‚Äô access to specific OData sets, to accommodate sharing data on a need to know bases, meaning we can specify which OData Sets can be accessed by a specific user or group When using the OAuth Client Credential, you will specify which application you will access.  So you could create a specific credential for OKR reporting or Logbook reporting, which will not permit access to the other.
When automatically adding users to Planview Admin, will we be able to turn off the automatic welcome email that's sent? Specific actions will trigger the welcome email. Such as adding users when SSO is not enabled.  The welcome email is needed to set passwords.  If there is a specific event or interaction that you are concerned with, I would recommend creating a support case, and we can dive deeper into why the interaction is generating the email and if there is a way to disable it
If we have custom fields in CRI will that be translated over to Logbook? Like we move all the Risks, Issues, Decisions into the Changes tab. We are not planning any systematic migrations, instead you will be able to have it side by side, and will need to build out Logbook with same custom attributes so that you can export out of CRI and import into Logbook.
I would like to beta test. Anyone who would like to beta test for the PV Admin community access please contact!