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April 2024 Product Roadmap Q&A

Question Answer
Do we need to configure anything in Planview.Me Admin to enable this? There will be 3 new options under the Planview.Me settings corresponding to Portfolios where these views will be set up. The options will be available around mid-April.
Will those be renameable with Configurable Text? Will they be translated in the browser's language? Yes these widgets can have custom titles and descriptions and will be localized based on the browser language.
Could Assignments be labeled "My Assignments" so there is no confusion from the user's perspective of what should be displayed? We are actually changing that to "My Assignments" now!
If the new Overviews screen is activated, can an Admin control which tab under My Overview is the default for users (Overview or My Tiles and Reports)? At the My Overview level it will be the default. If you set the Default View (Admin > Menus and View Settings > Role-Based Settings) to Work, you'll be able to select the Portfolio View (or other tab) as the default
Can you please provide a link with instructions to configure Planview.Me ? Once you add the product (Planview.Me) you can leverage this link on how to set it up:
Will CRIs disappear in Portfolios when logbook is available? Not immediately. Our users would have the option to use either CRI or Logbook and deicde if they want to switch over to Logbook alone.
Will CRIs disappear in Portfolios when logbook is available? It will be up to customers to transition, and CRI's will be around for some time, and we would announce deprecation at minimum 6 months in advance.
Does Logbook support Lifecycles? We currently have Change lifecycles in place. Can these be applied in Logbook? There is no Lifecycle support with Logbook. Post-GA we will look into workflow support for Logbook.
Will you be able to edit the card from portfolio? ProjectPlace Card Detail is read-only and will be accessible by any Portfolios User who has access to view the Action Item.
Where will our old CRIs go? Logbook is planning to support an import option to migrate all the existing CRIs.
Hello - when will risks and issues be integrated/synched up between Portfolios and ProjectPlace ? Logbook (which is a shared capability to log Risks and Issues and other items) is meant to over time replace both Risks and Issues and CRIs. With a shared service there is no longer any need to integrate the current capabilities.
the priority field in portfolios for projectplace cards connected to the plan doesn't seem to appear anywhere in projectplace. does this mean everything will be aligned going forward? Attribute mapping between ProjectPlace Card and Portfolios Action Item for Priority has not changed and remains disconnected. We have added a new mapping to bring in PP Card:  Tags and Sentiment Score into Portfolios Action Item.
Will existing CRIs be migrated to Logbook when a customer switches over? There will not be a migration, instead you will have option to import into Logbook, so when ready to switch over, export CRIs and import into Logbook.
The fix for the Portfolios defect 'Work and Resource Management - 00749470 - Allow Allocation Dates to Occur Outside of Task's Date Range' was expected to come in the April release - is this still expected? We are currently working on the resolution and we will keep you posted as and when the resolution is available.
If we have custom CRI attributes...we will be able to import those too? The goal is to provide an import capability to Logbook that can support the import of custom attributes. We will know more about the exact capabilties of this function when we start addressing it later on in Q2.
Will the long lived credentials be applicable to SOAP APIs, thus removing the need to make a call to  LoginService prior to any SOAP calls? Not for now. This oauth client credentials is intended to manage platform level access to services like OKR odata and in the future Planview Admin centric API's. SOAP authentication remains the same.
Planview Admin Usability Improvements - What does the "Hide tiles from overview" bullet mean? The Overview tab within Planview Admin potentially shows a lot of Sandbox tiles that may not be applicable to all users so this would give the admin the ability to hide certain product tiles for certain users if you want to reduce noise and focus those users on specific products. Hope that helps!
What does designating a "primary" sandbox in PV Admin actually do?  Designating a primary sandbox will guide shared services like OKR's, Roadmaps and Planview.Me which Portfolios Sandbox needs to be mapped to those services. Hope that helps.
Hi, Without Planview admin , how we can configure SSO , for on prem solution ? This would need to be supported by your internal IT team to work with your IDP. There are some core tables within the Portfolios database that can help support that connection to the IDP. Submit a customer care case to seek additional documentation to help here.
Is Planview.Me a paid add-on or is it included in Portfolios? There is no cost to Planview.Me or its embedded experience in Portfolios.
With all of the Planview Admin releases, do any of those include that top-down management process vs today's current state of bottom-up? These changes are outside of those from Top-Down user managment.  Rest assured we are still working dilligently on the TDUM functionality, but in the meantime wanted to make some usability changes to improve the experience for our users based on our customer feedback.
Is there an extra cost to enable There is no extra cost to enable Planview.Me. More information on how to enable can be found here:
Is the underlying tables and connections getting updated in the user management modernization Yes/No, We're making some performance improvements and simplifying how it works but we're not rebuilding it from the ground up. We're also looking at open defects we have for user management as well.
When will we be able to pull EA items (applications, capabilities, software technology) into Planview Roadmaps Enterprise? We're currently working on adopting Planview Admin which is a requirement for our connection to Roadmaps. We're still a bit out for that but we'll make sure to update in the customer webinar and earlier in our Inner Circle groups when we'll be getting there. Once we're on PV Admin, then we plan on assessing how to make the connection between EA and Roadmaps possible!
if we have a "Saved Filter" can we then "Download in Excel" only what is being filtered and not the entire board? The download board function does not currently take the filter options into account, however this is something we could look into a bit further down the line as we have that behaviour applied in other areas.
When you say project governance integration for OKRs, do you mean being able to add new OKRs/OKR information during the lifecycle of a project? It will be able to define OKRs for projects so you can incorporate that in your steering meetings. But this isn't tied to the lifecycle, but that is great item for me to consider!
Is Planview looking into the ability to duplicate OKRs from one board to another? Yes! It is on our roadmap to make it easier to manage OKRs across boards/strategies
Is there any appetite to have the ability to hide the current date line? I got this feedback for when exporting to presentations, that line is intrusive and not as relevant. Thanks! Thank you for your feedback. I'll consider the ability to show/hide that date line.
so the target April means it will be launched with the April release or sometime in the month of April, potentially in the May release? Product offerings like AgilePlace, ProjectPlace, OKR's, Roadmaps, Planview.Me do not necessarily have versions like Portfolios so for those multi-tenant non-versioned services we're releasing throughout a month where Portfolios will have GA dates communicated. Hope that helps with why some slides show "mid April" where Portfolios is either April 2024 release or May 2024 for example. The April release notes will be updated with the actual GA date as soon as it is established, please watch your release notes!
Hi Dominique - when will the Filter capability be enabled in Planview Roadmaps for Enterprise? I didn't bring that up because we will roll out filters in phases. The first phase (filter by name and dates) targeting June, with more filters available in the subsequent months.
Will last week's Product Roadmap webinar recording be available on CSC? Absolutely! It was actually just added to the Webinars page:
Any plans to get back to in person Accelerate Conferences? We are looking into the possibility of an in person conference for 2025!
Apologies if this is not the right forum, but is Sentiment Analysis considered for the Strategies attributes? i believe currently is fixed only for Work attributes.  Totally fine to ask here, and currently it is not on the roadmap, please submit this as an idea in enhancement campaign:
Do you have any beginners trainning We offer a variety of training options. Many of the Public Training Classes focus on admins, but we offer foundational learning on-demand through the Univeristy of Planview as well as select live classes.
Do we need to update our PowerBI 2022 version when you update the report server to 2024? I know we had to request access to an earlier version in order to load the canned dashboards. After updating the report server, report designers or PowerBI content creators can download the January 2024 version of PowerBI desktop for Report Server from the Analytics and Reporting page on the CSC​​